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Products>Christians for Biblical Equality Collection (11 vols.)

Christians for Biblical Equality Collection (11 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Christians for Biblical Equality offers an egalitarian perspective on some of the most controversial yet fundamental concerns in the church today. The volumes included in this collection discuss gender roles in ministry, headship in relationships, historical female leaders of the Bible, and other key issues facing Christian men and women. Journals and books filled with biblical support and scholarly analysis make this collection essential to the modern Christian’s library.

The Logos Bible Software edition makes this resource even more relevant to your study of biblical manhood and womanhood. Perform comprehensive searches by topic to compare the perspectives of prominent theologians and scholars. Access your preferred translation by clicking on the Scripture reference within the article or book, saving time and adding depth to your research.

Want more from Christians for Biblical Equality? Order Mutuality Magazine (51 Issues)!

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Key Features

  • In-depth analysis of biblical gender identity
  • Both scholarly and narrative presentations of egalitarianism

Product Details

  • Title: Christians for Biblical Equality Collection
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Volumes: 11
  • Pages: 799

Individual Titles

Carrying On the Great Traditions: Rediscovering Strong Christian Women of History

  • Author: Jennifer Dunham
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 36

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

The rich history of the church is built upon the shoulders of countless women, most of whose stories are rarely told. The lives of such women testify to the Gospel’s power to shatter barriers that divide us by gender, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity. In Carrying On the Great Tradition, six heroines answer God’s call despite the costs. Their tenacity and sense of purpose inspires men and women alike.

Jennifer Dunham is a recent graduate of Bethel University, where she earned a BA in biblical and theological studies. She is currently on staff at Christians for Biblical Equality.

Correcting Caricatures: Revisiting the Biblical Ideal for Men and Women in Ministry

  • Editors: Tim Krueger, William David Spencer, and Megan Greulich
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 40

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Developed as a mailing to pastors, this special-edition journal, Correcting Caricatures, combines compelling personal stories and rigorous academic research to explore God’s ideal for women and men in ministry. In doing so, the articles respond to many of the common objections to mutual leadership in the church.

Articles include:

  • “A Long Walk on the Beach” by Anthony Parrott
  • “Correcting Caricatures: The Biblical Teaching on Women” by Walter C. Kaiser Jr.
  • “Hermeneutics in Pink and Blue” by Christiane Carlson-Thies
  • “First Timothy 2:12, the Ordination of Women, and Paul’s Use of Creation Narratives” by John Jefferson Davis
  • “Women in the New Testament: A Middle Eastern Cultural View” by Kenneth E. Bailey
  • “Reconciling Two Worlds” by Carole Eldridge

Tim Krueger studied history and theology at Bethel University. He is currently on staff at Christians for Biblical Equality.

William David Spencer is editor of Priscilla Papers, and a professor of theology and the arts at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Boston Center for Urban Ministerial Education.

Megan Greulich studied psychology and reconciliation studies at Bethel University. She is editor of Mutuality Magazine.

Empowering Women and Men to Use Their Gifts Together in Advancing the Gospel

  • Editor: Alvera Mickelsen
  • Series: Lausanne Occasional Papers
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Pages: 111

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume addresses the foundations for ministry partnerships around the world. The contributors offer biblical, theological, historical, sociological, and missiological support for empowering men and women’s shared ministry, and propose steps for engaging the spiritual gifts of women and men in service to Christ.

Articles include:

  • From the Editor: “Does Gender Matter in Advancing the Gospel?” by Alvera Mickelsen
  • “What Does Jesus Teach Us about Gender” by David Joel Hamilton
  • “A Map for Gender Reconciliation” by Jane Crane
  • “Paul and Women” by Mimi Haddad
  • “Abuse of Women” by Juliet Thomas
  • “Three Interpretations of What the Bible Teaches about Gender” by Kevin Giles

Alvera Mickelsen has been active in Christians for Biblical Equality since its inception. She taught for many years at Wheaton College and Graduate School, and Bethel University and Seminary. She has lectured in numerous churches and coauthored several books on biblical equality with her late husband, A. Berkeley Mickelsen.

