Digital Logos Edition
The Messianic Jewish Publishers Collection offers an extensive assortment of resources for anyone interested in this extraordinary movement.
These 22 volumes canvas a wide spectrum of issues related to the Messianic Jewish movement—everything from the practical aspects of the Messianic Jew’s daily walk, to historical analysis, to more general theological concerns. Specifically, the works tackle such diverse subjects as navigating intermarriages between Messianic Jews and non-Jewish Christians; the importance of blessing God; the misrepresentation of the relationship between Jesus and the Jewish people of his era; dance worship; the Jewishness of the Gospel; the Sabbath; and so much more. Each volume features an utterly readable engagement with the issues, perfect for both the causal reader and the expert wanting to reintroduce themselves to the issues.
You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.
Have you ever thought about blessing God? Probably not! When most people think about blessings, they think about what kind of blessings they can get—a new car, a kinder husband, a better job, a healthier body. Now, God wants his children to have all kinds of blessings, but sometimes the blessings start coming to us—when we start blessing God first. But how do we bless God?
In this groundbreaking new book, insights into the ancient biblical practice of blessing God are offered clearly and practically. Once someone understands this concept, it transforms his or her life. A new appreciation of nature starts. An awareness of the presence of God in even the most mundane aspects of one's life elevates a person's existence and provides great joy. Life just gets better and better.
With examples from Scripture and Jewish tradition this book teaches you the biblical formula used by the men and women of the Bible, including the Messiah; and enables you to grasp the Bible better than ever, as you learn more about the Jewish roots of your faith.
When you start Blessing the King of the Universe: Transforming Your Life through the Practice of Biblical Praise you will find the peace and joy that come from a renewed relationship with God. You will be following the example of the Messiah, himself.
Tefillah (prayer) is our vital link to our Heavenly Father. This book provides renewed understanding of the Jewish perspective as we draw closer through the Messiah Yeshua.
—Rabbi Barney Kasdan, Kehilat Ariel Messianic Synagogue, San Diego
Mrs. Lipson has done us the great service of recasting our traditional liturgical prayers in a Yeshua-centered, God-honoring, and meaningful way.
—Dr. Mitch Glaser, President, Chosen People Ministries
A fascinating bridge between the thought world of early rabbinic Judaism and the life of modern Messianic Jews.
—Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Reform Rabbi and Professor of Judaism at the University of Wales
Irene Lipson was persuaded to follow the Messiah through the wonders of creation. She worked in London and married Eric Lipson, a Messianic Jew from an Orthodox background. Irene delights in her many grandchildren and in her garden.
The early leaders of the Church were all Jewish, the original Church was organized around the pattern of the Jewish synagogue, and Yeshua (Jesus) used numerous Jewish idioms in his teachings and was, perhaps, a Pharisee himself. Dr. Moseley illuminates the Jewish background of Yeshua and the Church in this best-selling book.
Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church includes a foreword by Dr. Marvin Wilson, study questions, and an extensive glossary. This eye-opening work can be used by individuals and Bible study groups who want to learn more about the Jewish roots of their faith.
…must reading for serious students desiring to explore the historical and biblical linkage between the synagogue and church. I enthusiastically recommend this enlightening study of origins.
—Marvin R. Wilson, Ph.D., Professor, Dep't. of Biblical and Theological Studies, Gordon College
This refreshing book by Dr. Ron Moseley opens up the history of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Every Christian should read this book.
—Brad Young, Ph.D. (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Oral Roberts University
. . . every disciple of Yeshua, the Rabbi from Nazareth, will find Ron's latest work valuable and stimulating reading, as it illuminates the Jewish background to Jesus and his Jewish movement, the Church.
—Dwight A. Pryor, President, Center for Judaic-Christian Studies
Ron Moseley studied the Jewish Background of the New Testament at Princeton and at Jerusalem University. He holds a Masters in Jewish Studies, M.Div. from Luther Rice College, Ph.D. in Ancient Middle Eastern History from Louisiana Baptist University, and a D.Phil in Sociology & Religious Studies from Oxford University. He was inducted into the Society of Scholars, Oxford, in 2006. Dr. Mosely has authored thirteen books and is the founder and president of the Arkansas Institute of Holy Land Studies. For nearly twenty-five years, he has been pastor of Sherwood Bible Church in Sherwood, Arkansas.
