Digital Logos Edition
Providing spiritually rich material for small group or individual instruction, the Catholic Scripture Study International program brings together some of the best Catholic scholarship for lay instruction available. Authored by Scott Hahn, Mark Shea, Cindy Morales, Steve Ray, and others, these commentaries and guides lead you through inspiring Bible and topical studies faithful to Catholic teaching.
Each of these guides is divided into lessons intended for week-to-week use, but may also be completed at any pace. Take your small group through these faithful resources written by experts and lead your lay parish education with the finest in Catholic curriculum.
In Logos, these Catholic Scripture Study International studies work even smarter. See Scripture, Catechism, and Church document references on mouseover, and instantly find what other authors in your library have to say on the topic. Take notes and share them with your small group on Faithlife, or lead your small group straight from the instructional guide always accessible on your tablet, smart phone, or laptop.
This Bible study program is rooted in sound Biblical scholarship and in the Church’s magisterium. I hope you will welcome and support this important Bible study program in your parishes.
—Most Rev. Peter Jugis, bishop, Charlotte
This program covers all the desirable bases—thorough textual analysis and exegesis, stimulating questions to engage the individual subscriber, and direct and faithful connections of what has been studied to the Catechism, and to the magisterial writings of the Church. I can easily assure any pastor, that this program will not only enhance the spiritual lives of your people individually, but also the level of spiritual vitality of your parish.
—Most Rev. John F. Donoghue, archbishop emeritus, Atlanta
Includes a 4-week lesson program with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
The four weeks leading up to Christmas mark the beginning of the Western Church’s liturgical year. The Church stresses that Advent is a time of reflection, meditation, and preparation. This study will follow the Catholic Scripture Study format but will concentrate on the Sunday lectionary readings and incorporate the ancient method of Lectio Divina (praying the Scriptures). To prepare, each participant will read the Sunday readings along with the “Points to Ponder” commentary, answer the study questions, and “pray the Scriptures.” During Advent, we should be focused on preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ. Are we ready for the King? Are our hearts ready to receive our Savior?
This study is used for the lectionary readings of Cycle A (2010, 2013, 2016, etc.).
Cindy Morales has a MDiv from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. She is a revert to the Catholic Church and is currently the director of religious education at St. Philip the Apostle Parish in Northfield, IL.
Includes a 4-week lesson program with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
The four weeks leading up to Christmas mark the beginning of the Western Church’s liturgical year. The Church stresses that Advent is a time of reflection, meditation, and preparation. This study will follow the Catholic Scripture Study format but will concentrate on the Sunday lectionary readings and incorporate the ancient method of Lectio Divina (praying the Scriptures). To prepare, each participant will read the Sunday readings along with the “Points to Ponder” commentary, answer the study questions, and “pray the Scriptures.” During Advent, we should be focused on preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ. Are we ready for the King? Are our hearts ready to receive our Savior?
This study is used for the lectionary readings of Cycle B (2011, 2014, 2017, etc.).
Cindy Morales has a MDiv from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. She is a revert to the Catholic Church and is currently the director of religious education at St. Philip the Apostle Parish in Northfield, IL.
Includes a 4-week lesson program with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
The four weeks leading up to Christmas mark the beginning of the Western Church’s liturgical year. The Church stresses that Advent is a time of reflection, meditation, and preparation. This study will follow the Catholic Scripture Study format but will concentrate on the Sunday lectionary readings and incorporate the ancient method of Lectio Divina (praying the Scriptures). To prepare, each participant will read the Sunday readings along with the “Points to Ponder” commentary, answer the study questions, and “pray the Scriptures.” During Advent, we should be focused on preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ. Are we ready for the King? Are our hearts ready to receive our Savior?
This study is used for the lectionary readings of Cycle C (2012, 2015, 2018, etc.).
Cindy Morales has a MDiv from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. She is a revert to the Catholic Church and is currently the director of religious education at St. Philip the Apostle Parish in Northfield, IL.
Includes a 6-week lesson program with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
Every year on the first Sunday of Lent, the Gospel reading is about Jesus going off to the wilderness, or desert, for 40 days. On Ash Wednesday, we begin our own 40 days in the desert. This penitential season is an intense time of spiritual renewal.