Ideas Have Consequences

  • Editors: Tim Krueger, William David Spencer, and Megan Greulich
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Pages: 32

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Ideas Have Consequences explores the connection between religious teachings and gender injustices. Patriarchy has often been wrapped in religious clothing and described as a biblical ideal, thus granting divine justification for the abuse of women and girls. This journal exposes patriarchy as a misinterpretation of Scripture, and offers a glimpse at the abuse it has enabled in the name of Christ.

Articles include:

  • From the Editor: “Subverting Injustice” by Tim Krueger
  • “Refusing to Be Silent: An Interview with Pastor and Women’s Advocate José Vinces” by Mary Gonsior and Megan Greulich with translation by Colleen Beebe Purisaca
  • “Ideas Have Consequences” by Mimi Haddad
  • “A Consistent Witness: Christian Leaders Consider Religious Patriarchy and Social Justice” edited by Mimi Haddad and Tim Krueger
  • “On the Compatibility of Ontological Equality, Hierarchy, and Functional Distinctions” by Alan Myatt
  • “Submission and Aggression” by Adela Cristea

Tim Krueger studied history and theology at Bethel University. He is currently on staff at Christians for Biblical Equality.

William David Spencer is editor of Priscilla Papers, and a professor of theology and the arts at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Boston Center for Urban Ministerial Education.

Megan Greulich studied psychology and reconciliation studies at Bethel University. She is editor of Mutuality Magazine.

Male Authority in Context

  • Editors: J. Dwayne Howell and Tim Krueger
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 40

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In order to interpret the biblical text accurately, we must closely examine its background, our own context, and its implications in our world today. This special-edition journal is offered as a means to begin such a discussion as it concerns male authority in context.

Articles include:

  • “Editor’s Reflections” by J. Dwayne Howell
  • “Examining the Twelve Biblical Pillars of Male Hierarchy” by Philip B. Payne
  • “Galatians 3:28’s Application of Paul’s New Creation Teaching to the Status of Women in Christ” by Philip B. Payne
  • “The Orthodox Doctrine of the Trinity” by Kevin Giles
  • Book review by Arbutus Lichti-Sider of Why I Stayed by Gayle Haggard and Angela Hunt

J. Dwayne Howell is professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Campbellsville University, and pastor of Rolling Fork Baptist Church in Gleanings, Kentucky.

Tim Krueger studied history and theology at Bethel University. He is currently on staff at Christians for Biblical Equality.

Man, Woman, and the Triune God

  • Editors: William David Spencer and Megan Greulich
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Pages: 40

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This special-edition journal explores the effects of biblical equality on marriage, vocation, and self-esteem.

Articles include:

  • “The Cultural Context of Ephesians 5:18–6:9: Is There a Divinely Ordained Hierarchy in the Church and Home That Is Based on Gender Alone?” by Gordon D. Fee
  • “Gender Relations and the Biblical Drama” by Kenneth E. Bailey
  • “An Evangelical Statement on the Trinity” by William David Spencer
  • “An Evangelical Statement on the Trinity” by Stanley N. Gundry
  • “Reconciling Two Worlds” by Carole Eldridge
  • “A Bridge to Meaning and Ministry” by Kate A. Johnson
  • “The New Evangelical Subordinationism: Reading Inequality into the Trinity” by Phillip Carey

William David Spencer is editor of Priscilla Papers, and a professor of theology and the arts at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Boston Center for Urban Ministerial Education.

Megan Greulich studied psychology and reconciliation studies at Bethel University. She is editor of Mutuality Magazine.

No Time for Silence: Evangelical Women in Public Ministry around the Turn of the Century

  • Author: Janette Hassey
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 254

No Time for Silence documents evangelical women who taught at Bible institutes, preached at conferences, served at local churches, and led revivals more than 100 years ago. Debate over women’s public ministry tends to focus on biblical and theological issues while ignoring church history. Janette Hassey counters the popular but misleading claim that evangelical feminism is simply an accommodation to recent secular feminist and theologically liberal movements for women’s rights. Since the mid–nineteenth century, those who endorsed women’s public ministry were convinced that a literal approach to the Bible, and especially prophecy, demanded such leadership by women.

