Digital Logos Edition
The Baker Preaching Collection has been compiled to provide the preacher and church leader with practical and relevant advice for preaching God’s Word to today’s congregations. Each author approaches the subject with years of training and practice in the field. Their perspectives will challenge the pastor to preach the Bible in a more engaging and effective manner. This collection combines practical instruction and actual sermon models to instruct and demonstrate biblical preaching.
The Logos edition of these masterful works on preaching is fully searchable and easily accessible. Scripture passages link directly to your English translations and Greek and Hebrew texts, and important theological concepts link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library.
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Haddon Robinson’s method as presented in Biblical Preaching is employed in 12 expository messages with accompanying comments on each by the editor and interviews with each preacher.
Biblical Sermons provides greater substance and meaning to an appropriate approach to expository preaching.
—Gerald Mathisen, Moody Bible Institute
This volume is the flesh and blood which brings life to the skeleton in Biblical Preaching. Its clear and constructive content is both an intellectual and devotional experience.
—William McRae, president emeritus, Tyndale University College and Theological Seminary
Haddon W. Robinson, PhD, is the Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. His book, Biblical Preaching, has sold more than 200,000 copies and has been used extensively in Bible colleges and seminaries since 1980.
John Piper contends that preaching is not simply an exercise in motivational speaking. The goal of preaching is to worship God and proclaim him as Supreme. It is God’s desire to be glorified through the preacher, and the aim of the preacher is to respond accordingly. The Supremacy of God in Preaching is not another “how-to” guide for the pulpit ministry, but is a challenge issued toward every preacher to elevate the God of the Bible through sound biblical preaching.
Calls us back to a biblical standard for preaching, as standard exemplified by many of the pulpit giants of the past, especially Jonathan Edwards and Charles Spurgeon.
—Warren W. Wiersbe, general director, Back to the Bible
Here’s a book that every preacher should read at least once a year. The book is a powerful antidote to the unbalanced, self-centered preaching of today.
—Erwin W. Lutzer, senior pastor, The Moody Church, Chicago
John Piper (DTheol, University of Munich), is the pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis and founder of Desiring God Ministries.
Many in ministry see preaching and church leadership as separate responsibilities. “Most writing on Christian leadership omits preaching, and most books on preaching leave out leadership,” observes Michael Quicke. But effective Christian ministry requires preachers to rediscover leadership through preaching. By adapting a workable and realistic leadership model, Quicke shows how preaching is the main vehicle for leading congregational change.
If you feel your preaching responsibilities get in the way of your leadership, prepare to be challenged. If you feel your leadership responsibilities get in the way of your preaching, prepare to be challenged. 360-Degree Leadership argues persuasively that leadership and preaching are two sides of the same gold coin.
—Craig Brian Larson, editor,
I’ve been waiting for this book. With warmth and wisdom, Quicke shows us how to bring preaching and leadership together.
—Kevin Mill, vice president, Christianity Today International
Michael J. Quicke is C. W. Koller Professor of Preaching and Communication at Northern Seminary in Lombard, Illinois, and preaches and lectures across the world.
With 360-Degree Preaching, veteran preacher Michael Quicke brings expository preaching to a postmodern world. As someone who preaches every Sunday, he has witnessed the transforming power of preaching first hand for over 30 years. As he teaches students and pastors the art of preaching, his goal is to encourage preachers and those who train to be preachers.
[Quicke] challenges a popular metaphor for preaching, suggests a better alternative, and encourages preachers. The result is a book that takes seriously the challenges of preaching in the 21st century but faces them with a hopefulness rooted in God’s character and activity.
—Evangelical Homiletics Society
Michael Quicke has written a comprehensive and practical guide to developing sermons. Throughout, his clear voice, engaging personality, honest mind, and deep passion for the gospel are present.
—Thomas G. Long, Brandy Professor of Preaching, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
Michael J. Quicke is C. W. Koller Professor of Preaching and Communication at Northern Seminary in Lombard, Illinois, and preaches and lectures across the world.
This complete guide to expository preaching teaches the basics of preparation, organization, and delivery—the trademarks of great preaching. With the help of charts and creative learning exercises, Chapell shows how expository preaching can reveal the redemptive aims of Scripture and offers a comprehensive approach to the theory and practice of preaching. He also provides help for special preaching situations.
This is the best book on expository preaching I have read since Haddon Robinson’s Biblical Preaching. . . [It] will be in the classrooms and on the desks of preachers for years to come.
—Timothy S. Warren, Bibliotheca Sacra
This is an outstanding tool for students of homiletics. It is the best I have seen on this subject. The book crystallizes the essence of expository preaching and presents clear, transferable principles for preaching effectively. The book itself is structured in a lucid, readable format.
—R. C. Sproul, founder and chairman, Ligonier Ministries
Bryan Chapell is distinguished professor of preaching at Knox Theological Seminary. He preaches and lectures in churches and seminaries all over the world and has authored several books including Using Illustrations to Preach with Power.
Craig Blomberg demonstrates how the structure of a parable is key to its interpretation and thus to its exposition. He shows how a parable, when properly contemporized, can be a powerful rhetorical device. He also illustrates how recognizing the elements of the parable that were atypical to everyday life can lead to key insights that will be of significance to contemporary parishioners. Each of the 15 exemplary sermons is accompanied by an analysis that points out key interpretive decisions.
Craig Blomberg is a superb teacher and expert on the parables. Here he effectively combines both gifts. This book discusses how to preach the parables and gives a wonderful sample of sermons with explanations about how to proceed. I can’t imagine a more helpful pastoral and homiletical guide to the perplexing world of parables. Highly recommended.
—Darrell Bock, research professor of New Testament studies and professor of spiritual development and culture, Dallas Theological Seminary
Jesus’ parables are endlessly intriguing. But pastors don’t find them easy going—far too often we get mired in clichés and moralisms. Blomberg’s venture into these classic texts is a welcome antidote to pulpit fatigue. His sermons themselves are fresh and personal; his accompanying commentary on how he came to preach them the way he does is on-the-job training for making honest gospel sermons from the stories Jesus told.
—Eugene H. Peterson, professor emeritus of spiritual theology, Regent College
Craig L. Blomberg (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is a distinguished professor of New Testament at Denver Seminary, where he has taught for more than 15 years. He is the author or editor of more than 10 books, including Jesus and the Gospels and Interpreting the Parables.
Mathewson guides students and preachers through a 10-step process from text selection to sermon delivery. Mathewson then provides sample sermons and interviews of five individuals, including Alice Mathews and Haddon Robinson.
The Old Testament houses a wealth of powerful preaching material for those who know how to mine its depths and communicate its truth in an effective, relevant way. Steven D. Mathewson has provided the serious preacher and teacher of Old Testament narrative literature with an awesome guide in how to communicate the truths from the Old Testament to our contemporary generation.
—Tony Evans, president, Urban Alternative
Steve Mathewson knows why we don’t preach Old Testament narratives; he tells us why we should; and he describes how we can. His method is clear and inviting. He displays the highest standards of biblical scholarship without a hint of smugness. Steve pastors a rural church bursting at the seams and short on staff, yet he refuses to skimp on sermon preparation—which may be precisely why his church is bursting at the seams.
—David Hansen, senior pastor, Kenwood Baptist Church
Steven D. Mathewson (DMin, Gordon-Cronwell Theological Seminary) has taught at Montana Bible College and currently serves as the senior pastor of Dry Creek Bible Church in Belgrade, Montana.