Digital Logos Edition
Dwight L. Moody, “Mr. Moody,” was a hugely important Evangelical, of international significance. Both his influence on modern evangelicalism and the interest in him remain as strong today as in his own lifetime. This book provides a rounded assessment of Moody’s life and legacy: his theology, preaching, revivalist strategy, church music innovation, and global missionary work.
While Moody has been the subject of many popular biographies, this is the first book to bring together international experts in all of Moody’s many fields of activity and to provide a thoroughgoing evaluation of his life and achievements. It will establish Moody’s historical importance and enduring legacy as a principal icon of the modern Evangelical movement.
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“Someday you will read in the papers that D. L. Moody of East Northfield is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it! At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now. I shall have gone up higher, that is all … I was born of the flesh in 1837. I was born of the Spirit in 1856. That which is born of the flesh may die. That which is born of the spirit will live forever.’” (Page 1)
“Though Moody would later become a great apostle to the cities, he never escaped his small-town culture and lack of formal training. Never educated beyond the fifth grade, his spelling was atrocious and his pronunciation quaint. C. H. Spurgeon once remarked that Moody was the only man who could say ‘Mesopotamia’ in two syllables!” (Page 2)
“He was dubbed ‘Crazy Moody’ and criticized for enticing the children to Sunday School with the promise of pony rides and special gifts, his ‘missionary sugar’” (Page 2)
“emotionalism and high-pressure tactics that can so readily be used by evangelists to manipulate crowds” (Page 19)
“he increasingly stressed the importance of the Spirit’s anointing for Christian growth and service.” (Page 4)
This excellent new resource will be an invaluable study aid for a new generation of students, anxious to understand both Moody’s place in history, and how today’s evangelists might learn from him.
—Alister McGrath, University of Oxford
Moody was ‘a man for all seasons.’ May readers learn from him and more yearn for the Spirit Moody commended, then and now.
—Lon Allison, Director, Billy Graham Center, Wheaton College
These insightful—and, as I found them to be, inspiring—essays demonstrate that Mr. Moody has much to teach us both about the evangelical past and about how Christianity can best address the issues of the present. This book is ‘must’ reading for anyone who wants to learn those lessons.
—Richard J. Mouw, President and Professor of Christian Philosophy, Fuller Theological Seminary
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Robert J Smith
Dennis Pulley