How do couples from two traditions (Jewish and Christian) deal with the sensitive issues that are sure to arise in an intermarriage? Here is the first book from a biblical perspective that tackles this thorny subject.
David J. Rudolph, a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Cambridge handles the issue with sensitivity and wisdom, and offers a godly solution. Intermarried for fifteen years, the author provides insight and suggestions to help engaged couples, those already married, and the friends and family of intermarrieds.
Topics covered in this well-researched book include: a biblical overview of intermarriage; classic and modern approaches to intermarriage; intermarriage and religious law; worshipping as a family; intermarrieds in the local church; options for solving the intermarriage dilemma, and more! Helpful appendices, notes, and a glossary are also included.
David J. Rudolph has given us a carefully researched and a well written 'Guide for Couples from Two Traditions.' Growing Your Own Olive Tree Marriage will be one of those books that will be discussed for a long time to come, for it offers one of the most comprehensive assemblages of views and facts on issues of intermarriage, assimilation, and maintaining authentic Jewish identity that this reviewer has ever seen. This volume deserves a wide readership, for it certainly puts to rest a whole host of unfounded facts and misconceptions.
—Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., President, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Colman M. Mockler Distinguished Professor of Old Testament
David J. Rudolph, a graduate of Gordon-Cornwell Theological Seminary, is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Cambridge. A gifted writer with extensive pastoral and teaching experience, his articles have appeared in numerous publications. He is the author of The Voice of the Lord: Messianic Jewish Daily Devotional, also from Messianic Jewish Publishers.
Here is a collection of substantive articles compiled to focus discussion on some weighty matters facing the Messianic Jewish movement. Reform rabbi, Dr. Dan Cohn-Sherbok, though not a Messianic Jew, is a friend of the movement. He believes that Messianic Judaism may be considered a branch of Judaism in this century. Professor of Judaism at the University of Wales, author of over 30 books, Rabbi Cohn-Sherbok guided the selection of topics addressed in this book. These include questions like should Jewish believers in Messiah attend only Messianic Jewish congregations; is intermarriage acceptable for Messianic Jews; should liturgy have an essential role in congregational worship; and how should outreach be accomplished?
Many of the best minds impacting this movement have contributed their thoughts to this book, creating a lively, informative, discussion. Each author, expressing his or her own view on a topic (often in direct opposition to another author), is a voice that can help this maturing movement confront the critical issues facing it.
The most important new volume on Messianic Judaism is out and it's an instant classic. Fine accessible scholarship. Essential reading.
—The Messianic Times, Summer 2001
A Reform Jewish rabbi [has brought] together leading representatives of Messianic Judaism to publish a remarkable volume.
—International Bulletin of Missionary Research, July 2002
Rabbi Dan Cohn-Sherbok received a Doctorate in Philosophy from Cambridge University and a Doctorate of Divinity from the Hebrew Union College. He is Professor of Judaism at the University of Wales, Lampeter, and is the author or editor of over 70 books including The Jewish Heritage, The Blackwell Dictionary of Judaica, Modern Judaism, Judaism and Other Faiths, and World Religions and Human Liberation.
What Mel Gibson missed in The Passion of the Christ! In this timely, eye-opening, and important new book, Drs. John and Patrice Fischer respond to ancient questions being raised once again, due to the release of the popular new film, The Passion of the Christ.
"The Jews killed Jesus; they rejected their own Messiah." "Jews just don't believe in Jesus, and never have!" These statements, although common, are not true! The Distortion exposes how these misunderstandings began, how they continued through the last two millennia, what it has cost, not only the Jewish people, but also the Church.
The Distortion covers a number of pertinent topics, including the reliability of the Gospels, their supposed anti-Semitism, the prevalence of anti-Semitism in the church, a modern script for the passion story, cinematic choices that could lead to anti-Semitic conclusions, and whether or not the Jewish people have responded to God’s plan.
The Distortion reveals how the facts of the New Testament gradually got distorted in the minds of people, and shows what can be done to rectify something that has led to travesty and tragedy for 2000 years.
…biblically sound, historically accurate, and deeply relevant.
—Dr. Michael Rydelnik, Professor of Jewish Studies, Moody Bible Institute
…words that can bring healing between Christians and Jews, and Jews and Messiah.
—Russell Resnik, Exec. Dir., Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations
…a credible, objective view on a subject dark with misunderstanding.
