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SPCK Anglican Studies Collection (6 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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The SPCK Anglican Studies Collection includes a careful selection of books that are essential to a proper understanding of the beliefs and practices of Anglicanism. The titles in this collection include works on ecclesiology, devotion, theology, and ordination. Whether you are new to the tradition or a cradle Anglican, this collection will enrich your understanding of the Church and your relationship with God.

The Logos edition of the SPCK Anglican Studies collection is completely tagged, indexed, and links with the rest of your library. Get near-instant search results with a click. Scripture references appear on mouseover and a click takes you to the passage in context. Pull up books side by side for easy cross-referencing.

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Key Features

  • Essential works on Anglicanism
  • Includes classic and contemporary Anglican theology

Product Details

  • Title: SPCK Anglican Studies Collection
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • Volumes: 6
  • Pages: 1,445

Individual Titles

An Anglican Companion

  • Author: Christopher Cocksworth and Alan Wilkinson
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • Publication Date: 1996
  • Pages: 144

An Anglican Companion presents a unique collection of the most important prayers, poems, and readings at the heart of the Christian faith. Designed as a compact guide for the journey of life, it contains timeless classics, well-loved favorites, and fresh, unexpected modern material. An Anglican Companion is ideal for anyone wanting to explore and deepen their faith.

Christopher John Cocksworth is a Church of England bishop in the open evangelical tradition. He is the current (9th) Bishop of Coventry. He is the youngest serving diocesan bishop in the Church of England. He was consecrated as bishop in Southwark Cathedral, London, on July 3, 2008, and was enthroned on November 1, 2008. Prior to becoming bishop, he was the principal of Ridley Hall, Cambridge. He is the son-in-law of the Rt. Rev’d David Pytches, former diocesan Bishop of Chile, Bolivia, and Peru.

An Anglican Understanding of the Church: An Introduction, 2nd ed.

  • Author: Paul Avis
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Pages: 144

What is the Church? The Anglican answer to this question is clearly given in this short guide to the origins, structure, ministry, and values of the Churches of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Paul Avis explains and clarifies the history and theology involved. The reader is introduced to the concepts in a structured way, making the book clear to those who may be coming to these issues for the first time. It will also serve as an invaluable aide-mémoire and reference tool for the specialist, presenting a clear outline of the structure, form, function, disposition, and beliefs of the Church. Concise and informative, this is an ideal handbook and textbook.

The second edition has updated examples and refers to developments such as Fresh Expressions, women bishops, and the Anglican Covenant. It is more reader-friendly with questions for reflection or discussion, and suggestions for further reading.

Paul Avis is an Anglican priest, theologian and ecumenist. He was general secretary of the Church of England’s Council for Christian Unity from 1998 to 2011, and is currently theological consultant to the Anglican Communion Office, London. At the University of Exeter he is honorary professor of theology and director of the Centre for the Study of the Christian Church. Rev. Avis is also a chaplain to Her Majesty The Queen, canon theologian of Exeter Cathedral, and editor in chief of the journal Ecclesiology.

Richard Hooker on Anglican Faith and Worship

  • Author: Philip B. Secor
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 413

Richard Hooker (1554-1600) is the premier theologian of the Anglican religious tradition. Portions of his great apologia for Anglicanism, Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity—still required reading in most Anglican seminaries—has been seminal for most Anglican theologians since the early seventeenth century. Unfortunately, Hooker’s defining ideas about the Church, the sacraments, Holy Scripture, the incarnation, prayer, worship, the Trinity, church polity, and virtually every aspect of Anglican faith and worship are no longer accessible to most Christians. His writing style is too cumbersome for most modern readers to untangle. This is especially so of the most important of all of his religious writings: book five of the Polity. To remedy this problem, and make Hooker’s timeless wisdom once again available to Christians inside the Anglican family and without, Dr. Secor has rendered Hooker’s difficult prose in book five into contemporary English, continuing the process of translation begun in his acclaimed, The Sermons of Richard Hooker: A Modern Edition.

Philip B. Secor is one of the foremost experts on the writings of Richard Hooker. His is also the author of Richard Hooker: Prophet of Anglicanism and Richard Hooker and the Via Media.

The Christian Priest Today

  • Author: Michael Ramsey
  • Series: SPCK Classics
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 128

Of all the late Michael Ramsey’s many books, The Christian Priest Today is perhaps the best loved and most enduring. In this new edition, the central part remains unaltered and is composed of charges to ordination candidates, with an emphasis on the intellectual and devotional life of the minister in an increasingly self-sufficient world. The first chapter has been rewritten and two new chapters added to incorporate recent alterations in the life of the Church: the ministry of the laity, the theology of priesthood, and the roles of bishop and presbyter in the context of the practical meaning of divine vocation.

Michael Ramsey (1904–1988) was the 100th archbishop of Canterbury. He also served as archbishop of York, bishop of Durham, and president of the World Council of Churches. Ramsey was the regius professor of divinity at Cambridge University and an influential Anglican theologian. His portrait appeared on the cover of Time magazine, August 16, 1963, introducing coverage of “The Anglican communion: Worldly, Worldwide, Catholic, and Protestant.” A noted scholar, his other works include The Resurrection of Christ (1944), F.D. Maurice and the Conflicts of Modern Theology (1951), and From Gore to Temple (1960).

The Study of Anglicanism

  • Authors: Stephen Sykes and John Booty
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 536

In this authoritative volume, thirty-one of the world's leading Anglican scholars present the first sustained and thorough account of the history and ethos of the Churches of the Anglican Communion from the Anglican reform of the sixteenth century to its global witness today. Thoroughly revised, augmented, and updated, this new edition of The Study of Anglicanism offers a comprehensive interpretation of the character of Anglicanism—including its history, theology, worship, standards, and practices, and its future prospects worldwide. A fascinating and unique work, it remains the one indispensable key to this rich and pluriform heritage for both the general reader and the student.

Stephen Sykes is Bishop of Ely and former regius professor of divinity in the University of Cambridge.

John Booty is professor emeritus of Anglican Studies in the School of Theology at the University of the South.

Anglicanism Reimagined: An Honest Church?

  • Author: Andrew Shanks
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 128

In Anglicanism Reimagined, Andrew Shanks challenges all who are tempted to erect boundaries around their faith. Far more important than dogma and metaphysics, he argues, is the need to be open to all, and to engage with people who hold views at odds with our own. He shows how a commitment to this ideal can create fresh energy and new ways forward for the Church.

This is an irrepressibly hopeful book and an exhilarating read. Shanks believes that the Church should be a place of open conversation between radically different people who are asking: “Why am I what I am and what am I called to become?” He suggests that the Anglican Communion is uniquely—if precariously—positioned to be such a Church—and what needs to change if that is to happen. I find myself daring to believe that he’s right.

—Rosemary Lain-Priestley, dean of Women’s Ministry Diocese of London

Andrew Shanks is Maurice Reckitt Teaching Fellow in the Department of Religious Studies at Lancaster University. He has also worked as a school teacher in Ethiopia and Egypt, and as a Church of England parish priest in Leeds. His previous book, Hegel's Political Theology, was published in 1991.

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  1. Eric Hillegas

    Eric Hillegas

