Digital Logos Edition
Grow in your knowledge of the faith while learning how to defend it with the Catholic Answers Collection. These 21 titles will give you a better understanding of some of the most important and controversial Church teachings, including those regarding divorce, sex, Mary, and the Bible. Getting a firmer grasp on these issues will allow you to engage in discussion and answer difficult questions. Moreover, it will help deepen your own faith and, consequently, grow in your knowledge and love of Christ and His Church.
You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.
Looking for the perfect tool to help you evangelize non-Catholics?
Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth is a powerful yet concise booklet that clearly defines the core beliefs of the Catholic faith. Each topic is easy to read and easy to understand. And everything is cross-referenced to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and supported by Sacred Scripture. At 34 pages, Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth is packed with information about the Catholic Church and God’s plan for us.
Learn the origins of the Bible and trace the role of the Catholic Church in compiling, preserving, and revering the Bible throughout history in Where We Got the Bible. Bishop Henry Graham refutes charges that the Catholic Church is somehow opposed to Scripture. This edition also includes Bishop Graham’s conversion story—a compelling account of how this Calvinist minister was drawn to the Catholic faith and eventually became a bishop. If you love the written word of God, you owe it to yourself to read this book and learn about the Bible’s history—and the Church’s important role in preserving and promoting (not opposing) sacred Scripture.
Henry Graham was brought up a Calvinist in Scotland, became a minister, but found himself irresistibly drawn to Catholicism, became a priest, and eventually became a bishop.
When our Catholic faith is challenged, we all struggle with these questions. In Nothing But the Truth, Karl Keating explores the conflict in a series of essays. He leavens history, theology, and apologetics with his characteristic wit and candor as he shares accounts of our faith on trial and how he and others respond to each challenge. Readers are treated to a roller coaster ride that carries them from John Henry Newman to Ayn Rand, from Japan to Keating’s own backyard in San Diego. Once again, Karl Keating has provided readers with something that is as informative as it is entertaining, and as practically useful as it is inspiring.
Karl Keating is the founder and president of Catholic Answers, one of the largest lay-run apologetics and evangelization organizations in the world. He is a popular public speaker and guest columnist for a number of respected publications, including the National Catholic Register. He is the author of books such as Catholicism and Fundamentalism and What Catholics Really Believe. Keating is the founder of This Rock magazine, for which he serves as publisher. Each week, he fields call-in questions on the Catholic Answers Live radio program.
Catholic apologetics is back. It’s everywhere. As a professional apologist, Mark Brumley sees this renaissance as an immensely good thing—an essential part of the Church’s evangelical mission. Even so, grave dangers attend the apologetics renaissance. Some of them are so serious that, left unaddressed, they threaten to undermine the good apologetics can accomplish. Brumley calls these dangers the seven deadly sins of Catholic apologetics and evangelization. Like the seven deadly sins of the moral life, they are deadly not merely as isolated, individual acts but as vices or evil habits—habitual tendencies to act in a certain way. In this volume, Brumley exposes them for you.
Mark Brumley was raised without a specific faith or religious exposure and began a long spiritual journey that led him through several Protestant denominations to arrive finally at the Catholic Church in 1980. Since then, he has taught and lectured about the faith in a wide range of forums, including as an adjunct professor for the Institute for Pastoral Theology of Ave Maria University. He is an editor at Ignatius Press, and serves as general editor of the Ignatius Catholic Encyclopedia of Apologetics.
Being Catholic isn’t easy. In fact, it’s just gotten harder. With the recent election of our current pope, a new wave of attacks is under way by the enemies of the Catholic Church. From this point forward, every Catholic will come face-to-face with vicious anti-Catholic attacks. Here at Catholic Answers, the most effective products for countering attacks and clearing up misunderstandings have been our tracts. They’ve been around since the beginning of the apostolate and have resulted in many thousands of conversions. These tracts provide a real point of contact for someone in discovering the truths of the Catholic faith. We’ve decided to compile 70 of the best tracts into one cohesive, comprehensive book that can be used by anyone, anytime, anywhere to defend the Catholic faith.