—Dr. Ruth Fleischer, Chair, Union of British Messianic Jewish Congregations
…turns the traditional Christian perspective on its head; suggests ways to put it right side up.
—Elliot Klayman, Exec. Dir., Messianic Literature Outreach
…an important and perceptive book . . . should be widely read by Christians and Jews.
—Dr. Daniel C. Juster, Director, Tikkun International
Born in Budapest, John Fischer has doctorates in biblical and historical studies. He is rabbi of Congregation Ohr Chadash in Clearwater, Florida; Director of Menorah Ministries; VP for Academic Affairs at St. Petersburg Theological Seminary; and head of Netzer David Intl. Yeshiva. He is the author of numerous books and articles and served as the editor for The Enduring Paradox.
Patrice Fischer, D. Min., teaches Old Testament and Hebrew at St. Petersburg Theological Seminary and is adjunct professor of linguistics at the University of South Florida. She has a BA in Radio-TV-Film from Northwestern and an MA from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Did Yeshua observe the Law? Did Paul teach his congregations to abandon the Torah? Was the devout Jew, Peter, persuaded that the Commandments were cancelled? The answers you'll find in this book may surprise you!
Even though many Jews believe that Paul taught against the Law, this book disproves that notion. Most Christians are disconnected from the Torah; reading this book will reconnect them. Dr. Friedman makes an excellent case for his premise that all the first followers of Messiah were not only Torah-observant, but also desired to spread their love for God's entire Word to the Gentiles to whom they preached.
Topics covered include Yeshua and the Torah; Yeshua's Talmidim and the Torah; reactions to the Torah observance of Yeshua and His followers; and Torah observance: legalism or love?
…a highly readable, well-presented discussion of a significant subject--the Jewish nature of Yeshua, his followers, and the movement they started . . . a must read.
—Dr. John Fischer, Rabbi, Congregation Ohr Chadash, Clearwater, Florida.; Director, Menorah Ministries; author of The Distortion
A book worth reading especially for those who are new to the Messianic Jewish movement and its biblical foundations.
—The Messianic Times, Fall 2001
A well-informed discussion which will help New Covenant believers think about the place of Torah in their lives.
—David Stern, author and translator of the Jewish New Testament and Commentary, the Complete Jewish Bible, and other Messianic Jewish books
…contains not only sound scholarship, but was written by a humble Jewish scholar, one who loves both the living Torah (Yeshua), as well as the written Torah.
—Ariel Berkowitz, author and leader of Kehilat Neve Tzion, Jerusalem
Meticulous, relevant and fascinating! If New Covenant faith and Torah observance are important to you, this is the book for you.
—Stuart Dauermann, President, Hashivenu Inc.; Rabbi, Ahavat Zion Messianic Synagogue, Beverly Hills, California
David Friedman, former academic dean of King of Kings College in Jerusalem, holds a Ph.D. in Judaic Studies and an M.A. in Arabic.A former member of the Israel Defense Forces, he is a sought after international speaker. Dr. Friendman has taught at the College of Judea and Samaria, in Israel, and has served as the rabbi of two Messianic congregations. Currently, he lives in Israel with his wife and children, where he teaches history.
Get up out of your seats and praise the Lord through dance! Worship occurs in many ways. Some people worship God through good works. Others worship the Lord through prayer. Many worship the Almighty through singing songs of praise. But more and more people are worshipping God through dance.
In Dancing for Joy, Murray Silberling, one of the world's foremost experts on worship dance, uncovers fascinating facts about this biblical form of worship. "The dancing rabbi," as he is affectionately known in Messianic Jewish circles, brings years of experience in worship dance and teaching worship dance to this book. He offers encouragement to the klutz—the clumsy person—who doesn't think dancing is for him. He also confronts the fallacy that dancing is only for women. He demonstrates how dance has been used through the ages as a way to worship God.
As a theologian, he handles the theology of dance; as a Messianic rabbi, he deals with its ministry value; as a dancer, himself, he shares exactly how to begin. Appendices include definitions for dance steps and sample dances with instructions.
Murray Silberling was raised in a Conservative Jewish home. His upbringing was influenced by his Orthodox grandfather. After accepting Messiah and attending Bible college, Murray and his wife were called to Taiwan where he became the Taiwan Director of the Christian Broadcasting Network. Returning to the States, Murray completed his education at Seattle Pacific University, and in 1982 began Congregation Emmaus. In 1987 he started his second Messianic Congregation, Beth Simcha. He lives in Southern California with his wife, Kay, and their two sons, Lonnie and Jordon. He serves as Messianic Rabbi of Congregation Beth Emunah in Agoura Hills.
