Digital Logos Edition
Like a wife unfaithful to her husband, so Israel was unfaithful to the Lord. This is vividly illustrated in the book of Hosea where Hosea’s own marriage represents Israel’s relationship with the Lord.
In worldly terms it appears that life is going well for God’s people. The Northern Kingdom had been going through a time of great economic stability and security. However this does not lead the people of Israel to give thanks to the Lord who is the provider of such blessings but rather they fall straight into the arms of the heathen idol Baal. Despite their unfaithfulness, the Lord does not give up on them, but rather he speaks to them in grace and mercy. Through the use of metaphors, Hosea brings an uncomfortable, yet vital message to warn them of impending judgment if they do not return to Yahweh, the one true God. Hosea shows that God’s constant love and perfect judgment, when put together, restores his relationship with his people. This prophecy is a book of hope for us today because it reminds us of God’s unfailing and faithful love for his people down through the ages even when they fail and fall so badly. Here is grace indeed!
The Mentor Commentary Series combines a high view of Scripture with access to the latest academic theological research. This unique combination allows the reader to see what recent scholarly research has discovered without losing sight of the inerrancy of Scripture. Uncover the meaning of Scripture, and clarify its relevance for your life today. Grasp the significance of the Bible for our times. And discover the richness of Scripture with detailed commentary, thorough exegesis, and probing questions on literary, interpretive, and contextual issues.
In the Logos edition, this valuable volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
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“So it is probable that Gomer is presented as someone who, while not necessarily a professional prostitute, is notorious for her promiscuous behaviour.” (Page 52)
“However, it was increasingly identified as an aspect of pagan worship and banned from use in Israel (10:1; Exod. 23:24; 34:13; Lev. 26:1; Deut. 7:5; 12:3; 16:22).” (Page 119)
“ For them to be aware of its full significance, Gomer’s behaviour must have been scandalous from the outset.” (Page 52)
“They had ruptured their relationship with the Lord and could no longer enjoy his favour. Divine forgetfulness of their sons/‘children’ (cf. 1:10) points to the withdrawal of God’s protection and blessing with all the dire consequences which would follow from that. So their action has repercussions for the well-being of subsequent generations to whom they bequeath a legacy of rebellion and alienation (cf. Exod. 20:5).” (Page 140)
“When Hosea began his prophetic ministry, we must therefore envisage him as raising an unpopular voice of criticism. To speak of impending disaster and judgement in a period of expansion and affluence was to run contrary to the mood of the times, particularly among the elite and influential in the land (‘Surely I have become rich’, 12:8).” (Pages 11–12)
John L. Mackay’s . . . commentary on Hosea is a rare thing: a commentary that is both scholarly and readable. The engagement with the text is thorough without ever getting over-complicated while the prose is consistently clear and vibrant. Even though all the questions you want addressed are addressed, you never feel like you are losing sight of the big picture. Hosea’s message of God’s deep love for his people and his covenantal commitment to them shine through. Meanwhile the regular reflection sections point in the direction of contemporary application. Preachers will find it a valuable guide to preaching Hosea.
—Tim Chester, pastor, The Crowded House, Sheffield
A divine tragedy played on a human stage, Hosea portrays the heart of God like no other Old Testament prophet and Mackay exposes it brilliantly. Whether unveiling the richness of the historical record, the prophet’s exalted Hebrew prose, or the anguish of a jilted lover, this commentary successfully maps the intersection of human faithlessness and God’s relentless grace. Connecting the text to its contemporary setting and highlighting its prophetic function within the story of God’s redemption of his people, within these pages one discovers a comprehensive treatment that every student who desires to understand Hosea and every preacher who aspires to explain it will be wise to consult.
—Hershael W. York, Victor and Louise Lester Professor of Preaching, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
This is a remarkable commentary on a remarkable book of the Bible. Hosea had a difficult message to bring to a faithless people, and God made the prophet’s own life a visual illustration of his message. In this commentary, full of characteristic attention to the original language, historical context, and theological themes of the Book of Hosea, Professor Mackay makes the prophet speak afresh to us. Of help to all serious readers of the Bible, this book brings out the timeless significance of the ancient prophet, and is a welcome addition to the literature on Hosea.
—Ian D. Campbell, minster, Point Free Church, Isle of Lewis
This commentary is vintage Mackay! It combines first rate scholarship with warm evangelical exposition. It is clear, concise, well researched, and written from a pastoral and practical perspective. Professor Mackay is no ivory tower academician; that much is sure. He is engaging and undeniably relevant, and he quite obviously loves the very scriptures that he seeks to expound. Every pastor and student of the Bible will want to get a copy of this valuable resource. No library should be without it.
—Guy M. Richard, minister, First Presbyterian Church, Gulfport, MS