The Church especially invites us to pray, fast, and give alms as means of expressing our utter dependence on God who through the waters of baptism shares his very life with us.
This study is used for the lectionary readings of Cycle B (2011, 2014, 2017, etc.).
Includes 28 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
Through this study, readers will discover the answer to those age-old questions: Where did I come from? Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? The answers to these questions and many more are found in this in-depth study. Genesis also sets the stage for God’s plan of redemption and plants the seeds of many important doctrines and Christian teachings that unfold in the rest of the Bible. Without Genesis, the Bible is incomprehensible, which makes this a “must” study!
Includes 28 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
Exodus is an amazingly eye-opening book, especially for Catholics! Learn how the Eucharist is prefigured by the Passover, discover the symbolism of the parting of the Red Sea, and more. This book has it all—murder, betrayal, plagues, idolatry, miracles—and it’s all true! Best of all, it is life changing: it is the Word of God.
Scott Hahn is the founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Additionally, he has served as the professor of theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville since 1990. Dr. Hahn is a popular speaker who has delivered hundreds of talks on Scripture and the Catholic faith, and a bestselling author of several books.
Mark Shea is a noted Catholic author, award-winning columnist and nationally-known speaker. His book credits include Making Senses out of Scripture, By What Authority, and This is My Body. Mark is a regular contributor to Catholic Parent Magazine and the National Catholic Register. He is Senior Content Editor for Catholic Exchange. He is currently the host of Catholic Exchange’s daily podcast, Rock Solid. Mark coauthored many of the Catholic Scripture Studies with Dr. Scott Hahn.
Includes 13 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
The Book of Joshua is a historical account of how the Israelites conquered Canaan, the land God promised them in the covenant with Abraham. The book details Joshua’s obedience to God, the bloody-yet-miraculous battles, and the division of the land among the 12 tribes.
Steve Ray converted to the Catholic Church from a Baptist background in 1994, after an in-depth study of the writings of the Church Fathers. He is the host of the popular, award-winning film series on salvation history, The Footprints of God. Steve is the author of the bestselling books Crossing the Tiber, St. John’s Gospel, and Upon This Rock. He is a popular conference and retreat speaker, has been a guest radio speaker, and made appearances EWTN.
Includes 11 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
The Book of Judges records the Israelites’ descent into sin and the terrible consequences. The 12 heroes of the book seem larger than life but were imperfect, just as we are, which makes this book just as relevant today. Judges is a stern reminder that God punishes sin but is always ready to forgive the repentant sinner back.
Steve Ray converted to the Catholic Church from a Baptist background in 1994, after an in-depth study of the writings of the Church Fathers. He is the host of the popular, award-winning film series on salvation history, The Footprints of God. Steve is the author of the bestselling books Crossing the Tiber, St. John’s Gospel, and Upon This Rock. He is a popular conference and retreat speaker, has been a guest radio speaker, and made appearances EWTN.
Includes four lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
The Book of Ruth—while only four chapters in length—is one of the most moving accounts in the Bible. A story of love and loyalty, you will be amazed by the many layers and depths of meaning packed into this little love story!
Steve Ray converted to the Catholic Church from a Baptist background in 1994, after an in-depth study of the writings of the Church Fathers. He is the host of the popular, award-winning film series on salvation history, The Footprints of God. Steve is the author of the bestselling books Crossing the Tiber, St. John’s Gospel, and Upon This Rock. He is a popular conference and retreat speaker, has been a guest radio speaker, and made appearances EWTN.
Includes six lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
Amos would have probably referred to himself as a “nobody.” He was a fruit picker and shepherd who lacked any formal or religious education, yet he was called by God for an important mission. Just when Israel thought they were doing great and living the good life, God had Amos deliver a message of impending doom and gloom. Find out how very relevant that same message is to us today and what changes we might need to make in our own lives.
Cindy Morales has a MDiv from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. She is a revert to the Catholic Church and is currently the director of religious education at St. Philip the Apostle Parish in Northfield, IL.