Yeshua and his Jewish followers began a new movement—Messianic Judaism—2,000 years ago. In the twentieth century, it was reborn, and, now, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, it is maturing.
The Enduring Paradox is a collection of essays from some of the top contributors to the theology of this vital movement of God: Dr. Walter C. Kaiser, Dr. David H. Stern, Dr. John Fischer, Dr. Patrice Fischer, Dr. Michael Schiffman, Dr. Louis Goldberg, Elliot Klayman, Esq., and Lawrence Rich. Their research and writing will impact the maturing of Messianic Judaism for years to come.
Whether you are a Messianic Jew, a non-Messianic Jew, or a non-Jew involved or merely interested in Messianic Judaism, this book will challenge your thinking, guide your practices, and clarify any misconceptions you may have. You will find that Messianic Judaism is not a paradox after all.
Tefillah (prayer) is our vital link to our Heavenly Father. This book provides renewed understanding of the Jewish perspective as we draw closer through the Messiah Yeshua.
—Rabbi Barney Kasdan, Kehilat Ariel Messianic Synagogue, San Diego
Mrs. Lipson has done us the great service of recasting our traditional liturgical prayers in a Yeshua-centered, God-honoring, and meaningful way.
—Dr. Mitch Glaser, President, Chosen People Ministries
A fascinating bridge between the thought world of early rabbinic Judaism and the life of modern Messianic Jews.
—Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Reform Rabbi and Professor of Judaism at the University of Wales
Born in Budapest, John Fischer has doctorates in biblical and historical studies. He is rabbi of Congregation Ohr Chadash in Clearwater, Florida; Director of Menorah Ministries; VP for Academic Affairs at St. Petersburg Theological Seminary; and head of Netzer David Intl. Yeshiva. He is the author of numerous books and articles and served as the editor for The Enduring Paradox.
Written to Messianic Jews in the first century, the Book of Hebrews, understood properly through Jewish eyes, edifies and encourages all. This epistle is one of the outstanding theological treatises in the New Testament.
Hebrews Through a Hebrew's Eyes teaches the message of this important letter in a fresh, new way. Dr. Stuart Sacks, himself a Messianic Jew, offers insights into Hebrews that only a Jewish believer in Yeshua can give.
A fresh and fascinating study of Hebrew. Dr. Sacks comes alive as he interacts with the text from his personal background in Judaism.
—Dr. R. C. Sproul, Ligonier Ministries
You don't have to be a Hebrew to understand Hebrews, but Stuart Sacks, a wise . . . pastor, surely helps us understand it. This revealing work is must reading for all who would know the priestly work of our Lord better.
—Dr. James M. Boice, former pastor, Tenth Presbyterian Church
Stuart Sacks, a pastor for over 20 years, currently assists missionaries with their ongoing educational studies at the American Missionary Fellowship. He is the author of When You Haven’t Got a Prayer, numerous articles for The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Revealing Jesus as Messiah. He holds a doctorate in Old Testament studies from Southwest Theological Seminary.
Here are words of encouragement that offer insight into the Jewish Scriptures—both Old and New Testaments. Twenty-two prominent Messianic contributors provide practical ways to apply biblical truth. These devotions, explore the Jewish roots of the New Testament, explain Hebrew words and phrases, and are filled with anecdotes from Jewish life and literature. Jump-start your day with this unique resource.
Keyed to the Hebrew calendar, this unique devotional begins with the month of Tishri. Extensive appendices include information on the Hebrew calendar, biblical and traditional feast days, and traditional weekly readings from the Torah (Pentateuch), Haftarah (Prophets), and the Brit Chadashah (New Testament).
I believe you have done an excellent and very worthwhile piece of work in gathering these daily readings for Jewish believers. I pray that they may be widely used among Jewish believers, but also among Christians who need a different perspective in their daily readings from Scripture and in their devotions.
—Edith Schaeffer, Author and Lecturer
David J. Rudolph, a graduate of Gordon-Cornwell Theological Seminary, is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Cambridge. A gifted writer with extensive pastoral and teaching experience, his articles have appeared in numerous publications.
