Digital Logos Edition
Roy Gingrich’s Commentaries in Outline Form presents the fruit of his world-renowned Christian book ministry. Here you’ll find concise, verse-by-verse commentaries on each book of the Bible together with 40 books on specific themes from the Scriptures. Dr. Gingrich pours his 50 years of experience as a Bible college professor into these volumes to offer clear guides for the whole Bible. These conservative Bible Study aids offer quick answers when you don't have the time to read and study more complex, lengthy, and detailed commentaries.
Each volume begins with a comprehensive overview and outline of the specific book or topic being covered, verse-by-verse commentary, and an application section. Each book provides you with a clear and concise guide to reading, understanding, and applying all of Scripture.
These commentaries make the word of God accessible to the common man who covets and honors the scriptures.
—Dr. James E. Allman, Chairman, Department of Bible and Theology, Crichton Bible College, Memphis, TN
These commentaries, written in outline form, are concise yet comprehensive, doctrinally sound and practically useful.
—Rev. John Edward HAO, President Faith Bible Seminary, Queens, NY
These commentaries are brief but thorough. They simplify the difficult passages. These books are factual, not fanciful, in their interpretation of the Bible.
—George A Hern, Pastor, Dellwood Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
I have known Dr. Roy Gingrich since 1958. I have never known any man who has studied the Scriptures with greater diligence and devotion. For the past 45 years, his life style, his integrity and his Christian ministry have all been without blemish.
—Dr. Roger R. Clapp, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
I know Roy Gingrich to be a clear, logical thinker, a compassionate teacher and an effective communicator. He is a man zealously committed to God and the teaching of God's word.
—Douglas Kennard, Dean of Students, Mid-South Bible College
Dr. Gingrich is a Bible scholar. God gave him the ability to understand the word, outline it, and apply it in a way that others can quickly assimilate and effectively use.
—Dr. Adrian Rogers, past president of Southern Baptist Convention and former pastor of Bellevue Baptist church in Memphis, TN
Dr. Gingrich, both in the pulpit and in the classroom, as well as private conversation, speaks God's word with authority—authority possessed only by God-ordained ministers. His written works attest him to be a chosen vessel for the revelation of God's word.
—John L. Lipscomb, Pastor, Grace Fellowship Church
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(from the Introduction)
A knowledge of the contents of the book of Genesis, the book of beginnings, is necessary if we are to understand the other books of the Bible. The following books of the Scriptures only expand and clarify that which is found in condensed form in the book of Genesis. A careful study of the book of Genesis is imperative for all who desire to full know “Him that is from the beginning,” John 2:13.
Perhaps the value of this concise study of the book of Genesis can best be understood when the reader realizes that months of prayerful study and meditation in the Word have been compacted into its pages along with all the knowledge gleaned from the pages of several of the best commentaries on Genesis and from personal conferences with recognized authorities. I do recommend this book and I hope that it will be studied with and open Bible, an open mind, a prayerful heart, and a sincere desire for understanding.
—Merle Wiggs, Pastor, Crum Missionary Baptist Church, Crum, WV
(from the Introduction)
The book of Exodus deals with the redemption and guidance of God’s people at a point in time, but people in general, and Israel in particular, need redemption and guidance in these last days. It has been my privilege to lead college students in a study of “The History of Modern Israel” and a study of the book of Exodus is of great value in understanding the events now taking place in Israel and in all of the Middle East. This commentary on Exodus by Brother Roy Gingrich will be used by me in the future in the teaching of “The History of Modern Israel.”
This book on Exodus is another of Doctor Gingrich’s excellent studies of the books of the Bible. I strongly recommend it to all Bible students and Bible history students.
—Raymond Waddell, Ed.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The book of Exodus deals with the redemption and guidance of God’s people at a point in time, but people in general, and Israel in particular, need redemption and guidance in these last days. It has been my privilege to lead college students in a study of “The History of Modern Israel” and a study of the book of Exodus is of great value in understanding the events now taking place in Israel and in all of the Middle East. This commentary on Exodus by Brother Roy Gingrich will be used by me in the future in the teaching of “The History of Modern Israel.”
Brother Gingrich’s exegesis of the Book of Leviticus is a work that will unlock truths that will have a lasting effect in the lives of many Christians. His labors for the Lord on this book will be greatly appreciated by all Christians who seek a deeper understanding of God’s word and a closer walk with the divine author of this word. I highly recommend this chapter by chapter, verse by verse study of Leviticus to any growing Christian.
—Sam D. Wiley, Deacon, Central Church, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The book of Numbers, written by Moses, records the wilderness journeyings of the Israelites as they traveled from Mt. Sinai in Arabia to the plains of Moab in trans-Jordania. This record of their wilderness journeyings furnishes us with many lessons which warns us and comforts us in our wilderness journeyings, Rom. 15:4: I Cor. 10:6, 11.
I do recommend this commentary on Numbers. I believe that it will lead its readers into a deeper and fuller understanding of this sometimes-neglected Bible book.
—Thelma A. Bowers, Teacher, Gleaners’ S.S. Class, West Frayser Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
My first impression of Mr. Gingrich’s books was that they were small and simple. Now, having finished my college work and having had some experience in the ministry, my attitude toward these books has greatly changed. I now view them as analytical, concise, clear, and very helpful.
Having read the manuscript of this book, Deuteronomy (in outline form), I know that I personally will cherish this work as a priceless aid to my understanding of, and to my preaching of, The Book of Deuteronomy. I do heartily recommend this outline commentary to all Christians who desire a deeper understanding of God’s Word.
—Michael R. David, Minister of the Gospel, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The book of Joshua has long been recognized as an important book because of its historical contributions and its practical teachings. The twin themes of obedience and trust, resulting in conquest and victory, weave themselves through the book and are pertinent to Christians today, to those Christians desiring to leave the wilderness of sin to live a life of victory and rest in “Canaan land.”
In this commentary, Brother Gingrich has once again uncovered the riches of God’s Word and helped to reveal its wisdom as only he can do. One finds his style simple enough to satisfy the novice and yet complex enough to equal and exceed the demands of even the most advanced Bible student. May God bless the readers of this book as they study to show themselves “approved unto God.
—Bobby L. Williams, Student, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The Book of Judges is one of the historical books of the Old Testament and is the chief source of our information concerning the historical period which it covers. The book clearly reveals the sinfulness and the rebellion which characterized the majority of the children of Israel during the Judges period. This lawlessness is summarized in the key verse of the book, “Every man did that which was right in his own eyes,” 17:6; 21:25. In contrast to the unfaithfulness and the disobedience of the Israelites seen in The Book of Judges, The Book of Ruth reveals the faithfulness and the obedience of a remnant of Israelites during the same period. Because the events of The Book of Ruth took place during the time period covered by The Book of Judges and because each of these books takes a contrasting view of the state of the Israelites during this period, it is fitting that they should be grouped together and studied together.
Because of his knowledge of the total plan of the Scriptures and because of his prayerful and intense study of the books of Judges and Ruth, Mr. Gingrich is eminently qualified to write this commentary on these two books. Especially helpful to the reader is Mr. Gingrich’s outline form and his comments found in his “some noteworthy things.” This commentary truly brings to life the history recorded in the books of Judges and Ruth and will bless all who read its pages.
—Janet L. Strevel, Secretary to the President, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The author of this remarkable book, Reverend Roy Gingrich, is among the foremost Bible expositors of our day. He is a man who is equally at home in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. His unusual ability to write so much in so small a space is a gift few men possess. He takes you to the heart of a subject, or thought, without taking you on lengthy detours. In this book, every sentence commands widest attention; stirring thoughts are expressed with unusual clearness. Here is a book that will be appreciated by anyone desiring a deeper understanding of the Word.
—W.T. Watson, President, Trinity College, Dunedin, FL
(from the Introduction)
The book of Second Samuel, one of the most precious of the Bible’s books, covers a span of only forty years, but these years are important ones, being the central years of the one hundred and twenty years, each of them reigning for forty-year reigns, the reign of David, “the sweet Psalmist of Israel.”
—Harold H. Ross, Associate Pastor, Faith Bible Church, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The first half of First Kings sets the life of King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived and the writer of three of the Wisdom Books of the Bible: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and The Song of Solomon. The second half of First Kings tells us of the decline of the Kingdom of Israel after Solomon’s death.
The author’s treatment of First Kings is fresh and stimulating because in his discussion he includes many personal elements in the lives of Solomon and the other kings. Mr. Gingrich helps to make these characters live for the reader by noting much detail which a casual reader might fail to observe. The applications to Christian living add to the value of this book, another in along list of outline books which Mr. Gingrich has already published.
—Robert E. Dennison, Registrar, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The two books of Kings, originally one book, trace the history of Israel’s monarchy for the ascension of Solomon to the fall of the Southern Kingdom. Second Kings, the subject of this commentary, traces this history from the reign of Ahaziah over the Northern Kingdom and Jehoshaphat over the Southern Kingdom to the fall of the Southern Kingdom. Chapters 1-17 deals with the history of both kingdoms from Ahaziah and Jehoshaphat to the fall of the Northern Kingdom (Israel) in 722 B.C. Chapters 18-25 deal with the history of the Southern Kingdom (Judah) from the fall of the Northern Kingdom to the fall of the Southern Kingdom in 586 B.C., ending with a brief account of the governorship of Gedaliah and a final note concerning the elevation of King Jehoichin in exile. The book of Second Kings thus covers the history of Israel’s monarchy from the middle of the ninth century B.C. to the early part of the sixth century B.C. The books of the Kings have great contemporary value for they teach us that national sin brings on national ruin, for God yet judges sin.