Includes 28 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
One of the best-loved books of the Bible, the Gospel of Matthew focuses on the divine fatherhood of God, and it sets the stage for Jesus' establishment of the Church as the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Scott Hahn is the founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Additionally, he has served as the professor of theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville since 1990. Dr. Hahn is a popular speaker who has delivered hundreds of talks on Scripture and the Catholic faith, and is a bestselling author of several books.
Mark Shea is a noted Catholic author, award-winning columnist and nationally-known speaker. His book credits include Making Senses out of Scripture, By What Authority, and This is My Body. Mark is a regular contributor to Catholic Parent Magazine and the National Catholic Register. He is Senior Content Editor for Catholic Exchange. He is currently the host of Catholic Exchange’s daily podcast, Rock Solid. Mark coauthored many of the Catholic Scripture Studies with Dr. Scott Hahn.
Includes 28 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
John is known as “the apostle whom Jesus loved” (John 20:2), and one of the three considered to be in the inner circle of Jesus’ friends, along with Peter and James. His tenacity showed as he was the only apostle who was present at the foot of the cross when our Lord was crucified. Through the expert exegesis of Scott Hahn and Mark Shea, you will be led through the multi-layered writings of St. John and discover much more than you ever realized about this Gospel.
Scott Hahn is the founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Additionally, he has served as the professor of theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville since 1990. Dr. Hahn is a popular speaker who has delivered hundreds of talks on Scripture and the Catholic faith, and is a bestselling author of several books.
Mark Shea is a noted Catholic author, award-winning columnist and nationally-known speaker. His book credits include Making Senses out of Scripture, By What Authority, and This is My Body. Mark is a regular contributor to Catholic Parent Magazine and the National Catholic Register. He is Senior Content Editor for Catholic Exchange. He is currently the host of Catholic Exchange’s daily podcast, Rock Solid. Mark coauthored many of the Catholic Scripture Studies with Dr. Scott Hahn.
Includes 28 lessons translated into Spanish with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
John is known as “the apostle whom Jesus loved” (John 20:2), and one of the three considered to be in the inner circle of Jesus’ friends, along with Peter and James. His tenacity showed as he was the only apostle who was present at the foot of the cross when our Lord was crucified. Through the expert exegesis of Scott Hahn and Mark Shea, you will be led through the multi-layered writings of St. John and discover much more than you ever realized about this Gospel.
Scott Hahn is the founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Additionally, he has served as the professor of theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville since 1990. Dr. Hahn is a popular speaker who has delivered hundreds of talks on Scripture and the Catholic faith, and is a bestselling author of several books.
Mark Shea is a noted Catholic author, award-winning columnist and nationally-known speaker. His book credits include Making Senses out of Scripture, By What Authority, and This is My Body. Mark is a regular contributor to Catholic Parent Magazine and the National Catholic Register. He is Senior Content Editor for Catholic Exchange. He is currently the host of Catholic Exchange’s daily podcast, Rock Solid. Mark coauthored many of the Catholic Scripture Studies with Dr. Scott Hahn.
Includes 28 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
This is the birth of the Church—the completion of the story of Jesus as manifested in the life of the early Church, Christ’s mystical body on Earth. Some highlights of this book include Jesus’ Ascension, the replacing of Judas; Pentecost; Peter’s primacy; the miracles of and the spread of the Gospel by the Apostles; growth of the first Christian community around Peter; Stephen, the first Christian martyr; Saul, the persecutor of Christians and his miraculous conversion; the first Church council; the mission.
Steve Ray converted to the Catholic Church from a Baptist background in 1994, after an in-depth study of the writings of the Church Fathers. He is the host of the popular, award-winning film series on salvation history, The Footprints of God. Steve is the author of the bestselling books Crossing the Tiber, St. John’s Gospel, and Upon This Rock. He is a popular conference and retreat speaker, has been a guest radio speaker, and made appearances EWTN.
Includes 25 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
This is probably the most difficult of all St. Paul’s letters, as well as the single-most disputed biblical book between Catholics and Protestants. This book, written by St. Paul, is the book from which Martin Luther built his doctrine of “justification by faith alone.” This study shows how Luther twisted St. Paul’s words to fit his own teaching and even added (in his Lutheran Bible) the word “alone” to Romans 3:28 in his attempt to further enhance his doctrine of “Sola Fide.”