In the first century of the Common Era, tens of thousands of Jewish people followed Yeshua (Jesus), believing him to be the promised Messiah of Israel. They didn’t renounce their heritage, their customs, nor their people. They remained Jews.
Two thousand years later, hundreds of thousands of Jewish people follow Yeshua, also believing that he is the Messiah. They, too, have not renounced their heritage, customs, nor their people.
Messianic Judaism is the modern movement that is bringing it all together, for Jews and non-Jews. This book answers the following questions and more: What happened in the past 2000 years? Is Messianic Judaism a prophetic movement? What do Messianic Jews believe? Did the Torah, the Five Books of Moses, become null and void? What are the challenges for the future of this movement?
In easy–to–read style, Dr. David H Stern, translator of the Jewish New Testament and Complete Jewish Bible, gives us a comprehensive look at this vital movement. Whether you are a Messianic Jew, yourself, a Christian with curiosity about the Jewish roots of the Faith, or, a Jewish person wanting to understand more, Messianic Judaism: A Modern Movement with an Ancient Past puts it all in perspective for you.
Read by tens of thousands in its first version, (Messianic Jewish Manifesto) this book has been instrumental in shaping and challenging Messianic Judaism. Now in this new edition, Dr. Stern lovingly challenges us again.
David H. Stern, born in Los Angeles in 1935, is the great-grandson of two of the city's first twenty Jews. He earned a Ph.D. in economics at Princeton University and was a professor at UCLA. In 1972 he came to faith in Yeshua the Messiah. He then received a Master of Divinity degree at Fuller Theological Seminary, did graduate work at the University of Judaism, and was active in the Messianic Jewish movement. In 1979 the Stern family made aliyah (immigrated to Israel); they now live in Jerusalem.
Dr. Stern authored the Messianic Jewish Manifesto from which Restoring the Jewishness of the Gospel is excerpted. His highly acclaimed English translation, the Jewish New Testament, restores the New Testament's Jewishness. His Jewish New Testament Commentary discusses the many Jewish issues found in the New Testament. His fresh translation, the Complete Jewish Bible, expresses the unity of the Tanakh (Old Testament) and the B'rit Hadashah (New Testament). This outstanding, scholarly work offers Bible readers a thorough, biblically Jewish version of God's word.
This book seeks to present a balanced approach to understanding the importance and the danger of traditions. There are good traditions and there are bad traditions. Additionally, there is a good spirit and a wrong spirit in which one can approach the customs. These were certainly issues that faced the first Jewish and Gentile believers in Yeshua.
On the Jewish side, the acceptance of Yeshua did not mean that they converted to a new religion. The Jewish believers actually saw themselves as having received the fulfillment of what was spoken of in the Hebrew Scriptures. They understood this to mean they were now Messianic Jews who would naturally continue in their God-given heritage. This fact is confirmed in a description of this Messianic Jewish community in the book of Acts: "You see, brother [Saul], how many tens of thousands of believers there are among the Jews, and they are all zealots for the Torah" (Acts 21:20).
The first Jewish believers in Yeshua continued in the only lifestyle they knew: the Jewish life based on the Scriptures and customs consistent with the Bible. Their new understanding that Yehua of Natzeret (Nazareth) was the Messiah made them even more zealous for their traditions, as they understood the spiritual reasons behind them. Modern Messianic Jews frequently feel the same way and share the same enthusiasm.
The Gentile believer was not excluded. Saul wrote to many of them concerning their new life in Messiah: "Therefore, brothers, stand firm; and hold to the traditions you were taught by us, whether we spoke them or wrote them in a letter" (2 Thessalonians 2:15). The first-century, non-Jewish believers in Yeshua understood many of the details of the Hebrew Scriptures and many of the traditions that enhanced them. An example of this is the cup shared at Messiah’s last Passover Seder. This element is not mandated in the Hebrew Scriptures, yet it became part of the tradition of Passover. The third cup is called the Cup of Redemption and, although it is a rabbinic tradition, it was blessed by Yeshua himself.
All traditions were weighed by the authority of the Bible, yet these believers were blessed as they understood the Jewish roots of their faith in Messiah. This is the balance that believers in Yeshua need to return to today. This book is an effort to bring out the spiritual richness of the biblical/Jewish traditions.
