Digital Logos Edition
Find precisely the words you need for any occasion with 300 Quotations for Preachers from the Puritans. Choosing a fitting quotation to share with your congregation—a task that can often take hours—will now take you minutes. In this resource you’ll find entries from more than 20 authors and works, including Richard Baxter, Thomas Brooks, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Manton, John Owen, Richard Sibbes, and more. Share the quotations with professionally designed slides—one to accompany each quotation.
300 Quotations for Preachers from the Puritans:
This curated collection of 300 quotations, which works with Proclaim and other presentation software, is organized by title, theme, and associated Scripture references. Every quotation includes a link to the original resource in your Logos library. Each quotation is just a few clicks away from being part of your sermon or message, edited to conform with modern English in a perfect length for preaching.
“From this greatness and immensity of God also your soul must reverently stay all its busy, bold inquiries, and know that God is to us, and to every creature, incomprehensible. If you could fathom or measure him, and know his greatness by a comprehensive knowledge, he were not God. A creature can comprehend nothing but a creature. You may know God, but not comprehend him; as your foot treads on the earth, but does not cover all the earth. The sea is not the sea, if you can hold it in a spoon.” (source)
“The face of death, and nearness of eternity, did much convince me what books to read, what studies to prefer and prosecute, what company and conversation to choose. It drove me early into the vineyard of the Lord, and taught me to preach as a dying man to dying men.” (source)
“The first and great work of a Christian is about his heart. There it is that God dwells by his Spirit, in his saints; and there it is that sin and Satan reign, in the ungodly. The great duties and the great sins are those of the heart. There is the root of good and evil: the tongue and life are but the fruits and expressions of that which dwells within.” (source)
“Use sin … as it will use you. Spare it not, for it will not spare you. It is your murderer, and the murderer of the world. Use it therefore as a murderer should be used. Kill it before it kills you; and then, though it kill your bodies, it shall not be able to kill your souls; and though it bring you to the grave, as it did your head, it shall not be able to keep you there. If the thoughts of death, and the grave, and rottenness, are not pleasant to you, do not let the thoughts of sin be pleasant. Listen to every temptation to sin as you would listen to a temptation to self-murder, and as you would do if the devil brought you a knife and tempted you to cut your throat with it; so do when he offers you the bait of sin.” (source)
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Elliot Ritzema served as an Old Testament editor for the Lexham English Bible. He is the editor of the Pastorum Series and the Spurgeon Commentary series, as well as a contributor to Faithlife Study Bible. He holds an MDiv from Regent College and is a regular contributor to Bible Study Magazine.
Elizabeth Vince is a coauthor of Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan and as an editor at Lexham Press, developed content for Faithlife Study Bible, Lexham Bible Dictionary, Bible Study Magazine, and Connect the Testaments. She is a regular contributor to Bible Study Magazine.
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