Includes 16 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
In Paul’s letters to Corinthians, he addresses ongoing problems experienced in the Church at Corinth. These problems included dissension, immorality, lawsuits, liturgical abuses, and their tendency to fall prey to “false teachers.” Paul tackles each of these problems with his typical spiritual zeal, strengthening their faith and their commitment to build up the Body of Christ. Two thousand years later, as we struggle with much the same problems, Paul’s words of wisdom are both pertinent and valuable.
Steve Ray converted to the Catholic Church from a Baptist background in 1994, after an in-depth study of the writings of the Church Fathers. He is the host of the popular, award-winning film series on salvation history, The Footprints of God. Steve is the author of the bestselling books Crossing the Tiber, St. John’s Gospel, and Upon This Rock. He is a popular conference and retreat speaker, has been a guest radio speaker, and made appearances EWTN.
Includes 12 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
In Paul’s letters to Corinthians, he addresses ongoing problems experienced in the Church at Corinth. These problems included dissension, immorality, lawsuits, liturgical abuses, and their tendency to fall prey to “false teachers.” Paul tackles each of these problems with his typical spiritual zeal, strengthening their faith and their commitment to build up the Body of Christ. Two thousand years later, as we struggle with much the same problems, Paul’s words of wisdom are both pertinent and valuable.
Steve Ray converted to the Catholic Church from a Baptist background in 1994, after an in-depth study of the writings of the Church Fathers. He is the host of the popular, award-winning film series on salvation history, The Footprints of God. Steve is the author of the bestselling books Crossing the Tiber, St. John’s Gospel, and Upon This Rock. He is a popular conference and retreat speaker, has been a guest radio speaker, and made appearances EWTN.
Includes 10 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
Many say that there is no other New Testament epistle that expresses Christian truths in such a majestic way. The instructions to husbands and wives in Ephesians 5:21-33 is a topic of much confusion and consternation in modern times. Find out how this challenging teaching is not only liberating, but is a portrait of the Church's participation in the life of the Blessed Trinity.
Scott Hahn is the founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Additionally, he has served as the professor of theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville since 1990. Dr. Hahn is a popular speaker who has delivered hundreds of talks on Scripture and the Catholic faith, and is a bestselling author of several books.
Mark Shea is a noted Catholic author, award-winning columnist and nationally-known speaker. His book credits include Making Senses out of Scripture, By What Authority, and This is My Body. Mark is a regular contributor to Catholic Parent Magazine and the National Catholic Register. He is Senior Content Editor for Catholic Exchange. He is currently the host of Catholic Exchange’s daily podcast, Rock Solid. Mark coauthored many of the Catholic Scripture Studies with Dr. Scott Hahn.
Includes 16 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
Hebrews is written to Jewish converts, who, because of persecutions, as well as fear and doubts about their Christian faith, are tempted to revert back to traditional Judaism and its Temple-centered worship. This epistle aims to keep these Jewish Christians in the fold by stressing the failure of the Old Covenant; that the rituals of sacrificing animals has been replaced by the superiority of the New Covenant of Jesus Christ, who is the true sacrificial lamb who shed his blood for us. The New Covenant does what the Old Covenant could not do: free us from sin.
Scott Hahn is the founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Additionally, he has served as the professor of theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville since 1990. Dr. Hahn is a popular speaker who has delivered hundreds of talks on Scripture and the Catholic faith, and is a bestselling author of several books.
Mark Shea is a noted Catholic author, award-winning columnist and nationally-known speaker. His book credits include Making Senses out of Scripture, By What Authority, and This is My Body. Mark is a regular contributor to Catholic Parent Magazine and the National Catholic Register. He is Senior Content Editor for Catholic Exchange. He is currently the host of Catholic Exchange’s daily podcast, Rock Solid. Mark coauthored many of the Catholic Scripture Studies with Dr. Scott Hahn.
Includes 12 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
The Epistle of James deals with a variety of themes, with an emphasis on practical aspects of the Christian life. Some topics covered in this epistle include how to handle trials and temptations, understanding the relation between faith and works, how to tame our tongues, being a friend of God rather than a friend of the world, and the value of humility, patience, and prayer. James challenges followers of Christ to not just “talk the talk” but to “walk the walk.” This epistle also shows that faith alone cannot save us because it is not verified by the works that always accompany true faith (Ephesians 2:10).