The Essential Catholic Survival Guide is indexed according to topic in a unique question-and-answer format that allows the reader to find the right answer to any question instantly. It covers the questions and misconceptions people have about the Catholic faith on a variety of topics, including:
It’s the essence of Catholic apologetics—all rolled up into one attractive, easy-to-use manual that is destined to become the most effective tool of its kind.
The Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds are prayers most Catholics take for granted. We pray them by rote when we say the rosary or go to Mass—often without thinking about or fully understanding what we’re saying. Providing you with this understanding is what the Faith for Beginners is all about. It’s a fascinating romp through the history of the Creeds, closely examining what we believe and why—with reference to the Scripture, the Church Fathers, and Church councils.
Stephen K. Ray is a convert to the Catholic Church and the author of several best-selling books, including Crossing the Tiber. He is a regular guest on Catholic Answers Live and has appeared on many other radio and TV programs, including Fox News. He is writer, producer and host of the 10-part video/DVD series The Footprints of God: the Story of Salvation from Abraham to Augustine. A father of four, he owns a business in Michigan where he lives with his wife and two younger daughters.
Dennis Walters is a native of California. He spent eight years in seminary there before earning a PhD in literature at Michigan State University. He is currently pursuing a degree in theological studies and is a candidate for ordination to the Permanent Deaconate. He has taught at the high school and university levels and is currently RCIA director at Christ the King Parish in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
“We have come to believe in God’s love; in these words the Christian can express the fundamental decision of his life.” So begins the first encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est. To help every Catholic understand the content and significance of this first encyclical of our new pope, Jimmy Akin has constructed a guide covering both the issues surrounding the nature of a papal encyclical in general, and what this particular encyclical tells us. You’ll learn why Benedict chose to write on the subject of God’s love, what crises he is addressing, how he explains love in the encyclical, and much more. If you want a firm grasp of these truths, be sure to read this helpful guide!
Jimmy Akin was born in Texas and raised in Arkansas. He grew up nominally Protestant but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant pastor or seminary professor, Jimmy started an intensive study of the Bible, but the more he immersed himself in Scripture, the more he found it to support the Catholic faith. Eventually, he was compelled in conscience to enter the Catholic Church, which he did in 1992. His conversion story, A Triumph and a Tragedy, is published in the book Surprised by Truth. Jimmy is director of apologetics and evangelization at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to This Rock magazine, a weekly guest on the global radio program Catholic Answers Live, and the author of several books, including Mass Confusion: The Do’s and Don’ts of Catholic Worship and The Salvation Controversy.
If you’ve ever been asked about your belief in the Eucharist, you know how hard it can be to clearly explain the Real Presence. You’ll get questions like:
The fact is, though all Christians profess a belief in Jesus Christ, only Catholics believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. It’s a fact that’s quite disturbing to many Protestants—even to some Catholics. What can the Real Presence mean? How is it possible?
In The Hidden Jesus, you’ll find the answer to these and other questions such as:
Learn how to explain and defend the truth of the Eucharist with The Hidden Jesus.
Kenneth J. Howell is director of the John Henry Cardinal Newman Institute of Catholic Thought and adjunct associate professor of religious studies at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, where he teaches classes on the history, theology, and philosophy of Catholicism. A Presbyterian minister for 18 years and a theological professor in a Protestant seminary for seven years, Dr. Howell’s own reading on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist started him on a six-year journey that eventually led him to Catholicism. He has authored several books, including God’s Two Books: Copernican Cosmology and Biblical Interpretation in Early Modern Science and Why Mary?.
In this easy-to-read, concise booklet, you’ll find the most important passages from Cardinal Ratzinger’s books, essays, papers, speeches, and public statements on Catholic theology, morality, and the role of the Church in the world today. It also answers the spurious charges made against him and uses his past writings to give a fascinating look at Ratzinger.