This commentary is an expanded outline of Second Kings. Mr. Gingrich takes this book, which is commonly looked at as a dry, involved book, and he outlines it, he analyzes it, he exegetes it, and he applies it (its teaching) to our lives. He makes the Old Testament characters come alive, he points out the weaknesses and the strong points of these men, he teaches us the lessons that we should learn from their lives, and he, in general, makes the reading of Second Kings to be an enjoyable task.
—William T. Ware, Jr., Business Manager, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Paul declares that “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable…”: and of course that includes the book of First Chronicles, with all of its genealogical lists, tables, and registers. Though it is frequently attacked by the critics and is classified as non-devotional by the average Christian, First Chronicles has more to offer than a casual reading may indicate.
Mr. Roy Gingrich has given us in this volume a synopsis of the book of First Chronicles which is of great value. In a succinct manner, he gives us an introduction to the book and then gives us an outline of the book which illumines the text and enriches the heart of the reader.
—David Stevens, Student, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
In the Bible of most Christians, the pages of Second Chronicles are unsmudged, unmarked, and unworn. Most Christians have either never read the book through or else they have read it through only once. Why do Christians shun this book? Because they believe that Second Chronicles is only a rehash of First Kings and Second Kings and that it is more difficult to read than are the Kings, so why should they read Second Chronicles? But Christians who do not read this book are passing over a book which is filled with precious truths, a book which (although written about Judah) has much to say to us as a nation and to us as individuals.
—Dale Smith, Student, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Mr. Gingrich introduces his study of the book of Ezra by giving us a general introduction to the book. He then exegetes the book itself by means of a unique outline-narrative. This outline-narrative method of unfolding the book’s content is effective because the book of Ezra is itself a narrative and because this method grips and holds the attention of the reader. Mr. Gingrich keeps a tight rein upon the subject matter and shows a fine balance between economy of space and time without sacrificing depth or spiritual applications. Each narrative section is followed by a concise listing of “The noteworthy and the narrative.” This pattern of narration is repeated throughout the book and is effective in teaching the reader that which should be learned from each section of the book.
Although this book is written primarily for the layman and the undergraduate, the scholar will be blessed by reading its pages. Anything that Mr. Gingrich writes is worthy of being read by all students of the Bible. As a pastor, as a much-sought-after Bible expositor, as a college professor, and as a world traveler, he brings to his books profound study and rich experience. It is a pleasure to recommend this book to all who love God’s Word.
—Dorothy B. Davidson, Former Librarian and Faculty Member, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Mr. Gingrich introduces his study of the book of Nehemiah by giving us a general introduction to the book. He then exegetes the book itself by means of a unique outline-narrative. This outline-narrative method of unfolding the book’s content is effective because the book of Ezra is itself a narrative and because this method grips and holds the attention of the reader. Mr. Gingrich keeps a tight rein upon the subject matter and shows a fine balance between economy of space and time without sacrificing depth or spiritual applications. Each narrative section is followed by a concise listing of “The noteworthy and the narrative.” This pattern of narration is repeated throughout the book and is effective in teaching the reader that which should be learned from each section of the book.
Although this book is written primarily for the layman and the undergraduate, the scholar will be blessed by reading its pages. Anything that Mr. Gingrich writes is worthy of being read by all students of the Bible. As a pastor, as a much-sought-after Bible expositor, as a college professor, and as a world traveler, he brings to his books profound study and rich experience. It is a pleasure to recommend this book to all who love God’s Word.
—Dorothy B. Davidson, Former Librarian and Faculty Member, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
In the book of Esther, we see the Jews facing the greatest peril in their history. If God did not intervene, their very existence as a nation was threatened. But God did not providentially intervene and the nation was spared. These is no book in the Bible that more clearly reveals God’s providential care over His children, even when they are self-willed and self-determined, than does the book of Esther.
This outline commentary first gives us a valuable introduction to the book of Esther, an introduction which discusses the author, the readers, the setting, the purpose, the chief characteristics and the peculiarities of the book. It then gives us an analytical outline of the book, an outline which includes comments on noteworthy things in the text and lessons to us from the text.
—David L. Werner, Former Admissions Counselor, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
There may be no more needed book for our day than The Book of Job. The message of the book is both timeless and timely. The enduring problem of suffering vexes God’s people in every generation, and The Book of Job brings hope and encouragement to the hurting. But it is also timely, for in our day there is so much fear in The Enemy, so much teaching that it is God’s purpose always to make us happy, that we urgently need to be recalled to the messages of this book. The book teaches that God has not lost control over Satan but that He holds him firmly in check and that God is looking for people who will trust Him whatever the cost, and for people who love Him more than they love His blessings.
—James E. Allman, Th.D., Chairman of the Department of Bible and Theology, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The Psalms, especially the psalms of David, quicken within us, as does no other literature, a spirit of reverence toward God and worship of God. We would be greatly impoverished without our written record of the psalmists’ inward struggles, their determinations to trust God in spite of circumstances and appearances, and their rejoicings over victories gained through faith. Any Christian desiring deeper fellowship with God and a closer walk with Him will be helped toward these goals in reading the Psalms.
Brother Gingrich’s keen analyses, his concise expressions, and his pointed practical conclusions make these volumes on the Psalms to be full of enlightenment and edification. These volumes, unlike some commentaries, must be used alongside an open Bible – a most commendable feature.
—Leonard E. Christoferson, Dean of Students, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The Psalms, especially the psalms of David, quicken within us, as does no other literature, a spirit of reverence toward God and worship of God. We would be greatly impoverished without our written record of the psalmists’ inward struggles, their determinations to trust God in spite of circumstances and appearances, and their rejoicings over victories gained through faith. Any Christian desiring deeper fellowship with God and a closer walk with Him will be helped toward these goals in reading the Psalms.
Brother Gingrich’s keen analyses, his concise expressions, and his pointed practical conclusions make these volumes on the Psalms to be full of enlightenment and edification. These volumes, unlike some commentaries, must be used alongside an open Bible – a most commendable feature.
—Leonard E. Christoferson, Dean of Students, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The Psalms, especially the psalms of David, quicken within us, as does no other literature, a spirit of reverence toward God and worship of God. We would be greatly impoverished without our written record of the psalmists’ inward struggles, their determinations to trust God in spite of circumstances and appearances, and their rejoicings over victories gained through faith. Any Christian desiring deeper fellowship with God and a closer walk with Him will be helped toward these goals in reading the Psalms.
Brother Gingrich’s keen analyses, his concise expressions, and his pointed practical conclusions make these volumes on the Psalms to be full of enlightenment and edification. These volumes, unlike some commentaries, must be used alongside an open Bible – a most commendable feature.
—Leonard E. Christoferson, Dean of Students, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The Psalms, especially the psalms of David, quicken within us, as does no other literature, a spirit of reverence toward God and worship of God. We would be greatly impoverished without our written record of the psalmists’ inward struggles, their determinations to trust God in spite of circumstances and appearances, and their rejoicings over victories gained through faith. Any Christian desiring deeper fellowship with God and a closer walk with Him will be helped toward these goals in reading the Psalms.
Brother Gingrich’s keen analyses, his concise expressions, and his pointed practical conclusions make these volumes on the Psalms to be full of enlightenment and edification. These volumes, unlike some commentaries, must be used alongside an open Bible – a most commendable feature.
—Leonard E. Christoferson, Dean of Students, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The Psalms, especially the psalms of David, quicken within us, as does no other literature, a spirit of reverence toward God and worship of God. We would be greatly impoverished without our written record of the psalmists’ inward struggles, their determinations to trust God in spite of circumstances and appearances, and their rejoicings over victories gained through faith. Any Christian desiring deeper fellowship with God and a closer walk with Him will be helped toward these goals in reading the Psalms.
Brother Gingrich’s keen analyses, his concise expressions, and his pointed practical conclusions make these volumes on the Psalms to be full of enlightenment and edification. These volumes, unlike some commentaries, must be used alongside an open Bible – a most commendable feature.
—Leonard E. Christoferson, Dean of Students, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
It is easy to see from a quick reading that the book of Proverbs teaches its readers how to be holy, happy, and healthy. But many of us do not receive the full benefit of the book’s teachings, for many of its proverbs are “dark saying,” difficult to exegete and hard to understand. Consequently, we need the help of men gifted with understanding if we are to properly appreciate the book and the fully appropriate its teachings.
Rev. Roy Gingrich has done us a genuine service in writing this outline commentary on the book of Proverbs. He has diligently studied the book of Proverbs, he has carefully studied the best commentaries on the book of Proverbs, he has earnestly prayed for an understanding of the book of Proverbs, and as a result of all this labor, he has given to us this helpful commentary on the book of Proverbs.
—Merle Wiggs, formerly Elder, Faith Bible Church, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
It is easy to see from a quick reading that the book of Proverbs teaches its readers how to be holy, happy, and healthy. But many of us do not receive the full benefit of the book’s teachings, for many of its proverbs are “dark saying,” difficult to exegete and hard to understand. Consequently, we need the help of men gifted with understanding if we are to properly appreciate the book and the fully appropriate its teachings.
Rev. Roy Gingrich has done us a genuine service in writing this outline commentary on the book of Proverbs. He has diligently studied the book of Proverbs, he has carefully studied the best commentaries on the book of Proverbs, he has earnestly prayed for an understanding of the book of Proverbs, and as a result of all this labor, he has given to us this helpful commentary on the book of Proverbs.
—Merle Wiggs, formerly Elder, Faith Bible Church, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Ecclesiastes is one of “the five poetical books of the Old Testament.” It is also one of “the four wisdom books of the Old Testament.” Its depths have never been sounded and its interpretations are many and varied. It is a book difficult to exegete and understand but the central message of the book is clear and needs to be preached and taught today: the world (and its fullness) is vanity and vexation of spirit and real satisfaction and rest comes only from God.