Barney Kasdan is leader of Kehilat Ariel, a thriving Messianic congregation located in San Diego. He holds degrees from Biola University (B.A.) and Talbot Theological Seminar (M.Div.). He also completed a year of post-graduate study at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles. Mr. Kasdan is the author if the popular book God’s Appointed Times.
The biblical holy days are not just for Jews. Christians, too, can receive the blessing of these glorious days, the greatest object lessons in the Bible. God gave each day to teach his people about him and his relationship to them. From the Sabbath, which pictures eternity, to the popular holiday, Hanukkah, mentioned by name only in the gospel of John, the special times were set apart to bless the people of God.
In this book, Barney Kasdan, leader of Kehilat Ariel of San Diego, one of the largest Messianic congregations in the world, explains every holy day described in Scripture. He teaches about the major and minor holy days, ever mindful that he is writing to both Jews and Christians.
Beginning with the Sabbath, the first holy day revealed in Scripture, he writes about Passover, Firstfruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, The Feast of Tabernacles, Hanukkah—the Festival of Dedication, and Purim, the special day given in the time of Queen Esther.
Each chapter offers historical background, traditional Jewish observance, relevance to the New Testament, prophetic significance, and a practical guide for believers, including recipes, songs, and crafts.
There are other books on the subject of the Feasts of Israel, but this one goes beyond them all. It is written by a Messianic Jew, a Jew who trusts Yeshua. Who better to explain God's Appointed Times?
Barney Kasdan is leader of Kehilat Ariel, a thriving Messianic congregation located in San Diego. He holds degrees from Biola University (B.A.) and Talbot Theological Seminar (M.Div.). He also completed a year of post-graduate study at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles. Mr. Kasdan is the author if the popular book God’s Appointed Times.
Hanukkah, the Feast of Dedication, or the Festival of Lights, is not the Jewish alternative to Christmas. Although it is celebrated in the winter, this festive holiday describes a story all its own—of faithfulness to God, of bravery against all odds, and of the rededication of a defiled Temple. For Jews, Hanukkah is a time of bright lights, of delicious smells, of delightful singing, presents, and games. It is a time to proudly remember our heroes and wonder at the miracles of God.
Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah—himself a Jew—also celebrated Hanukkah as recorded in John 10:22: "Then came Hanukkah in Yerushalayim [Jerusalem]. It was winter, and Yeshua was walking around inside the temple area, in Shlomo's Colonnade."
But Hanukkah is not just for Jews! Hanukkah means "dedication," a theme of significance for Jews and Christians. So why not look into this fascinating holiday? Discussing its historical background, its modern-day customs, its deep meaning for all of God's people, this little booklet covers all the how-tos. Recipes, music, rules for playing dreydel and prayers for lighting the menorah are all included.
…poignantly written…for the benefit of the novice as much as the experienced Hanukkah reveler.
—The Messianic Times, November 2002
Barry Rubin leads the Emmanuel Messianic Jewish Congregation in Clarksville, MD, with his wife, Steffi.
Restoring the Jewishness of the Gospel offers a challenge to conventional Christian ideas. David H. Stern’s message is one of clear thinking about neglected questions such as: What central truth, ignored for 1800 years, must be restored if the Church is to fulfill the Great Commission? How are both the Jews and the Church God’s people? Is there a difference between Jew and Gentile in the body of the Messiah? Will God fulfill all of his promises to Israel? Does the Law of Moses remain in force today? Is the Church anti-Semitic? If so, what can you do about it? Should the Church evangelize Jews today? If so, how?
Surprising answers to these and other crucial questions, along with suggestions for godly action, are given in this exciting and insightful book by an Israeli Messianic Jew, a Jew who trusts Yeshua (Jesus). Restoring the Jewishness of the Gospel introduces Christians to the Jewish roots of their faith and reveals important truths for Jews and the Church today.
David H. Stern, born in Los Angeles in 1935, is the great-grandson of two of the city's first twenty Jews. He earned a Ph.D. in economics at Princeton University and was a professor at UCLA. In 1972 he came to faith in Yeshua the Messiah. He then received a Master of Divinity degree at Fuller Theological Seminary, did graduate work at the University of Judaism, and was active in the Messianic Jewish movement. In 1979 the Stern family made aliyah (immigrated to Israel); they now live in Jerusalem.