Scott Hahn is the founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Additionally, he has served as the professor of theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville since 1990. Dr. Hahn is a popular speaker who has delivered hundreds of talks on Scripture and the Catholic faith, and is a bestselling author of several books.
Mark Shea is a noted Catholic author, award-winning columnist and nationally-known speaker. His book credits include Making Senses out of Scripture, By What Authority, and This is My Body. Mark is a regular contributor to Catholic Parent Magazine and the National Catholic Register. He is Senior Content Editor for Catholic Exchange. He is currently the host of Catholic Exchange’s daily podcast, Rock Solid. Mark coauthored many of the Catholic Scripture Studies with Dr. Scott Hahn.
Includes 20 lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the biblical text.
The last book of the New Testament is also probably the most difficult and misunderstood book of the Bible. With these 30 guided lessons and commentary on the biblical text, discover the timeless messages of the mysterious Book of Revelation, and learn to distinguish between the popular false notions of the end times and the truth God intended by this apocalyptic yet canonical text.
Scott Hahn is the founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Additionally, he has served as the professor of theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville since 1990. Dr. Hahn is a popular speaker who has delivered hundreds of talks on Scripture and the Catholic faith, and is a bestselling author of several books.
Mark Shea is a noted Catholic author, award-winning columnist and nationally-known speaker. His book credits include Making Senses out of Scripture, By What Authority, and This is My Body. Mark is a regular contributor to Catholic Parent Magazine and the National Catholic Register. He is Senior Content Editor for Catholic Exchange. He is currently the host of Catholic Exchange’s daily podcast, Rock Solid. Mark coauthored many of the Catholic Scripture Studies with Dr. Scott Hahn.
Includes five lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the documents of the Church.
Pope John XXIII’s opening speech laid the foundation for the Council and addressed the questions such as why the Council had been called, what goals the Council Fathers were to achieve, and the relationship to past councils. The Opening Address provides valuable insight into the “mind of the Church.”
Dei Verbum, the Word of God, presents Church teaching concerning the ways God has revealed himself to mankind, the nature of Sacred Scripture and Tradition, and the manner God has provided for interpretation and preservation of his revelation without error for all time.
Louie Verrecchio is the author of the highly acclaimed conciliar document studies series, Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II. Bearing an Imprimatur and enjoying the endorsement of well-known theologians, churchmen, and others, Louie’s work shows ”a sincere love for the Church and a solid understanding of Scripture” (according to George Cardinal Pell). Since 2004, his study materials have been used by parish-based study groups and individuals throughout the US and as far away as Singapore. Louie has made several appearances as a guest expert on the subject of Vatican II on both the Ave Maria and Relevant Radio Networks.
Includes five lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the documents of the Church.
Lumen Gentium, “Light of the Nations,” is one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council. This document examines what Blessed Pope John Paul II tells us is the primary question of the Council: “Church, what do you say of yourself?” The Council fathers examine the inner nature of the Church and that their approach would be one of continuity and faithfulness to the teachings of previous councils.
Louie Verrecchio is the author of the highly acclaimed conciliar document studies series, Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II. Bearing an Imprimatur and enjoying the endorsement of well-known theologians, churchmen, and others, Louie’s work shows ”a sincere love for the Church and a solid understanding of Scripture” (according to George Cardinal Pell). Since 2004, his study materials have been used by parish-based study groups and individuals throughout the US and as far away as Singapore. Louie has made several appearances as a guest expert on the subject of Vatican II on both the Ave Maria and Relevant Radio Networks.
Includes five lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the documents of the Church.
Sacrosanctum Concilium, which means “This Sacred Council,” has several aims in view: it desires to impart an ever increasing vigor to the Christian life of the faithful; to adapt more suitably to the needs of our own times those institutions which are subject to change; to foster whatever can promote union among all who believe in Christ; and to strengthen whatever can help to call the whole of mankind into the household of the Church. The Council therefore sees particularly cogent reasons for undertaking the reform and promotion of the liturgy.