Janette Hassey earned an MA in New Testament theology from Denver Seminary and a PhD in history of Christianity from the University of Chicago Divinity School. She is ordained by the Christus Victor Church, and works in church and school ministry. Hassey has been a visiting instructor in church history at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

Partners in Marriage and Ministry

  • Author: Ronald W. Pierce
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Pages: 120

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Does the Bible prescribe gender roles for men and women? Are men uniquely called to exercise authority in marriage and church ministry? Is submission for women only, or has God created us to live together in a partnership? Partners in Marriage and Ministry answers these questions by clearly presenting what the Bible teaches about understanding gender, building a strong and intimate marriage, and serving God in ministry.

Ronald W. Pierce earned a PhD from Fuller Theological Seminary and has taught biblical studies and theology at Biola University since 1976. He is coeditor of Discovering Biblical Equality: Complementarity without Hierarchy.

Studies on Biblical Equality: 12 Lesson Outlines for Personal or Group Study

  • Authors: A. Berkeley Mickelsen and Alvera Mickelsen
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 44

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Studies on Biblical Equality includes outlines for 12 lessons designed to aid readers in understanding Scripture passages regarding gender identity. Lessons address various topics, such as women in the Old and New Testaments, the meaning of headship, roles in marriage, Jesus’ attitude toward the sexes, and more.

A. Berkeley Mickelsen (1920–1990) was professor of New Testament at Wheaton College Graduate School, and professor emeritus of New Testament interpretation at Bethel Theological Seminary. He authored several books, including Abuse and Remedy and Interpreting the Bible, which remains a standard text in many seminaries.

Alvera Mickelsen has been active in Christians for Biblical Equality since its inception. She taught for many years at Wheaton College and Graduate School, and Bethel University and Seminary. She has lectured in numerous churches and coauthored several books on biblical equality with her late husband, A. Berkeley Mickelsen.

The Deception of Eve and the Ontology of Women

  • Editors: William David Spencer and Megan Greulich
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 40

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This special-edition journal, developed for the Evangelical Theological Society, offers a biblical, theological, and practical challenge to the idea that women are inferior beings and should therefore hold roles of submission to men.

Articles include:

  • “Editor’s Reflections” by William David Spencer
  • “Incarnation, Trinity, and the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood” by John Jefferson Davis
  • “On the Compatibility of Ontological Equality, Hierarchy, and Functional Distinctions” by Alan Myatt
  • “Fully Human: A Pastor and Counselor Responds to Pornography” by Gerald Ford
  • “Authentic Masculinity; Authentic Relationships: Reflections for Couples” by Jennifer and Luke Reynalds
  • “The View from the Pulpit: Honest Advice from Women in Ministry” edited by Megan Greulich

William David Spencer is editor of Priscilla Papers, and a professor of theology and the arts at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Boston Center for Urban Ministerial Education.

Megan Greulich studied psychology and reconciliation studies at Bethel University. She is editor of Mutuality Magazine.

Still Side by Side

  • Author: Janet George
  • Publisher: Christians for Biblical Equality
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 42

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Still Side by Side is an introduction to biblical equality. Each chapter is introduced with a question and brief answer, followed by a more in depth explanation. It is a valuable resource for individuals or groups who are seeking answers to the questions surrounding gender and the church.

Still Side by Side is an excellent brief summary of the case for biblical equality.

—Alvera Mickelsen, founding member, Christians for Biblical Equality

Still Side by Side is a powerful and concise remedy to the confusion, shallow reading of Scripture, and gender prejudice that weakens the church’s ministry and witness in the world. A great book for individual or group study, Still Side by Side is a helpful resource to the gender questions that many churches today must address.

—Mimi Haddad, president, Christians for Biblical Equality

Janet George has served on the board of directors of Christians for Biblical Equality and is the Spiritual Director for The Enlighten Foundation.


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