Referring to the chosen-ness of the Jewish people, the Apostle Paul writes “For God’s free gifts and his calling are irrevocable” (Rom. 11:29). This messenger to the Gentiles understood the unique calling of his people, Israel. So does Daniel Juster. In The Irrevocable Calling, he expands Paul’s words, showing how Israel was uniquely chosen to bless the world and how these blessings can be enjoyed today. If you love Israel, you’ll want to read The Irrevocable Calling.
Dr. Dan Juster, a pioneer in the Messianic Jewish movement since 1972, was senior rabbi of Beth Messiah Congregation, Rockville, Md, and the general secretary of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. He oversees fifteen Messianic congregations, both in the U.S. and abroad, as director of Tikkun Intl. Ministries. He holds degrees from Wheaton College, Trinity Intl. Seminary, McCormick Theological Seminary and New Covenant Intl. Seminary. He is a sought after conference speaker and has authored many books and articles. He and his wife, Patty, spend half their year in Israel and the remaining half in Florida. They have two children and three grandchildren.
What does it mean to "rest in God?" Has the subject of the Sabbath ever confused you? Have you ever desired to celebrate this God-given day?
The Sabbath: Entering God's Rest shares the meaning of the Sabbath for both Jews and Christians. It answers some important questions: What is the Sabbath? When is the Sabbath? Should the Sabbath be kept? Whom is the Sabbath for? This book addresses these questions and other controversial aspects surrounding Shabbat, the Sabbath. It is a helpful guide for observing the Sabbath and includes recipes, blessings, and songs. This book will challenge you to have a Sabbath of peace—even into eternity.
Barry Rubin leads the Emmanuel Messianic Jewish Congregation in Clarksville, MD, with his wife, Steffi.
This "how-to-witness-to-Jewish-people" book is an orderly presentation of everything you'll need to share the Messiah with a Jewish friend or co-worker in a loving, non-confrontational manner. It offers insights into understanding Jewish religion and culture, including Messianic prophecies, Jewish objections to believing in Jesus, sensitivities in your witness and more. You'll be educated and encouraged. Divided into four sections— You, the Gentile Christian; Your Message, the Jewish Gospel; Your Audience, the Jewish People; and Feedback, Barriers to Belief—with study questions.
Barry Rubin leads the Emmanuel Messianic Jewish Congregation in Clarksville, MD, with his wife, Steffi.
How did Yeshua (Jesus) pray? What Jewish customs and traditions formed the basis of the Messiah's prayers?
This eye-opening book reveals the Jewish background of many of Yeshua's prayers. Historical vignettes will "transport" you to the times of Yeshua so you can grasp the full meaning of Messiah's prayers. Unique devotional thoughts and meditations, presented in down-to-earth language, provide inspiration for a more meaningful prayer life and help you draw close to God.
Praying Like the Jew, Jesus is a treasure-trove of information and inspiration. After reading this book, your understanding of God, prayer, and the Bible will be forever changed.
Unearths hidden spiritual riches in the New Testament. Jones has done a great service.
—From the Foreword by Mark Galli, Managing Editor, Christianity Today
Old truths become new realities in the inspiring pages of this guide to authentic prayer.
—James W. Goll, author and co-founder of Encounters Network
With penetrating beauty, Jones bridges the chasm between our Greco-Romanized view of the Lord's prayer life, to the rhythm and understanding of the Jewish prayer life of Yeshua.
—Rev. Robert Stearns, Executive Director, Eagles' Wings
Timothy Jones has enlightened us all. He combines imaginative story telling with knowledge of the Land and its textual richness. These retellings of gospel stories have color, pathos, and humor.
—James F. Strange, Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of South Florida
As he examines the prayers Jesus prayed, Jones provides keen insights and layers of meaning to the enterprise of prayer. The imaginative historical vignettes bring the prayers of Jesus to life.
—Dr. John Fischer, Exec. Dir., Menorah Ministries; Rabbi, Congregation Ohr Chadash
Timothy Paul Jones is a CBA bestselling and award-winning author, scholar, and professor of leadership and church ministry at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he coordinates family ministry programs and serves as editor of The Journal of Family Ministry. He has earned the Bachelor of Arts in biblical studies, a Master of Divinity with focus in church history and New Testament, as well as the Doctor of Philosophy degree. He has authored, coauthored, or contributed to more than a dozen books.
Have you ever wondered if the Pentateuchthe Five Books of Mosesis relevant to your life? Do you think the Law, the Torah, has been relegated to a relic from another era? How do the commandments, given to the Jewish people, contribute to society today?