In his general introduction, Mr. Gingrich completely disarms his readers by acknowledging the fierce controversies concerning the book of Ecclesiastes. These controversies involve: (1) the name of the book; (2) the authorship of the book; (3) the date of the writing of the book; (4) the viewpoint of the author of the book; (5) the teaching of the book; (6) the purpose of the book; and (7) the inspiration of the book. Thus he creates an atmosphere in which his readers are eager and willing to listen to his solutions to the book’s problems, solutions arrived at through much study, diligent prayer, and trustful dependence upon the Holy Spirit. Then in his treatment of the text, Mr. Gingrich gives us, not only an analytical outline of the book, but also a satisfying exegesis of each section and verse of the book.
—Dorothy B. Davidson, Former Librarian and Faculty Member, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The Song of Solomon has long been one of my favorite books in the entire Bible. Such popular phrases as “the rose of Sharon” and “the lily of the valleys” come from the poetry which it contains. The problem, however, with the Song of Songs is that it is among the most difficult books in the Bible to interpret. The reason for this, one is convinced, is because most people do not know where to start. This commentary on The Song of Solomon gives us this needed starting point. The author of this commentary has taken a view of the book which, though unusual among dispensationalists is a very popular one and one supported by many great scholars. He makes a rational and convincing defense of the view that he has chosen.
I have found the entire series of Mr. Gingrich’s commentaries to be very helpful in my Bible study. I own all of the books that he has published and consider them to be among the most treasured ones in my library.
—Tom H. Estes, Pastor, Calvary Bible Church, Munford, TN
(from the Introduction)
The book of Isaiah is named for its author, the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah means, “Jehovah is salvation” or “Salvation is of Jehovah.” He is rightly called “the Evangelical Prophet of the Old Testament.” By common consent, he ranks among the great literary geniuses of all time and his book is recognized as a part of the world’s great literature.
According to tradition, Isaiah was martyred, sawn asunder, Hebrews 11:37. Just so, in the hands of destructive modern critics his book has suffered, being cut up into many parts. Consequently, liberal Biblical scholars today deny the unity as well as the Isaiahan authorship of this great work. They affirm that it is the product of various authors, writing at different times, long after Isaiah’s death. Then an unknown redactor combined the various elements into the book that we know today as Isaiah.
In view of the above errors, it is refreshing to read Mr. Gingrich’s thoroughly orthodox, expanded, analytical outline of Isaiah. His exposition comes from a balanced and responsible conservatism which gives the work an abiding value. Like his other books, this one begins with a full general introduction, treating such topics as authorship, unity, historical background, importance, etc. This is followed by a succinct exegesis and explanation of the text. Both the layman and the busy preacher can use this commentary and quickly come to the heart of a passage and receive much help.
—Paul Davidson, Professor of Theology, Mid-South Bible College
(from the Introduction)
Jeremiah is the longest of the five major prophetical books of the Old Testament. In addition to being lengthy, the book’s message is mostly gloomy, is non-chronological in its development and is difficult of understanding without a thorough knowledge of its historical background. For these reasons, Jeremiah is often neglected by students of the Old Testament. However, this neglect is unfortunate, for Jeremiah’s prophecies have value to the people of God of every age. God’s judgments upon Judah’s sins and rebellion, as delineated in these prophecies remind us that God’s judgments upon sin and rebellion are universal and perennial and that our sin and our rebellion will be judged unless we repent. Hence this masterful treatise on the moral principles of God is highly applicable to people of our day.
This commentary by Mr. Gingrich on Jeremiah is of the same high quality as that of his previous publications. His treatment of introductory and background matter is very helpful. His exegesis of the text is terse, profound, and thorough, but his explanations of the text are written is a simple and easily readable form. I highly recommend this outline commentary to every careful student of the book of Jeremiah.
—Robert A. Gingrich
(from the Introduction)
The book of Lamentations is one of the five so-called “Major Prophets” and it is written to the people of the Southern Kingdom, Judah. According to tradition, the book was written by Jeremiah and it is a supplement to the book of Jeremiah. The book is a memorial dirge over the destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans in 586 B.C. The five poems which make up this book are full of pathos and grief. The book is sad and mournful in its tone but it is replete with lessons for us today. Among other things, the book teach us that judgment eventually falls upon men and nations when they persist in their disobedience to God and His will.
—William Barnes, Pastor, Tchulahoma Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The book of Ezekiel is one of the most neglected of all the Bible’s prophetical books. It is difficult to read and comprehend because of its apocalyptic style and thought. Ezekiel uses more symbols and allegories than any other Old Testament prophet, which adds to the confusion of the casual Bible reader. Once again Rev. Roy Gingrich has manifested his God-given ability to simplify difficult Bible books and to help the average reader to understand and appreciate their contents. The difficulties in Ezekiel are soon removed when Mr. Gingrich’s introduction is read and his concise but comprehensive outline is carefully followed.
The skillful arrangement of the material in his commentaries makes them suitable to be used in the classroom, in the pulpit, or in the home. The spiritual quality and the structural excellence of this outline commentary on Ezekiel is on par with the author’s other writings, all of which are going out to ever-widening circles.
—Gary Williams, Former Pastor, Faith Bible Chapel, Plant City, FL
(from the Introduction)
Though it is perhaps unwise to state unconditionally that one book of the Bible is more important than another, it is true that certain books are more important than others for specific doctrines. Genesis is crucial for the doctrine of origins; Romans is crucial for the doctrine of justification. Likewise, Daniel is crucial for the understanding of eschatology. The Book of Daniel is basic for prophetic study.
Mr. Roy Gingrich has carefully analyzed the main prophetic segments of The Book of Daniel – Daniel, chapters 2, 7, 8, 9, 10-12. A proper understanding of Daniel, chapters 2 and 7, and of Daniel 9:24-27, is essential to a proper understanding of Biblical prophecy, and these passages Mr. Gingrich has carefully examined. No commentary has yet achieved unanimous agreement, but this book embodies essentially the premillennial approach to The Book of Daniel.
Secondly, the author has provided us with an exceptionally fine treatment of that crucial prophetic passage, Daniel 9:24-27, the prophecy of Israel’s Seventy Weeks. Not only has he examined it phrase by phrase, but he has also set his passage in the wider prophetic context of the Bible, skillfully weaving in those prophetic events given elsewhere in the bible that relate to the Seventieth Week.
Thirdly, the author has drawn from The Book of Daniel vital, practical lessons. The events of the Old Testament were recorded for our admonition, I Corinthians 10:11, and Mr. Gingrich does not fail to apply the truth of Daniel to the heart and conscience.
Fourthly, Mr. Gingrich has given to us a brief but valuable introduction to the general study of prophecy, and this introduction will repay careful study.
I recommend this outline commentary to the reader as an excellent and effective aid in studying The Book of Daniel and trust that through it he may be given “knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom,” Daniel 1:17.
—James B. Crichton, President, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The unfortunate title “The Minor Prophets” has caused many Bible readers to neglect the study of the twelve books grouped under this heading. Therefore, the glory and riches of these books are unknown to the average reader. He has failed to benefit from the major messages of these “Minor Prophets.” Hosea and Joel, the two books of “the Minor Prophets” considered in this commentary, are great and helpful books when they are studied in depth. Hosea preached during a time of great material prosperity under Jeroboam II, but his age was also characterized by political deception, false religion, moral decay, and spiritual decline. What a parallel to the conditions prevalent today! Joel also preached messages which have great relevance to today’s situation.
This commentary by Brother Gingrich is richly flavored by his personal comments. His exegesis of the text is excellent. A perusal of this outline commentary will make their reader acutely aware of the danger of willfully transgressing the known will of God, of the awesome responsibility of religious leaders, and of the good or bad influence of political leaders over a nation. It is a joy and an honor to recommend this book to all who desire a deeper understanding of the books of Hosea and Joel.
—Gary Williams, Pastor and Professor
(from the Introduction)
The prophetical books of the old Testament are commonly divided into the five Major Prophets and the twelve Minor Prophets. Amos, Jonah, and Obadiah, the Bible books commented upon in this book, are listed among the Minor Prophets. But let us not misunderstand “minor.” The word has no reference to inspiration, importance, or value, but rather, to the length of the books. Many of the Minor Prophets record major messages.
Contrary to general opinion, these books treat live, modern-day issues, such as social and religious evils in Amos, the judgments of God in Obadiah, and racial prejudice in Jonah.
The studies discuss first the author, the setting, and the purpose of each book. This is followed by an analytical outline which approaches a brief commentary.
—Paul M. Davidson, Professor of Mission and Bible, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
These pre-captivity books, Micah and Nahum, are very seldom read or taught. If it were not for the prophecy concerning the place of our Lord’s birth (Micah 5:2) and, as some see it, the prophecy of the automobile (Nahum 2:4), few people would know of their existence in the Old Testament canon. Originally the twelve Minor Prophets were grouped together into one scroll to keep them from getting lost because of their shortness in length. Their smallness in size may readily be contrasted with the greatness of their message. The central theme found in both Micah and Nahum is the certainty of awesome judgment upon the wicked and of ultimate deliverance for the righteous. This teaching found in Micah and Nahum gives Christians great comfort today, for it reminds us that someday the tables will be turned. Our enemies will be humbled and punished while we will be delivered and rewarded. A knowledge of and a reminder of these great truths give us patience in the midst of our present sufferings and tribulations.
—Gary Williams, Pastor and Professor
(from the Introduction)
A full understanding of God’s plan of the ages must include a study of the Old Testament prophets and their writings. Habakkuk and Zephaniah give interesting insights into God’s past dealings with his people and His plans for their future.
Habakkuk, ministering during the last days of Judah’s kingdom, finds the answers to some important questions that most believers wrestle with at some time in their Christian experience. Does God wink at the sins of his people? How can a righteous God use wicked people to chasten a less wicked people? God answers these two questions of Habakkuk. His answer to the first question is this: God does not overlook the sins of His people. He is even then preparing to judge their sin at the hands of the Chaldeans. God’s answer to the second question is as follows: God does use wicked agents to chasten His people, but these wicked agents will eventually be punished if they selfishly or excessively chastise God’s people. Habakkuk, having found the answers to his questions, then rests at peace and says in his heart, “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation,” Hab. 3:18.