Louie Verrecchio is the author of the highly acclaimed conciliar document studies series, Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II. Bearing an Imprimatur and enjoying the endorsement of well-known theologians, churchmen, and others, Louie’s work shows ”a sincere love for the Church and a solid understanding of Scripture” (according to George Cardinal Pell). Since 2004, his study materials have been used by parish-based study groups and individuals throughout the US and as far away as Singapore. Louie has made several appearances as a guest expert on the subject of Vatican II on both the Ave Maria and Relevant Radio Networks.
Includes five lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the documents of the Church.
Volume four examines two Council documents.
Apostolicam Actuositatem, or Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, focuses on the nature and role of lay service in the life of the Church. What is the Church’s mission? How is man’s relationship with God expressed and lived out in his relationship with the Church? How can the laity participate most effectively in the mission of the Church?
Ad Gentes, or Decree on the Mission Activity of the Church, focuses on the unique character and requirement of the Church’s missionary activity.
Louie Verrecchio is the author of the highly acclaimed conciliar document studies series, Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II. Bearing an Imprimatur and enjoying the endorsement of well-known theologians, churchmen, and others, Louie’s work shows ”a sincere love for the Church and a solid understanding of Scripture” (according to George Cardinal Pell). Since 2004, his study materials have been used by parish-based study groups and individuals throughout the US and as far away as Singapore. Louie has made several appearances as a guest expert on the subject of Vatican II on both the Ave Maria and Relevant Radio Networks.
Includes four lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the encyclical.
In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued an encyclical on the regulation of birth, called Humanae Vitae. This document was very controversial since many people were apparently expecting the Catholic Church to change her teaching and accept birth control. In this study, you will see how the Holy Father’s words concerning the consequences of accepting birth control turned out to be prophetic. This book has four chapters/lessons and includes answers.
Cindy Morales has a MDiv from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. She is a revert to the Catholic Church and is currently the director of religious education at St. Philip the Apostle Parish in Northfield, IL.
Includes five lessons with suggested responses, commentary on the movie, and a brief guide to the Stations of the Cross.
Jesus’ Passion: The Story of Redemptive Suffering examines the scriptural basis of Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of the Christ, and looks at how this powerful portrayal of the suffering and death of Jesus relates to the Bible and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Designed to be used alone or in conjunction with the movie, Jesus’ Passion is suitable for individual or group study. If used in conjunction with the movie, the study book includes detailed instructions outlining where to stop the movie each week to correspond to the lesson.
Jennifer Phelps is the series editor for the Catholic Scripture Study International Program.
Includes five lessons with suggested responses and commentary on the theologies and relevant biblical texts.
Carl Olson grew up with many misconceptions about the “end times.” This study is a thorough critique of the popular notion of the “Rapture”—the belief that Christians will be removed from earth prior to a time of Tribulation and the Second Coming. It examines the theological, historical, and biblical basis for “premillennial dispensationalism,” the belief system based around the Rapture, and popularized in the best-selling Left Behind books.
Carl E. Olson is a nationally known Catholic author and speaker. Author of Will Catholics Be ‘Left Behind’? and The Da Vinci Code Hoax. He has written articles for Our Sunday Visitor, National Catholic Register, This Rock, First Things, Catholic World Report, Touchstone, Gilbert!, Saint Austin Review, and New Covenant as well as other publications. Presently he is the editor of and previously served as editor for Envoy magazine.
Includes 10 lessons with suggested responses and discussion questions on the book Be a Man.
Men are rediscovering the importance of the spiritual life and Father Larry Richards is helping them do it. While some writers apply a one-size-fits-all approach to the Christian life, Father Richards draws on his many years of ministry and his own experience as a man to inspire other men. This is a 10-week study based on the book Be a Man by Father Larry Richards, by Ignatius Press. These lessons offer deeper reflection on how to imitate the greatest role model of true manhood.
A detailed guide explaining everything from promoting the program, holding registration, forming a leadership team, scheduling classes and structuring class format, to navigating the Catholic Scripture Study International website. There are even “ice-breakers” games provided for the first class as well as tips for keeping discussions on track.
5 ratings
Bob Lynn
St. Corbinian's Bear
Matthew Langlois
Bobby Terhune