In Creation to Completion, Russell Resnik answers these questions, offering insight into the Torah. He shows that the Creator still desires his creatures to participate in bringing the Creation to completion. After each commentary, he presents a challenging thought "For the Journey."
Paul urged Timothy to study the Scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16), advising him to apply its teachings to all aspects of his life. Since there was no New Testament then, this rabbi/apostle was convinced that his disciple would profit from studying the Torah, the Five Books of Moses, and the Old Testament. Given first to the nation of Israel, God intended these teachings to be useful for all people, Jewish or non-Jewish. Now, Rabbi Resnik has written a warm devotional commentary that will help you understand you understand and apply the Law of Moses to your life in a practical way.
—Coach Bill McCartney, Founder and Chairman, Road to Jerusalem, Former President of Promise Keepers
In a time when the knowledge of Scripture is in decline in America and around the world, we desperately need a book like this to encourage people to re-engage with God's Word. Russ Resnik has done a commendable job of joining scholarly insights with warm-hearted application. His extensive interaction with rabbinic sources may be challenging to some but certainly will open up a whole new world to those interested in learning about the Jewish roots of the Messianic faith.
—David Brickner, Executive Director, Jews for Jesus
This new book offers an illuminating pathway through the riches of the Jewish heritage.
—Dan Cohn-Sherbock, Reform Rabbi and Professor of Judaism, University of Wales
The author, Russ Resnik encountered Jesus (Yeshua) in the early 1970s. He founded and was the first rabbi of Adat Yeshua, a Messianic congregation in Albuquerque. Today, he serves as executive director of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, an association that establishes, strengthens, and multiplies congregations for Yeshua. He authored Gateways to Torah, his first work on the Five Books of Moses, written from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Russ and his wife Jane live in Albuquerque and have four children and six grandchildren.
“What is the greatest commandment?” Yeshua was asked. His reply was twofold. His first response is this: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one, and you are to love Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your understanding, and all your strength. And his second is this: You are to love your neighbor as yourself.
Yeshua (Jesus) saw this central creed of the Jewish people to be the most essential of all the commandments in the Bible. Why? Because it teaches about love—love for God, love for humanity, love for family, all so needed in today’s world.
Now, Irene Lipson, has written a superb book explaining each word of this lofty statement so it can be fully grasped and lived. Her depth of understanding of Hebrew opens up new insight into The Greatest Commandment.
Irene Lipson was persuaded to follow the Messiah through the wonders of creation. She worked in London and married Eric Lipson, a Messianic Jew from an Orthodox background. Irene delights in her many grandchildren and in her garden.
What's in a name? In the Western world, names are often chosen because they're cute or because parents hope their children might aspire to be like a namesake, perhaps even a Bible figure. Yet, names in the Bible were often chosen to communicate something about a person… especially God's names.
In Hebrew thought, a name did more than identify a person; it revealed their identity. God's identity is expressed not in one name, but in many. In Exodus 3:1322, Moses asks God what his "name" is. Was he merely asking what he should call God? No—he was asking, "Who are you? Describe yourself." And God did just that, offering Moses a wonderful description, not just of his name, but of his nature.
This book uncovers the treasures in God's names, grouping 140 names into eight sections: Almighty, Father, Redeemer, Shepherd, Spirit, Truth, Defender, Faithful. Each page includes the English name, the Hebrew name, an English transliteration, inspiring devotional thoughts, and relevant Scripture passages from the Complete Jewish Bible. Included is an introduction by Daniel Juster, Th.D., executive director of Tikkun International.
In 1941, The United States is drawn into World War II. During that same year, Dr. Henry Einspruch publishes his classic book, The Yiddish New Testament, a breakthrough in evangelistic literature for Jewish people. Over the following decades, the publications of Lederer/Messianic Jewish Communications have been widely used to impact thousands of Jewish people with the Good News of Messiah. These books and tracts have been distributed in the Orthodox Jewish community, have been given out to Jews in the former Soviet Union, and have been used by Messianic congregations and Jewish outreaches all over the world. Messianic Jewish Publishers mission is two-pronged: Reaching out to Jewish people with the message of Messiah and teaching the non-Jewish spiritual family about their Jewish roots.
7 ratings
Dave Crosby
David Leslie Bond
W. D. Hindenlang
Michael Kieffer
Sean Emslie
Pastor Brandon Gatzke