Zephaniah, a contemporary of Habakkuk, also sees the soon-coming downfall of Judah. He becomes a preacher of woe, warning the nation concerning their sins and calling them to repentance. Knowing that they will not positively respond, he warns of the coming captivity but does not leave them without hope for he prophesies to them a glorious future for the remnant of Judah.
Mr. Roy Gingrich, the author of this outline commentary, has done a very commendable piece of work in analyzing and outlining the books of Habakkuk and Zephaniah. Bible students will find Mr. Gingrich’s commentary to be of great help in the understanding of these two prophetical books. They will be profitably exercised in the reading of this book.
—Delmas C. Jones, Dean of Students, Mid-South bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The post-captivity books of Haggai and Zechariah are relatively unknown, little read and seldom taught, yet these books are rich in their content and are filled with detailed revelations concerning the future and with encouragements in regard to the present. These two prophetical books can be studied with much profit for they give us detail of Christ’s first and second advents found in no other Bible book and they provide us with practical solutions to our every-day problems. The Christian who has never read and studied these wholesome books has missed much in the way of encouragement and edification.
(from the Introduction)
God’s final Old Testament message, recorded in the book of Malachi, is addressed to a discouraged and disobedient remnant of the nation of Israel. In this message, the priests, the nation’s leaders, are rebuked for dishonoring God and showing no fear towards his name. The people are rebuked for their illegal divorces, mixed marriages, robbery of God and for their rank skepticism. Malachi warns both the leaders and the people that the Messiah is coming not to bestow blessings upon all Israelites but to visit judgments upon those who are wicked and disobedient and to bestow blessings upon the faithful and obedient. By way of application, the book of Malachi warns us today that the Messiah is coming again and will again visit judgment upon those of His professed people who are wicked and disobedient and bestow blessings upon the faithful and obedient.
The author of this commentary has given us a book of great value, a book which will help God’s children to understand and appreciate the book of Malachi.
—James R. Williams, D.C., Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The book of Matthew is to the New Testament what the book of Genesis is to the Old Testament, the key that unlocks the door. One can have a thorough knowledge of the New Testament only if he masters this vital, yet difficult book. Mr. Roy Gingrich has given us in this expanded outline a satisfying, conservative, premillennial interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.
Like other books from the pen of Mr. Gingrich, this one begins with a full, general introduction to the book, treating such topics as authorship, readers, occasion, purpose, theme, and values. What follows is a commentary in outline form. It is not a verse by verse critical exegesis or detailed exposition. Mr. Gingrich writes for the busy layman, the rushed preacher, the independent Bible student who wants to get quickly to the heart of a passage without wading through pages of discussion. This book is to be studied as well as read, and studied with an open Bible.
(from the Introduction)
The chastening power of our Lord is wonderfully revealed in the life of John Mark, the author of the shortest of the four gospels, The Gospel of Mark. Just a few years before he wrote his gospel, Mark failed the Lord when he deserted Paul and Barnabas at Perga and returned to Jerusalem but the Lord restored him and used him to be a faithful minister and the writer of an inspired gospel.
When a great servant of God writes a commentary on an inspired servant of God’s Gospel, great things are bound to happen. And in Brother Gingrich’s outline commentary of The Gospel of Mark, like in his other works, great things do happen. I know you will be blessed as you think and study through The Gospel of Mark with Brother Gingrich. And I know you will appreciate his knowledge of this Gospel and his God-given gift of explaining it.
—Paige Cothren, Former Student and NFL Football Player
(from the Introduction)
The Gospel of Luke is my favorite gospel. It greatly helped me in my beginning walk with Christ. It is the most complete and thorough of the four gospels. It is full of incredible accounts of the times and the life of Jesus. In this gospel, Jesus heals the sick, casts out demons saves sinners, cleanses the temple, and does many other wondrous things. The teaching of Luke that changed my life the most is the parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37. It showed me how I am to care for others. The gospel written by Luke offers salvation to sinners and fullness of blessing to saints.
In this commentary on Luke, it is evident that Brother Gingrich has spent many hours of labor in prayer, study, and meditation. His commentary is clear in its thoughts, convincing in its explanations, and helpful in its applications. It is written in a style that makes it easy to read.
Mr. Gingrich divides the book into five parts, beginning with “the Physical Advent of the Son of Man” and closing with “the Post-Resurrection Ministry of the Son of Man.” This fivefold division of the book helps the reader to organize and systematize the materials presented in The Gospel of Luke.
—Mark Walton, Assistant Pastor, Greenlaw Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Probably no other portion of Scripture has been studied more diligently, or with greater blessing, than has The Gospel of John. The Apostle’s explicit purpose for writing was “that ye might believe.” Soul winners everywhere use this gospel in presenting the gospel of salvation to unbelievers. John’s presentation of Jesus Christ as God’s Son is so deep and vast that it challenges and blesses every believer and the greatest of Bible scholars.
This outline begins with a helpful and interesting introduction to John’s gospel. The gospel itself is then presented as it was written, chronologically. Many helpful observations, remarks, and practical lessons are given as the outline is developed.
Because of its indisputable testimony to the deity of Jesus Christ, John’s gospel has been a favorite target for liberal critics for many years. Mr. Gingrich, however, defends this gospel as being that very Word of God. Using the literal, historical, and grammatical method of interpretation, he carefully exegetes every paragraph of the text. His approach is free of sectarian bias.
Without hesitation, this outline is recommended to any person who desires to make a study of The Gospel of John. It will be especially useful to anyone who plans to teach a home Bible class or who leads in a group study of John’s gospel. This outline would be a handy and useful tool in any pastor’s study.
—Roger R. Clapp, Ed.D., Instructor, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The Book of Acts is one of the New Testament’s most important books. It links the ministry of Christ in the Gospels with the teachings of the Apostles in the Epistles and it gives us the background for the Pauline Epistles. It, the first chapter of church history, records the spread of the gospel, during a short thirty-three years’ period, from Jerusalem, the capital city of the Jewish world, to Rome, the capital city of the Gentile world. The book reveals to us Spirit-inspired missionary methods and practices which our present-day churches could study and follow with profit. Our Christian knowledge would be greatly impaired if we did not have The Book of Acts.
This commentary, like all other commentaries from the pen of Mr. Gingrich, greatly helps the reader to better understand the Word of God. Mr. Gingrich begins this commentary on The Book of Acts with a concise but complete introduction to the book. He follows the natural divisions of the book, using the unique titles: “The Infancy of the Church,” “The Adolescence of the Church,” and “The Maturity of the Church.”
This commentary, though concise in form, is complete and thorough in its coverage. This unique ability of the author to be brief yet thorough has made his books to be in demand in ever-widening circles. His commentaries, in outline form, are especially helpful to students who have small libraries, to pastors who have a busy schedule and to Sunday School teachers and laymen who are pressed in finding time for Bible study.
—Gary Williams, Pastor and Professor
(from the Introduction)
The book of Romans itself has been called the Constitution of Christianity. Indeed, I have often said that if I had to be shipwrecked on an island with only one book, it, of course, would be the Bible; and if I could choose only one of the sixty-six various books that make up the Bible, that one book would be without doubt the book of Romans.
Dr. Gingrich is a scholar, but he is not an armchair theologian. He puts warm and sympathetic hands on deep and doctrinal truth. God has given to him the ability to understand the Word of God and to outline it and apply it in a way that others can quickly assimilate and effectively use.
—Dr. Adrian Rogers, Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, TN
(from the Introduction)
Almost from its very beginning, the church at Corinth had been plagued by intellectual and moral problems, problems that had caused Paul to have much heaviness of heart and a great concern for the well-being of the saints at Corinth. Paul had, through a short visit to the Corinthians and through a now-lost letter to the Corinthians, tried to solve the problems in the Corinthians church, but they had grown to be worse. In writing First Corinthians, Paul made a further effort to correct the errors and the wrongs which were hindering the growth and development of the Corinthian saints.
After a short introduction to First Corinthians, Paul, in 1:10-4:21, deals with the incipient divisions in the church, then he, in chapters 5 and 6, address some of the moral problems prevalent in the church, after which he, in chapters 7-14, gives instruction concerning marriage, Christian liberties, women wearing a veil in public, a proper observance of the Lord’s Supper, and the proper view and use of the Spiritual gifts. Finally, he, in chapter 15, gives the Corinthians needed instruction concerning the physical resurrection of the body of a believer.
—George A. Hern, Pastor, Dellwood Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Almost all church pastors, at some time in their church ministers, find themselves turning to the New Testament book of Second Corinthians for consolation and encouragement in times of affliction and discouragement, and for renewed zeal in continuing on in the work that God has committed to their trust. Paul, the author of the book of Second Corinthians and a model Christian leader, inspires us to give our all and our best to Christ, and to affect the world for God and for good in a small measure as he did in a large measure.
This commentary on Second Corinthians, like all other of Mr. Gingrich’s commentaries, may be used by Bible students to secure concise and correct knowledge of the subject discussed. I do recommend this book as a valuable tool for Bible study.
—John Latimer, Pastor, Central North church, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
This outline study on Galatians gives clear insight into Paul’s authority as an apostle, his teaching of justification by faith, and his exhortations concerning Christian liberty. I gladly recommend this commentary and pray that many Christians will read it and be blessed by it.
—Georganne Clabaugh, Mid-South Bible Bookstore, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
This commentary, in outline form, is an excellent study guide. To recommend it to all of God’s people is a joy. It is not a book to be read hurriedly but a book to be studied carefully, Bible in hand. Used in this manner, this book will greatly assist the reader is understanding the great and blessed truths hidden in The Book of Ephesians, truths concerning the intimate relationship between Christ and his church.