Jimmy Akin was born in Texas and raised in Arkansas. He grew up nominally Protestant but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant pastor or seminary professor, Jimmy started an intensive study of the Bible, but the more he immersed himself in Scripture, the more he found it to support the Catholic faith. Eventually, he was compelled in conscience to enter the Catholic Church, which he did in 1992. His conversion story, A Triumph and a Tragedy, is published in the book Surprised by Truth. Jimmy is director of apologetics and evangelization at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to This Rock magazine, a weekly guest on the global radio program Catholic Answers Live, and the author of several books, including Mass Confusion: The Do’s and Don’ts of Catholic Worship and The Salvation Controversy.
As the head of the Catholic Church, the pope is the leader of the faithful. But for non-Catholics, the papacy is one of the most difficult aspects of Catholicism. “Why does the Catholic Church have a pope?” “Is his authority legitimate?” From often-misunderstood concepts such as papal infallibility to the unbroken and irrefutable connection between Peter and today’s pope, this guide will provide you with the answers to common difficulties. You’ll find detailed and fascinating explanations of the evolution of papal responsibilities, the history of the office, and the vital importance of the Holy Father throughout 2000 years of history—especially in today’s world. You’ll also learn:
Stephen K. Ray is a convert to the Catholic Church and the author of several best-selling books, including Crossing the Tiber. He is a regular guest on Catholic Answers Live and has appeared on many other radio and TV programs, including Fox News. He is writer, producer and host of the 10-part video/DVD series The Footprints of God: the Story of Salvation from Abraham to Augustine. A father of four, he owns a business in Michigan where he lives with his wife and two younger daughters.
Dennis Walters is a native of California. He spent eight years in seminary there before earning a PhD in literature at Michigan State University. He is currently pursuing a degree in theological studies and is a candidate for ordination to the Permanent Deaconate. He has taught at the high school and university levels and is currently RCIA director at Christ the King Parish in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
While all Christians—and even people of other faiths—agree that Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, her role beyond this is not as clear. In Why Mary?, you will come to understand why it is our Christian duty to venerate Mary as both the first Christian and the Mother of our Savior. From Mary’s perpetual virginity to her bodily Assumption into heaven, this guide will provide you with explanations—drawn from Scripture and Church Tradition—of the four Marian Dogmas, as well as Mary’s role as spiritual Mother of the world.
Kenneth J. Howell is director of the John Henry Cardinal Newman Institute of Catholic Thought and adjunct associate professor of religious studies at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, where he teaches classes on the history, theology, and philosophy of Catholicism. A Presbyterian minister for eighteen years and a theological professor in a Protestant seminary for seven years, Dr. Howell’s own reading on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist started him on a six year journey that eventually led him to Catholicism. He has authored several books, including God's Two Books: Copernican Cosmology and Biblical Interpretation in Early Modern Science and Why Mary?.
Reasons for Our Hope: A Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke is designed as a 39-week study and is great for either personal or group study. It comes with fill-in-the-blank exercises (along with an answer key) that cross-references other books in the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. These exercises will help you learn each lesson better and increase your familiarity with both Scripture and the Catechism. The book also includes a suggested format for group study, questions to use in a group setting, and important guidance on the best ways to lead and/or host a weekly Bible study. It also includes a beginning Bible reading plan with simple ways to get more out of your Scripture study, including four questions to ask whenever you read Scripture. You’ll also find a suggested format for a daily Scripture reading journal. Whether you’re new to the Bible or have been reading it for years, using Reasons for Our Hope to delve deeper into the Scriptures will be a life-changing experience—one that will help you grow in your love of God, develop an unshakable faith in God’s providence, and find a level of inner peace, joy, and happiness you’ve only imagined in the past.
Rosalind Moss entered the Catholic Church at Easter 1995 after 18 years of Evangelical Protestantism. Her initial conversion took her from a 15-year business career as a successful executive with corporations in New York and California to full-time evangelical ministry, earning a master’s degree in ministry from Talbot Theological Seminary. Now a staff apologist at Catholic Answers, Rosalind travels around the world speaking and teaching at parishes and conferences. Rosalind is a frequent radio guest on Catholic Answers Live, and, with Kristine Franklin, co-hosts a 16-week series for EWTN entitled Household of Faith.
