Alive to Wonder: Celebrating the Influence of C. S. Lewis is a collection of extended excerpts from John Piper’s corpus where Lewis’s fingerprints are most vividly seen, including a significant introduction from Piper specially written for this project.
Piper calls it “the immeasurable moment” — that instance in reading when we come across a sentence or phrase that unleashes a new glimpse of truth. The lights go on. We read it and reread it. We’re gripped to see more. While it’s an experience that can happen when reading any good author, many would testify that it abounds when reading C.S. Lewis. Undoubtedly, this has been the case for Piper.
Even a cursory reading of Piper’s most foundational books shows Lewis’s influence. From the deep truths of Christian Hedonism to the good interpretive deed of valuing an author’s intention, Lewis-thought is there. And in this fiftieth year since Lewis’s death, Piper expresses his profound thankfulness in the form of this new ebook.
“God is not worshiped where He is not treasured and enjoyed. Praise is not an alternative to joy, but the expression of joy. Not to enjoy God is to dishonor Him. To say to Him that something else satisfies you more is the opposite of worship. It is sacrilege.” (source)
“Since God is real outside ourselves and has sent us a book, his intention in what the book says is of infinite importance. How to read the Bible is a good example of how to read everything—humbly, as though we have something to see— something to learn—from another mind.” (source)
“There is so much greatness to be known and felt by looking at God and his world, they believed, why would we focus on ourselves?” (source)
“He liked his ideas to fit the truth as snugly as old slippers fit the feet.’15 Pride does not care about this fit. Pride wants other things to fit with it. Not the reverse. Humility submits to God’s willed reality and makes the effort to conform its ideas to Truth.” (source)
“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” (source)
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Rev. Howard Witzenburger