Our present materialistic age, lost in spiritual darkness, greatly needs men who “shine as lights in this world,” men who unashamedly “hold forth the word of life.” Such a man is the author of this book. He is a light both in his life and his words, to all who know him. He, through the gifts given to him by the Spirit, effectively transmits the light of his Lord ad Master, Jesus Christ, “the Light of this world.”
—John L. Lipscomb, Pastor, Grace Fellowship, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, shows his deep concern for those under his leadership, a concern for their spiritual growth and prosperity. Paul expressed this concern in words of warm commendation, in words of stern warning, and in words of earnest exhortation. The epistle of Paul to the Philippians is truly a spiritual love letter from a spiritual father to his spiritual children.
In this present work, Mr. Gingrich gives us a thorough and useful analysis of, and commentary on, Paul’s epistle to the Philippians. It gives me great delight to recommend this book to anyone who hungers for a deeper insight into God’s word.
—Thelma A. Bowers, Former Sunday School Teacher, West Frayser Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Anyone who has determined to seriously study the book of Colossians knows how difficult it is to find a good commentary on the book. It is a book difficult to exegete and many scholars really have never attempted to explore its depths. Since there is such a dearth of good commentaries on the book of Colossians, this book by Brother Roy Gingrich meets a great need.
—Roby V. Key, Director of Admissions, Mid South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Dr. Gingrich has the God-given ability to make the Word of God relevant to today’s problems by relating it to the walk of believers. His depth of knowledge, his spiritual insight, his practical wisdom, his unique writing ability, and his tireless and unselfish labor are all revealed in his unique outline commentaries. The skillful arrangement of the material in these commentaries makes them suitable to be used in the classroom, in the pulpit, on in the home. The spiritual quality and the structure excellence of this outline commentary of First Thessalonians is on par with the author’s other writings, which cover all the books of the Bible and have been used by many scores of thousands of believers.
—Larry McGrath, JD, President, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Dr. Gingrich has the God-given ability to make the Word of God relevant to today’s problems by relating it to the walk of believers. His depth of knowledge, his spiritual insight, his practical wisdom, his unique writing ability, and his tireless and unselfish labor are all revealed in his unique outline commentaries. The skillful arrangement of the material in these commentaries makes them suitable to be used in the classroom, in the pulpit, on in the home. The spiritual quality and the structure excellence of this outline commentary of Second Thessalonians is on par with the author’s other writings, which cover all the books of the Bible and have been used by many scores of thousands of believers.
—Larry McGrath, JD, President, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
First Timothy and Second Timothy, two of the three “Pastoral Epistles,” are two of the Bible’s shorter books, but they are a source of much rich instruction concerning the organization of local churches, the government of local churches, the instruction and the correction of the members of local churches, and the teaching and the conduct of the pastors of local churches. Paul’s churches and their members needed this instruction just as our present-day churches and their members need this introduction. If churches today operated in accordance with the guidelines taught in the Pastoral Epistles, they would present a far more effective witness for Christ.
Mr. Gingrich has spent many hours in the research, meditation, and prayer necessary for the writing and the publication of this book, First Timothy. I have read this book and I heartily recommend it to al of God’s children who yearn for a closer walk with Him. Anyone who reads this commentary and appropriates its message will enrich his life and be a Christian well pleasing to our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
—Charles U. Daniel, Riverside Press, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
First Timothy and Second Timothy, two of the three “Pastoral Epistles,” are two of the Bible’s shorter books, but they are a source of much rich instruction concerning the organization of local churches, the government of local churches, the instruction and the correction of the members of local churches, and the teaching and the conduct of the pastors of local churches. Paul’s churches and their members needed this instruction just as our present-day churches and their members need this introduction. If churches today operated in accordance with the guidelines taught in the Pastoral Epistles, they would present a far more effective witness for Christ.
Mr. Gingrich has spent many hours in the research, meditation, and prayer necessary for the writing and the publication of this book, Second Timothy. I have read this book and I heartily recommend it to al of God’s children who yearn for a closer walk with Him. Anyone who reads this commentary and appropriates its message will enrich his life and be a Christian well pleasing to our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
—Charles U. Daniel, Riverside Press, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Brother Roy Gingrich, the author of this commentary, is a very busy servant of God, busy as a local-church pastor, as a Bible-college professor, as a Bible-conference leader, and as a guest speaker, yet he finds time for the doing of another work to which God has called him: the writing and publication of Bible commentaries and other helpful books on the Bible.
I have had the privilege of using the Bible commentaries of Brother Gingrich in Sunday school teaching and in other Christian work and have found them to be deep and rich in the truths of God’s word.
I do recommend this volume to all students of God’s word as a helpful aid in the understanding of the books of Titus and Philemon.
—Thelma Bowers, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Few Christians read the book of Hebrews, few pastors preach from the book, and even fewer pastors teach through the book, yet the book of Hebrews has a vital message to the church today. Just as the addressees of the book were tempted in their trials and testings to turn from Christ and the teachings of the New Covenant, even so are Christian today tempted in their trials and testings to turn from Christ and His final revelation to man. The book of Hebrews powerfully exhorts and encourages us not to go back to that from which we were called but to go on to the full realization of God’s promises to His children.
Brother Gingrich has once again given to us a tremendous commentary in outline form. The introduction to the book is comprehensive though concise and it fully prepares the reader for a thorough grasp of the book. In a masterful way, the author skillfully and Biblically harmonizes the bona fide warnings of the book with the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. The author is to be highly commended for his stand on the inerrancy of Scripture and his honest exegesis of the text. This commentary will be a tremendous encouragement to pastors today who spend much of their time in warning their people against apostasy and in encouraging them to go on to Christian maturity. It will also be a tremendous help to all those who study the Bible for personal edification. I predict a large circulation for this book and I highly recommend is and all the other commentaries of this great man of God.
—Gary Williams, Former Pastor and Professor
(from the Introduction)
“Men are justified by faith alone,” wrote an old Puritan divine, “but the faith that justifies is never alone.” This is a succinct statement of the truth articulated by Paul, under the inspiration of the Spirit, in Ephesians 2:8-10: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.” Men are saved by God’s grace alone apart from any meritorious work. Salvation is “not of works.” Yet, at the same time, men are saved with a view to a transformed life. Salvation is “unto good works.” A true, saving experience of Jesus Christ carries with it the germ of a transformed life… and the transformed life is the chief evidence of the genuineness of a man’s profession.
This truth is, in brief, the emphasis of the Epistle of James. Written by the brother of Jesus Christ and reflecting accurately, no doubt, the Savior’s mind, the Epistle of James calls upon men to translate their creed into conduct. James challenges men “to put the truth of God into show leather.” A true belief behaves.
This study commentary on the Epistle of James, written by Brother Roy Gingrich, will lead the diligent student into a solid grasp of this Epistle.
Three salient qualities characterize this commentary by Mr. Gingrich. First, it is the product of a careful exegesis of the original text. Though taking into account the views of other commentators, this commentary, in the last analysis, is based on original study. Second, this commentary carefully pursues the movement of thought in the Epistle, and this is extremely important in the study of any book of the Bible. Third, Mr. Gingrich has drawn out and applied to the conscience the practical lessons of this Epistle. True Bible interruption inevitably leads to application, and Mr. Gingrich has not failed to apply the truth of this Epistle to the heart and conscience.
—Dr. James B. Crichton, President, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
You have before you a detailed outline and a brief commentary that can lead you to a rich and rewarding study of one of the Bible’s inspired books, First Peter.
Peter, in his epistles, speaks of “precious blood,” “precious faith,” “precious cornerstone,” “precious promises, “and “precious trial of faith.” A careful and prayerful study of Peter’s two “precious” epistles will help us to obey Peter’s last imperative, “but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
My own life and ministry have been favorably affected by the life and teachings of this God-ordained minister. I have found Mr. Gingrich’s books to be very helpful and profitable in my personal Bible study.
—Michael F. Pearl, Minister, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
You have before you a detailed outline and a brief commentary that can lead you to a rich and rewarding study of one of the Bible’s inspired books, Second Peter.
Peter, in his epistles, speaks of “precious blood,” “precious faith,” “precious cornerstone,” “precious promises, “and “precious trial of faith.” A careful and prayerful study of Peter’s two “precious” epistles will help us to obey Peter’s last imperative, “but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
My own life and ministry have been favorably affected by the life and teachings of this God-ordained minister. I have found Mr. Gingrich’s books to be very helpful and profitable in my personal Bible study.
Michael F. Pearl, Minister, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The four studies which are found in this book will command the attention of a wide circle of readers and indeed will repay this attention. This book contains an introduction to, and an outlined commentary on, four New Testament books, I John, II John, III John, and Jude. These for stimulating epistles are a part of the group of New Testament letters which are usually called the “Catholic” or the “General” epistles.
Truth is many-sided. We grasp it more readily when it is presented by a number of teachers, each possessing a different personality, so God gave us New Testament truth through a plurality of human authors. A part of the writings of two of these authors, John and Jude, are studied in this book. John represents Mystical Christianity while Jude represents Judaic Christianity. John is the apostle of love and personal experience; Jude is the apostle of vigilance and warning. Neither writer neglects nor minimizes doctrine but each stresses practical conduct which should issue from correct doctrine.
It is… a pleasure and an honor to recommend these study outlines to all students of the Word as an effective aid to the understanding of these four New Testament epistles.
—Paul M. Davidson, Professor of Bible and Missions, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The Book of Revelation, a book that has puzzled many devout Christians, is at the same time a proper subject of serious study on the part of a believer. There are some men who would discourage the study of The Book of Revelation because they say this book has suffered from so much misinterpretation.