Confused about annulments? Think they’re just a Catholic divorce in disguise? Many people have questions about annulments but aren’t sure where to turn for the answers. Jimmy Akin, director of apologetics for Catholic Answers, has taken on the task of providing a concise, understandable booklet about annulments, written in question-and-answer format. Whether your question is a basic one or delves into a more specific case, Akin covers the broad range of issues that fall under the topic of annulments. His brief overview will give you a clear understanding of what is involved in annulments, including the basics, the grounds for annulments, the concerns people have, and particular cases. Inside, you’ll learn the answers to such questions as:
Find the answers to these and many other questions in this accessible booklet on annulments. A valuable reference guide!
Jimmy Akin was born in Texas and raised in Arkansas. He grew up nominally Protestant but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant pastor or seminary professor, Jimmy started an intensive study of the Bible, but the more he immersed himself in Scripture, the more he found it to support the Catholic faith. Eventually, he was compelled in conscience to enter the Catholic Church, which he did in 1992. His conversion story, A Triumph and a Tragedy, is published in the book Surprised by Truth. Jimmy is director of apologetics and evangelization at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to This Rock magazine, a weekly guest on the global radio program Catholic Answers Live, and the author of several books, including Mass Confusion: The Do’s and Don’ts of Catholic Worship and The Salvation Controversy.
The Fathers Know Best: Your Essential Guide to the Teachings of the Early Church is a unique resource. It introduces you to the teachings of the first Christians in a way no other work can. It is specially designed to make it easy for you to find the information you want and need. Amazing features in this fact-packed book include:
This groundbreaking work presents the teachings of the early Christians in a way unlike any other book. It flings open the doors of the crucial but little-known age covering the birth of Christianity and the triumphant march of the gospel throughout the ancient world.
We are particularly blessed by this release of Jimmy Akin’s superbly compiled synopsis of the writings of the early Church Fathers. There are other works, but Akin’s finely selected and categorized collection provides a far more accessible introduction to the early Christians.
—Marcus Grodi, president of The Coming Home Network and host of EWTN’s The Journey Home
Jimmy Akin was born in Texas and raised in Arkansas. He grew up nominally Protestant but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant pastor or seminary professor, Jimmy started an intensive study of the Bible, but the more he immersed himself in Scripture, the more he found it to support the Catholic faith. Eventually, he was compelled in conscience to enter the Catholic Church, which he did in 1992. His conversion story, A Triumph and a Tragedy, is published in the book Surprised by Truth. Jimmy is director of apologetics and evangelization at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to This Rock magazine, a weekly guest on the global radio program Catholic Answers Live, and the author of several books, including Mass Confusion: The Do’s and Don’ts of Catholic Worship and The Salvation Controversy.
For Catholics, marriage isn’t just an institution, it’s a sacrament. In fact, almost 10 percent of the Code of Canon Law covers issues pertaining to marriage. But even if you don’t have the time to study all 111 marriage-related canons in the Church’s law books, you can still learn the ropes without getting tangled in them. Catholic Answers’ new book, 101 Quick Questions with Catholic Answers: Marriage, Divorce, and Annulment, is designed to help you. This book distills into one volume the many questions on marriage that have been asked and answered in the pages of Catholic Answers premier magazine on apologetics and evangelization, This Rock.
Selected and introduced by Catholic Answers staff apologist Jim Blackburn, the book aims to help Catholics fully understand the Catholic Church’s teaching and laws concerning marriage so that you can be assured of always treating marriage with the dignity and respect that God originally intended for this sacred institution. This book will serve as a simple introduction to the Catholic truth about this vital and sacred institution. In 101 Quick Questions with Catholic Answers: Marriage, Divorce, and Annulment, you’ll learn:
Jim Backburn is a Catholic Answers staff apologist. A cradle-Catholic born and raised in southern Illinois, he is a graduate of Southern Illinois University. He had studied Catholicism and other faiths for many years as an amateur apologist before going on the 2003 Catholic Answers apologetics cruise. After the cruise, he felt called to leave his career of nearly 20 years in the mortgage industry and to become a full-time apologist. In addition to supervising the Q&A department at Catholic Answers, Jim also is a columnist for This Rock magazine, a regular guest on the Catholic Answers Live radio program, and the author of 101 Quick Questions with Catholic Answers: Marriage, Divorce, and Annulment. Jim is an accomplished musician and he enjoys birding in his spare time.
