Digital Logos Edition
The authors of the Bible routinely mentioned manners and customs from the ancient world, fully intending that the Lord would change readers with these images. But modern readers often miss the full meaning of biblical imagery due to the distance in time and experience between the world of today and the world of the Bible. This fully illustrated guide aims to restore clarity and vitality to these portions of God’s Word in order to help readers grasp the full meaning of Scripture. For example, the entry on anointing defines the nature of this act and the connotations associated with it before illustrating how the biblical authors use the act of anointing in their communication with us. Understanding manners and customs like anointing enriches our experience of reading the Bible—and even helps us correctly interpret it.
This colorful guide succinctly introduces modern readers to daily life in Bible times. The Logos version integrates seamlessly into your personal digital library and allows you to access dictionaries and other reference resources with a click. Read your preferred Scripture translation alongside your illustrated guide for a more robust understanding of these fascinating ancient times.
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“What is most striking in this comparison is the frequency with which the foreigner or alien is mentioned in the biblical law code in contrast to the lack of mention in other law codes.69 This silence strongly suggests that living as a foreigner in any other country meant living outside the rights and protection afforded by the law. Thus since Ruth was an alien, she was surprised when she was treated well (Ruth 2:10).” (Page 266)
“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us” (Pages 70–71)
3 ratings
Debra W Bouey
Barry D. Long
Dave Crosby
David Anderson