Indeed, as Christians, we are obligated to study The Book of Revelation: first, because it is a part of the Holy Scriptures; second, because it promises a special blessing to those who read it or hear it read, Rev. 1:3; and third, because God explicitly tells us, in this book, that He wishes to show us these truths: “The Revelation shortly come to pass,” Rev. 1:1. Indeed, on eight different occasions, Rev. 1:1, 4:1; 17:1; 21:9; 21:10; 22:1; 22:6; 22:8, The Book of Revelation stresses the fact that God desires to “show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass.”
This analytical study of Revelation by Mr. Gingrich deserves careful study. It will enable the earnest student, along with the Bible, to secure a solid grasp of The Book of Revelation. I do recommend it to all students of the Bible’s final book.
—Dr. James B. Crichton, President, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Amazing as it may be, the things written in the Old Testament really happened and they “were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope,” Rom 15:4. “They are our examples,” I Cor. 10:6, and “they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come, I Cor. 10:11. In the Old Testament, God gives us a record of His dealings in works and words with His Old Covenant people, Israel, a record which reveals to us the divine “do’s” and “don’ts” of daily living. If we correctly interpret the history found in the Old Testament, we will learn that God chastens disobedience and that He rewards obedience.
In this book, Professor Gingrich takes his readers step by step, period by period, through the Old Testament. After carefully reading and studying this book, the reader will be able to think his way through the Old Testament from the creation of Adam to the days of Malachi. I highly recommend this book to all who desire a better knowledge of God’s word.
—Judy A. Lorence, Student, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
There are two ways of teaching Bible Survey (both Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey): (1) the book-by-book way and (2) the period-by-period way. Many Bible scholars believe the period-by-period way to be the better and the most effective way for it enables the teacher to present the content of the Bible more logically and systematically and it enables the leaner to better understand and remember the matter taught. The author of this book has wisely chosen the period-by-period method of teaching New Testament Survey.
This survey is presented in outline form and it divides the New Testament era into 6 periods concerning the Church, for the New Testament deals with the church in contrast to the Old Testament; which deals with Israel. The preparation for the church, the founder of the church and the growth of the church are dealt with logically and chronologically.
—Eugene Norris, M.Div., M.A.R.E., Riverside Outreach, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The life of Christ is the center-piece of the entire Bible; it is also the focal point of the history of God’s dealing with all His creation. The Old Testament prepares us for the advent of Christ; the life of Christ prepares us for His majestic death; and that death satisfied the justice of God, which means that men need no longer die.
The geographic preparation for the study is one of the key features of this work. Dr. Gingrich is well prepared for this task with a lifetime of study on his subject. He has been a tour guide for many, many trips to Palestine, his latest tour being in 1994. This work puts so much scholarly information in the hands of lay people that it should be in the library of every Sunday School teacher.
—Raymond Waddell, Ed.D, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The life of Christ is the center-piece of the entire Bible; it is also the focal point of the history of God’s dealing with all His creation. The Old Testament prepares us for the advent of Christ; the life of Christ prepares us for His majestic death; and that death satisfied the justice of God, which means that men need no longer die.
The geographic preparation for the study is one of the key features of this work. Dr. Gingrich is well prepared for this task with a lifetime of study on his subject. He has been a tour guide for many, many trips to Palestine, his latest tour being in 1994. This work puts so much scholarly information in the hands of lay people that it should be in the library of every Sunday School teacher.
—Raymond Waddell, Ed.D, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
In the different periods of the church, various doctrines have occupied the minds of theologians and Bible expositors. In the third and fourth centuries of our Christian era, the Person and Work of Christ were warmly debated. In the Reformation period, it was justification by faith alone. Today, one of the prime issues is the origin, the nature, and the mission of the church. Because of this awakened interest in the church on the part of Christians in general and of Christian youth in particular, Mr. Roy Gingrich’s expanded outline on “The History of the Church” is assured of a welcome from every earnest Christians.
This handy compendium of the history of the church is somewhat unique. It offers a new approach to this vital subject. After a brief general introduction, the author divides church history into nine periods. Excepting the first one, each of these periods is treated succinctly yet thoroughly under five headings: (1) The Expansion of the Church; (2) The Government of the Church; (3) The Doctrine of the Church; (4) The Worship of the Church; and (5) The Life of the Church. Mr. Gingrich in this outline has described the ebb and the flow, the men and the issues, of church history in such a way that everyone can enjoy them and profit from them. Read this outline with anticipation.
—Paul M. Davidson, Professor, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The author has chosen an appropriate title for this book, “Four Controversial Doctrines.” Tongues, divine healing, the Lord’s Supper, and water baptism have each been the occasion for dissention and separation among the people of God. Certainly, Christians need to study what the Bible has to say on these subjects and to do so with an unbiased mind, for in many cases Christian beliefs concerning these doctrines come not from personal Bible study but from early childhood training and from church tradition.
I do recommend this study to anyone who is searching for light on the doctrines discussed in this book. This book will do you good.
—Roger R. Clapp, Dean of Education, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
One of the greatest resources of wisdom a Christian has to tap, aside from God’s word itself, is the experience and understanding older Christians have accumulated over a lifetime walk with God. The apostle Paul was careful to pass on the Timothy a wealth of spiritual wisdom and was careful to exhort Timothy to pass it on to his young converts. Mr. Roy Gingrich has placed us in his debt by passing on to us the wisdom and understanding God has given to him during his many years of Christian ministry.
Some Things Every Christian Should Know provides practical advice for every phase of a Christian’s life: his personal life, his spiritual life, his church life, his martial and family life; his financial life, and his social life. I can heartily recommend this book to all Christians.
—Patricia Brown, Administrator, Riverside Press, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
All Christian ministers of the gospel, especially those who are just entering the Christian ministry, need the counsel and encouragement of their fellow ministers. Older ministers, who have gained a wealth of knowledge through many years of painful and costly experience, are eminently qualified and are duty-bound to share their God-given, experience-acquired, knowledge with their needy brethren. Brother Roy Gingrich, a long-time minister of the gospel, feels this obligation resting upon him and to fulfill this obligation, he gives us this book, passing on to us some things that he has learned through many years of prayer, study, and experience.
This book is simple and uncomplicated, but it contains in condensed form a wealth of knowledge that every Christian minister should know.
—Eugene Norris, M.A.R.E.; M.Div., Owner and Manager, Riverside Printing, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
One might ask, “Do Satan, demons, and fallen angels have real existence? Or, are they only figments of human imagination?” Many who profess faith in God question the existence of a personal devil and casually relegate evil spirits and demons to the realm of folklore and superstition. This unbelief is most advantageous to Satan in his present undertaking.
For a solid, reliable answer to the above question we must turn to the Scriptures. Mr. Roy Gingrich, the author of this timely book, has done just that, in an expanded outline form, carefully researched, he has traced what the Bible says about Satan from his perfect creation to his assigned condemnation in the Lake of Fire. The author logically present the Devil’s person and work in the past, present, and future, both before and after his fail.
A great asset possessed by the author is his premillennial concept of world government, the coming reign of the Antichrist, the ultimate banishment of Satan and the universal triumph of Christ and his kingdom. This study would be seriously impaired without this Biblical perspective.
—Paul M. Davidson, Professor of Theology, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
In this little volume, Mr. Roy Gingrich has given us a concise treatment of “the church age,” an excellent survey of the Bible’s teaching on this subject. Mr. Gingrich has obviously spent much time and labor in preparation for the writing of this book. Much more has been written on “the church age” by other men, but I find that this book says all that needs to be said and says it in a concise way. It gives its readers an overall view of its subject without losing them in page after page of details. Therefore, I believe that this work would be an excellent addition to any and every Christian’s library.
—Roby V. Key, Director of Admissions, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Although prophecy has always been of great interest to most Christians, many Christians have been turned away from the study of prophecy because of the fanciful misinterpretations of prophecy being given by many Bible expositors in these last days of the church age. But we should turn back to the study of prophecy with renewed interest for prophecy occupies a major part of the Scriptures, no part of which are we to reject, and because prophecy enables us to prepare for the future, of which we will be a part.
Although this outline study of last-day events is a valuable work in and of itself, it is also an excellent prerequisite to any more lengthy study of Eschatology. It is a valuable tool for the professional Bible scholar or for the lay teacher. I recommend this book without reservation to any pastor, teacher, or preacher as well as to any layman interested in a careful study of the Word of God.
—Raymond L. Waddell, Ed.D., Dean of Students, Mid-South Bible College
(from the Introduction)
The resurrection of the dead has been a subject that has deeply concerned the mind of man since ancient times. Job asked the question, “If a man die, shall he live again?” Shakespeare had Hamlet say, “To die, to sleep, perchance to dream, aye, there’s the rub.” The Christian finds the answer to Shakespeare’s “rub” in the Bible, the Word of God. Roy Gingrich, in his usual lucid and succinct fashion, has in this book outlined and elucidated in chronological order the seven resurrections spoken of in the Bible.
—Raymond L. Waddell, Ed.D., Dean of Students, Mid-South Bible College
(from the Introduction)
Although “The Sermon on the Mount” is addressed to the professed heirs of “the Old Testament Prophetical Kingdom,” it has application to Christians today. We Christians, along with these heirs of the Kingdom, are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world and we, as well as they, are to be not anxious about the things of tomorrow. How sweet are the instructions that God gives to all of His children in “the Sermon on the Mount”! What blessings do we receive when we open our ears and hearts to this message from God!
I have read and studied this outline commentary on “the Sermon on the Mount” and I recommend it to all who desire a deeper knowledge of this portion of God’s word. I believe that you will be moved out of the crowd and constrained to kneel at the Savior’s feet as you study “the Sermon on the Mount” and this commentary on the sermon and then apply the sermon’s exhortations and warnings to your life.