In a world where modern culture treats sexuality as a theme park for adults instead of as a gift given to man and woman to share in the context of love and marriage, the Catholic Church remains steadfast in its work as steward of Christ’s teachings and continues to guide the world in the truths of human sexuality. In 101 Quick Questions with Catholic Answers: Sexuality, Catholic Answers’ staff apologist Peggy Frye presents a sort of “greatest hits” of questions on sexuality and, in the process, covers a great deal of ground on this often complex and always contentious portion of Church teaching. Serving as a simple introduction to the Catholic truths on the subject of human sexuality, this book will be your secret weapon against what Pope Benedict XIV calls the “tyranny of relativism” as Frye and company show you why the Church teaches so strongly about the procreative powers.
In 101 Quick Questions with Catholic Answers: Sexuality, you’ll learn:
Peggy Frye has been on the staff of Catholic Answers Inc., an apostolate dedicated to the defense of the Catholic Faith, since 1995. Formally an Evangelical Christian, she entered the Catholic Church in 1991.
Where is that in the Bible? Fundamentalists and many other Protestants use this question all the time, particularly when they’re dealing with Catholics. When they are being trained how to talk with Catholics, Fundamentalist evangelizers are taught to use this question. They see it as the master key to defeating Catholics. Too often, it’s just that. Countless Catholics are absolutely stumped by the question and don’t know what to say in response. This is a very important principle in Protestant thought. It’s the idea that we should do our theology by Scripture alone. It even has a fancy Latin name Sola Scriptura. It’s time for Catholics to stop being beaten up with the Fundamentalists’ favorite question. That’s why Catholic Answers has published the book 100 Biblical Arguments against Sola Scriptura by well-known apologist Dave Armstrong. This powerful new book contains just that: biblical arguments.
Dave Armstrong is a Catholic apologist and author (convert from evangelical Protestantism in 1991). His conversion story is in Surprised by Truth (1994). He’s been published in The Catholic Answer, This Rock, Envoy, and other periodicals. Dave’s many radio appearances include Catholic Answers Live and Faith & Family Live.
From the Mayans to Martin Luther to modern doomsday preachers, there’s a long list of people who predicted the end of the age and got it wrong. Does Jesus belong on that list? After all, in the Gospel of Matthew he seems to indicate the end will come within a generation, yet many generations have now passed and the world is still around. Was he mistaken, then, and was the early Church fooled by his mistake into expecting the second coming in the first century? In What Jesus Really Said about the End of the World, David Currie, author of Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic, examines Christ’s end-times prophecies in an attempt to get to the bottom of this profoundly important question. Using the tools of biblical scholarship, the wisdom of the Church Fathers, and Old Testament history and typology, he presents a fascinating and highly readable interpretation of Jesus words echoed by St. Paul and other early Christians that harmonizes with Catholic tradition and resoundingly answers the charge that Christ predicted an end that never came. In so doing, he rebuts both skeptics and many Evangelical Christians while giving comfort to other Christians, who have been confused or embarrassed by this seeming blow to Christ’s credibility. Currie also unlocks the most important message behind Jesus prophecies and warnings, which is not to inspire fearful calculations about the day and hour but to remind us that our own end will surely come, so we must be always ready. Let us not look for signs to be troubled by, the Lord says to us, but instead trust in his mercy and power.
If the prevailing skepticism of our time has unsettled your faith, David Currie will restore your confidence in Christ’s teaching about the future.