—Karen J. Loden, Admissions Counselor, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
I am thankful that Brother Roy Gingrich is adding another book to the large number of books that he has written. This outline commentary on The Seven Parables of the Kingdom adds another volume to the library of books that he has written over the years. His books reflect his dedication to Bible study and his desire to minister to both sinners and saints and they have been used of God to bless many who hunger and thirst for a deeper knowledge of God’s Word.
The reader of this book will find its contents to be both interesting and helpful. Brother Gingrich, in dealing with the seven parables found in Matthew thirteen, has given us the background to these parables, an explanatory outline of these parables, and the lessons to us from these parables. He helps us to understand the program and the work of God during the period between the two advents of Christ, and he, from the teachings of these parables, gives us reasons for faithfully preserving in our labors for God in spite of the sometimes disappointing results of our ministry and our chronic tendency to throw up our hands in despair.
—Robert Dennison, Jr., Admissions Counselor, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
In the Gospel of Matthew, there are three great discourses having to do with “the Kingdom of Heaven.” First there is “the Sermon on the Mount,” chapters 5-7, giving the laws of the kingdom. Then there are “the Parables of the Kingdom,” chapter thirteen, giving the trend of the mystery form of the kingdom. Finally there is “the Olivet Discourse,” which gives us much information concerning the great eschatological events which will occur just before the inauguration of the kingdom and it should be studied along with Daniel, Revelation, and other prophetical books concerning the end-time, as is stated by the author of this commentary, Mr. Roy Gingrich.
We need to know the events that are prophesied to occur that we might prepare ourselves for the fulfillment of these events. As is sometimes said: “Coming events cast their shadows before them” and these shadows become darker as the time of the fulfillment of the events draws closer and closer. The shadows of the eschatological things prophesied in “the Olivet Discourse” are now very dark, so we know that the time of their fulfillment is nigh, even at the door.
—Bettye C. Wheaton, Secretary for Interim President, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The Nine Judgments of the New Testament include judgments of individuals and nations. At all of these judgments, Christ is the Judge, for since the cross of Christ all judgment has been committed to the Son, John 5:22, for in His earthly life He proved Himself worthy of being appointed Judge by always judging in perfect harmony with the Father.
This commentary gives us a view of the overall plan of God, the plan of the ages, and it helps us to find our place in this plan. As we read the book we see that some of God’s judgments are history, some are current, and some are yet to come.
—Mary E. Lewis
(from the Introduction)
The doctrine of eternal security is one of the cardinal doctrines of the Calvinistic system of belief. It is controversial doctrine, a doctrine that is hotly debated by its adherents and its opponents. Every Christian should closely and carefully test the truthfulness of the doctrine by comparing it with the teachings of the Bible. If by this examination he comes to accept the doctrine (as I have done), he will have an assurance of final salvation that will be of great comfort to him as he goes through the many vicissitudes of this life.
This book is written with clarity. Mr. Gingrich has clearly presented the arguments for and against the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints and has convincingly presented his arguments for belief of the doctrine.
—Richard Cox
(from the Introduction)
Roy Gingrich has given us, in a most readable book, a solid introduction to and overview of the Ten Commandments. The opening pages the author devotes to introductory matters such as the recipients of the commandments, the date of the commandments, the names given to the commandments, the nature of the commandments, and the importance of the commandments. In the remainder of the book, Mr. Gingrich elaborates on each of the commandments, focusing on the subject of the commandment, the statement of the commandment, the meaning of the commandment, and the various ways the commandment is transgressed. In a most enlightening section at the end of the book, the author deals with the present-day validity of the Ten Commandments; a discussion many will find most helpful.
—Robert J. Hilgenberg, Th.D., President, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
This book, The Times of the Gentiles, written by Brother Gingrich, deals with a remarkable portion of the prophetic teaching of Scripture, Daniel, chapters 2 and 7, a portion which challenges us today to live in submission to the mighty God by whose will the world’s empires rise and fall.
The Times of the Gentiles joins the host of other books from the pen of Mr. Gingrich. Like them, it combines the author’s warm love of God and the Scriptures with his simple style of communication to make this book a book which any Christian can understand and from which he can receive profit. It is, then, my privilege to recommend The Times of the Gentiles by Pastor Roy Gingrich to all who seek a deeper understanding of God’s Word.
—James E. Allman, Th.D., Chairman, Department of Bible and Theology, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The prophecy of The Seventy Weeks of Daniel, Daniel 9:24-27, prophesies a period of time beginning in 445 B.C., a period of time 490 years in length, after which 6 great blessings will be bestowed upon the people of the nation of Israel.
I have found The Seventy Weeks of Daniel by Mr. Roy Gingrich to be a great help in the understanding of this prophecy. Brother Gingrich gives us a good, simple, and clear understanding of this prophecy as a whole.
—Douglas Kennard, Dean of Students, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
The subject of this book, the Millennium, is a subject of great importance to me because of the cross currents of eschatological theology that vie for our attention and approval today. I look upon Amillennial eschatology as a no-hope eschatology, upon Postmillennial eschatology as an unrealistic-hope eschatology, and upon Premillennial eschatology as a real-hope eschatology. Premillennial eschatology not only offers a real hope for the future through its teachings of the visible return of Christ and the personal reign of Jesus Christ over this earth for 1000 years but it also makes provision for the literal fulfillment of God’s Old Testament promises to Israel, which promises are given only a spiritual fulfillment in Amillennial and Postmillennial eschatology, a fulfillment that weakens our faith in the promises of the Bible.
It is my wish and prayer that God will use this book, The Millennium, by Roy Gingrich, to enlighten those Christians who do not know the great truths concerning the Millennium and to refresh and bless those Christians who are already acquainted with these truths.
—Jimmy Latimer, Senior Pastor, Central Church, Chancellor, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Almost every Christian is familiar with the account of Christ’s miracle of feeding the multitude but few really understand the sermon of Christ which follows this miracle of physical provision. In the sermon, Christ claims that the eating of His flesh and the drinking of His blood are the real spiritual nourishment so desperately needed by every one of us. The multitude that heard the sermon did not understand, but rejected Christ that day, because they wanted physical food and not nourishment for the soul. They heard Christ’s words, but failed to appropriate them, just as many today hear the message of Life, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but fall short of salvation because they fail to receive it by faith. To eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ is to hear His words and to appropriate (receive) them by faith. These are wonderful truths! Receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior, and then walking with Him everyday involves such intimate identification with the person and words of Christ that He compares it to consuming His body and drinking His blood.
The book’s great insight given to us in concise form will make it a valuable asset in my missionary library. The student, teacher, or minister will find this book a valuable guide for study and meditation.
—Scott Baer, Great Europe Mission
(from the Introduction)
No portion of the Holy Scriptures reveals more fully and clearly the Lord’s final hours of fellowship with his disciples in “the Upper Room” than do chapters thirteen through seventeen of the Gospel of John, the chapters of John which record “the Upper Room Discourse of Jesus” and “the High-Priestly Prayer of Jesus.” In these chapters, we see Jesus, emptied of the independent use of His kingly attributes, engaged in “a towel ministry,” the ministry of a servant, loving His own, even “unto the end,” John 13:1.
I do heartily recommend this commentary as a valuable aid in the understanding of “the Private Ministry of Christ.”
—R. Bates Brown, Jr., Owner, Riverside Press, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
I am glad that my pastor, Brother Roy Gingrich, has written this book on The Last Hours of Christ for I believe that these hours were a very important part of the earthly ministry of Christ. During these hours, the whole life and ministry of Christ came to a climax and all the saving purposes of God were fully revealed. It was fitting and proper that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John should have devoted so much of the space in their gospels to “The Day of Suffering,” the last day of Christ’s life here on the earth.
I hope that, and believe that, this book, The Last Hours of Christ, will be a blessing to all who read it.
—Harold Ross, Associate Pastor, Faith Bible Church, Memphis, TN
Christianity has roots that are deeply entwined with the nation of Israel. Today’s Christian needs to be aware of God’s plan for that great nation of people, both historically and prophetically. Paul meets this need in Romans, chapters nine through eleven, by focusing four questions: “Has the apostle Paul no concern for Israel?” “Why has Israel as a nation been rejected by God and set aside and Gentiles called?” “Is the rejection of Israel complete?” “Is the rejection of Israel final?”
In this outstanding work, Mr. Gingrich provides the reader with a clear commentary on Paul’s answers to the questions concerning the nation of Israel during the Church Age. Mr. Gingrich’s years of study and dedication to God’s service is evident throughout this book. It will be an asset to the scholar and the layman alike.
—W. Elzie Danley, Ed.D., Professor, Memphis State University, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
In this study, Mr. Gingrich focuses on 12:1-15:13 of the book of Romans, dealing with “the living out” of the transformation which took place in the believer’s heart when he believed. The outline begins with a helpful and interesting introduction to the believer’s responsibilities in regard to his various duties. Then in a verse by verse exegesis, he clearly outlines the believer’s religious duties. His treatment of these duties is so clear that even the most difficult passages are easily understood.
Profound doctrinal truths as well as practical teachings are found in the book of Romans, causing it to be a challenging and productive study for both the lay reader and the greatest Bible scholar. In this epistle of instruction and exhortation, Paul expounds the major theological foundational truths, especially the great doctrines of grace, which must be known if one is to have a full knowledge of the work of Christ. Paul also lays down guidelines for the believer as he lives his daily life “in the world but not of it.”
Without hesitation, this outline study is recommended to any Christian who desires a better understanding of the duties of a Christian. It will be especially useful to pastors of churches and to teachers of home Bible classes.
—Barbara D. Mashburn, M.A., Professor, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Today many, perhaps a great majority, of true Christian are more influenced and affected by the world around them then they are by the word of God from above them. Consequently, they are not living and enjoying the abundant life that Jesus promised to Christians. Thus this book, The Walk of a Christian, could be used of God to challenge carnal Christians to walk no longer after the ways of the world but after the instructions of God’s word.