—Curtis Mitch, compiler of Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: New Testament
A tour de force of exegetical scholarship that gives compelling interpretations of Gospel predictions concerning the end times.
—Fr. Peter Marmenio, author of three textbooks in the Didache Theology series
David Currie grew up a preacher’s kid and attended a Protestant seminary. After years of investigating biblical and theological questions, he was finally received, along with his family, into the Catholic Church. He is a best-selling author and popular speaker, a research fellow with the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, and frequent guest on Catholic radio and television.
With her latest release, Converts and Kingdoms, historian Diane Moczar has written a marvelous book about great converts who changed not just the Church, but also the destiny of human civilization. In her accessible and easy-to-read style, she makes history come alive. Mere centuries after its beginning as an obscure Jewish sect, the Catholic Church stormed the ancient Western world, and from its Roman remnants and barbarian tribes, a united Christendom was forged. How do we explain this remarkable success? And what can we learn from it? In Converts and Kingdoms, Professor Moczar tells the story of early Christianity’s faith, courage, and cunning, chronicling the labors of missionaries and martyrs (with no small help from Providence) to spread the gospel and lay the foundation for the most magnificent culture human history has ever known. With her stirring narrative style, Dr. Moczar reveals a young Church ardently occupied with the great work of conversion: with saints and generals, priests and kings alike filled with zeal to make disciples of all nations. From the Roman temples at the heart of the old world to the Aztec altars on the border posts of the new, you will encounter heroic tales of the nascent faith, including:
Within these pages you will find not only the story of the Church’s early missionary efforts, but also an analysis of why they succeeded, providing you valuable lessons for re-evangelizing a modern West that has slipped into a new and insidious form of paganism. Read Converts and Kingdoms today to be inspired by the convert-makers of the past, and to learn from them how to win the world anew for Christ.
The problem: knowledge of our history as a nation, a civilization, a Church, is desperately needed for informed action in the world today, but most people will not read the relatively inaccessible historical scholarship of recent decades. The solution: serious historians who are able to pack historical substance into appealing stories. Diana Moczar has been doing this for Catholics. Her latest, Converts and Kingdoms, recounts the extraordinary tales of courage, conviction, and—sometimes—corruption that explain the forming and the weakening of the centuries-long bond between Western civilization and Christianity. Our faith is a precious heritage, a fact that we can only appreciate fully by plunging into the depths of the Catholic past. Converts and Kingdoms is a good place to start.
—Kevin Schmiesing, executive director,
Diane Moczar did graduate work in history at the University of Paris, Columbia University, Catholic University, and George Mason University. She has taught history for many years at Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale, and is the author of numerous articles on many subjects as well as several books on Catholic history.
Christianity has its own set of guidelines. These lists of core truths that Christians believe and live by are known as creeds. In Do You Believe?, you’ll learn the history of the creeds, the reasons behind them, and the way the predominant ones developed. You’ll also find out answers to such questions as:
Stephen K. Ray is a convert to the Catholic Church and the author of several best-selling books, including Crossing the Tiber. He is a regular guest on Catholic Answers Live and has appeared on many other radio and TV programs, including Fox News. He is writer, producer and host of the 10-part video/DVD series The Footprints of God: the Story of Salvation from Abraham to Augustine. A father of four, he owns a business in Michigan where he lives with his wife and two younger daughters.
Dennis Walters is a native of California. He spent eight years in seminary there before earning a PhD in literature at Michigan State University. He is currently pursuing a degree in theological studies and is a candidate for ordination to the Permanent Deaconate. He has taught at the high school and university levels and is currently RCIA director at Christ the King Parish in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Islam: A Catholic Perspective provides a concise overview of Islam and evaluates their history and beliefs from a Christian point of view. Using a balanced approach, this booklet gives Islam credit for its good points, without papering over the negatives. Some of the topics covered include:
Also included are some useful hints on sharing the Christian Gospel with your Muslim friends and acquaintances.
9 ratings
Daniel Spilde
Arturo Mendoza
Bob Lynn
Matthew Langlois
Dave Crosby
James Battle