Brother Gingrich has done a superb job in outlining the Bible’s instructions concerning the proper walk of a Christian, a walk of love, of Spirit leadership, and of well-doing.
—Ray Cox, Ph.D., Professor, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
No subject in the last twenty years has sparked more controversy among Christians than has the subject of the gifts of the Spirit. Some churches have split while others have grown tremendously because of the exercise of these gifts. Christians differ over which gifts are available today, when and how one receives the gifts, and how one discovers his gifts for ministry. It is evident with all that is being said and written about the gifts that Christians need further enlightenment on the subject, and that is what Mr. Gingrich offers in this book.
This brief outline of First Corinthians, chapters 12-14, contains more valuable information on the gifts of the Spirit than is contained in most large volumes on the subject. I have never read a better exposition of this passage than the one Mr. Gingrich presents. It will serve as an excellent study guide. My hope is that this book will have a broad influence and bring clarity of understanding to God’s people on the subject of the gifts of the Spirit.
—Dr. Jerry Haughton, Pastor and Professor
(from the Introduction)
The Christian life is a battlefield, with the most crucial battles taking place within us. Our greatest need is for help in managing our own nature. Christians may seek several ways to fight their inner battles. They may try to repress their minds and desires, as if they could shut thoughts and feelings up in a secret closet and pretend they are not there. Others may try in their own strength to fight against the enemy that lurks within, but as Paul said in Romans 7:24, “Wretched man that I am! Who will set one free from the body of this death?” Paul said again in Galatians 5:16, “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.” It is this walk in the Spirit and fruits produced from Him that Rev. Roy E. Gingrich has written about in this book.
This book gives an outlined commentary on the nine fruits of the Spirit, as stated by the Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:22-23. The very concise treatment of the subject will be very helpful to the Body of Christ.
—Timothy G. Mink, Vice-President for Student Affairs, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
In this volume, Mr. Gingrich traces the Bible from its author, the triune God, through its human authors, men of God, to our modern-day English translations.
If finite man can know and obey an infinite God, the infinite must reveal Himself to the finite; this God has done in the Bible. This revelation must be authoritative, inerrant, and infallible; and, while there are many infallible proofs, the Bible must still be received by faith. This is one of the greatest tests of the modern church. Brother Gingrich deals with this very important issue in a simple, very frank way.
—Raymond Waddell, Ed.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
This present book surveys the whole Old Testament. Beginning with a general introduction of the Old Testament, Brother Gingrich has included an unusual amount of information in a brief testament of every book from Genesis to Malachi, information needed by every student of the Bible in the initial stages of studying these treasured writings of God’s ancient prophets. Of special interest in light of the modern controversy over the inspiration of the text of Scripture is the emphasis the writer places on the trustworthiness, inspiration, and canonicity of the books of the Old Testament.
It is essential for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in our day to begin to study this tragically neglected portion of the Bible. The Old Testament was the Bible of the apostles, of the first Christians, and most importantly, of Jesus Himself. They found life in its pages as that ancient Word revealed Christ and the meaning of His life and death. It is, additionally, the foundation of much of the thought of the New Testament so that it is really impossible for Christians today to understand the beloved books of the New without a thorough understanding of the Old. We are blessed, therefore, to have this very helpful little book to aid in the study and teaching of such an important portion of God’s Word.
—James Allman, Th.D., Chairman, Bible Theology Department, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
One of the most essential areas of study for Christian men and women is an overview of the entire Bible. This book, one in a series of three, is intended to acquaint Christians with the author, the readers, the occasion, the purpose, the theme and the values of each New Testament book. This information is needed before beginning as in-depth study of the New Testament books.
Any student of the Word will find the following pages interesting and informative. Years of study have aided Brother Gingrich in compiling and organizing information from Scripture and history that provides an excellent source of facts rarely found in such complete and concise form.
—Roby V. Key, Vice President, Development, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Many textbooks on Systematic Theology are philosophical in their approach, ponderous in their thought, verbose in their exegesis, unclear in their presentation, and poorly organized in their subject matter; therefore, they are of minimal value to the average Christian. There has been, and is, a great need for a work on theology that meets the needs of the local-church pastor, the Bible-college professor, the Sunday School teacher, and the less-advanced Christian.
In this book and in its companion book (volume two of a two-volume set), Brother Roy Gingrich, Pastor of Faith Bible Church, Memphis, TN, and Professor of Bible at Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN, has fully met the above-mentioned need. He has in this work, his most comprehensive work on the Bible and on subjects related to the Bible, given us an “Introduction to Theology” that is concise, clear, simple, well-organized, and above all else, Bible-based and Bible-centered.
The organization of this two-volume set is unique and progressive. The author begins with Bibliology (the doctrine of the Bible) and then in logical order presents the other nine divisions of theology. Each of the ten divisions of theology is given thorough-but-concise treatment, profound-but-simple treatment, detailed-but-balanced treatment, and rational-but-Biblical treatment.
—Gary Williams, Pastor and Professor
(from the Introduction)
The heart of every program at Crichton College is its major Bible and Theology. Since this major presents difficulties to students who have not had the proper background training, a proper textbook and a professor who understands the needs of beginning students are of great value. Mr. Roy Gingrich in the work on Systematic Theology has provided the needed textbook and he does understand the needs of beginning students, for he has been teaching and guiding both beginning students and more advanced students at Crichton College for around twenty-seven years.
These two volumes on Systematic Theology, coming from the Bible and from the teaching notes of Mr. Gingrich, will be of great value to Pastors, Sunday-school teachers, Bible-college students, and to all other Christians who hunger for a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Bible. This work was designed to prepare its readers for a greater in-depth study of theology but it is rather complete in itself. I highly recommend this two-volume set to anyone desiring a better understanding of the Bible.
—Raymond Waddell, Ed.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs, Crichton College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
Brother Roy Gingrich has in this volume given to us another excellent and useful book, which he aptly titles Introduction to the Pauline Epistles. He fist gives us a general introduction to the whole of the Pauline Epistles and then he gives us a detailed introduction to each of the Pauline Epistles.
—Gary Williams, Pastor, Faith Bible Chapel, Plant City, FL
(from the Introduction)
This commentary by Mr. Gingrich, Introduction to the General Epistles, is well-written and it will prove itself to be a valuable aid to church pastors, Sunday School teachers, Bible school students, and Christian layman in helping them to understand “The General Epistles” and their messages to mankind. Mr. Gingrich first gives us a general introduction to the whole of “The General Epistles” and then he gives us a detailed introduction to each of these Epistles, thus giving us a broad view and a narrow view of these epistles, both of which views help us to better understand these epistles.
—Gary Williams, Pastor, Faith Bible Chapel, Plant City, FL
(from the Introduction)
Salvation is all about what God does and will do for the believer. How important it is to get this clear and believe it thoroughly! Presenting the seven steps to final salvation draws out the significant truth that “Salvation is of the Lord.” A study of these facets of Biblical truth will greatly strengthen a Christian’s faith and Christian life.
This book is recommended because it deals with some very heavy theological issues with maturity and spiritual insight. If the reader sees the steps as a checklist of God’s activities on the behalf of the believer, great blessing will be gained. If the reader rejoices in the depth and breadth of his salvation as described in these Biblical steps, God will be glorified. This is the author’s desire and mine.
—James Thorne, D. Min., Chairman of the Department of Ministries, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
How often have I had someone in my church or a student in one of my classes ask me to recommend something to help them understand the doctrines taught in this book. Election, foreknowledge, predestination, incarnation, atonement, and calling are difficult for most Christians to comprehend. These doctrines have divided many Christians. Much of the divisions could have been eliminated if a clear presentation, such as the one given in this little book, had been available.
The truths taught in this book will strengthen the reader’s life. They are not only Biblical, but they are preeminently practical. This book will be instrumental in establishing many new converts in the faith and in enabling them to go on and become mature and productive Christians.
—William Wheat, Th.M., Chaplain, Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
We as sinners must through the reading or the proclamation of the Word of God learn of God’s provision for our salvation and of His terms for the acceptance of these provisions before the Holy Spirit can lead us to repentance, faith, and salvation. At the moment that we do accept Christ, the Scriptures tell us that many things happen to us, such as conversion, reconciliation, justification, union with Christ, regeneration, positional sanctification, redemption, etc. We need to know these things if we are to fully appreciate God’s beginning redemptive work in our lives.
This book, Reception-of-Salvation Doctrine, helps us to understand our salvation experience and it equips us to tell sinners what will happen to them if they accept Christ.
—Craig Richardson, B.B.A., Mid-South Bible College, Memphis, TN
(from the Introduction)
I am a young Christian and my greatest desire is to grow into a mature Christian, to develop a character like that of Christ, so I am very much interested in Christian-Life Doctrines, the teachings of the Bible which tells us how to grow in Christ. I believe that searching out and heeding Christ’s teachings concerning spiritual growth would accelerate our growth into spiritual maturity. This book does search out these teachings and it exhorts us to heed these teachings.
I do heartily recommend this book, one of my father’s latest, and I predict that it will be read and appreciated by many Christian ministers and Christian laymen.
—Ramona Kathleen Duncan
Roy Edward Gingrich was born February 3, 1920 in Ozark, Illinois. In 1941, Roy received God's call to enter the Christian ministry. After intensive preparation, he was called to pastor churches in Mt. Vernon, Illinois, Indianapolis, Indiana and Memphis, TN. He was pastor of Faith Bible Church in Memphis, TN for over 40 years. In 1963 he graduated magna cum laude from Crichton College (formally Mid-South Bible College) and soon thereafter, he joined the teaching staff. In 1964, Dr. Gingrich began writing and self-publishing Bible commentaries. In 2001, Dr. Gingrich retired from a long and fruitful ministry and in 2003, was inducted into the Crichton College Hall of Fame.
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