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Products>52 Weeks through the Bible: A Year-Long Bible Study

52 Weeks through the Bible: A Year-Long Bible Study

Digital Logos Edition

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This year-long guide incorporates extensive commentary, detailed observations on overriding themes, and probing questions to help you study the Word of God with guidance from John MacArthur.

The Bible is the living word of God. More than 2,000 times in the Old Testament alone, the Bible asserts that God spoke what is recorded in its pages. The phrase "the Word of God" occurs more than forty times in the New Testament. The Bible claims ultimate spiritual authority over our lives for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness because it represents the inspired Word of God.

Every phrase, every verse, every chapter, and every book in the Bible comes from God Himself! It is the only way that we can know God and know His will for our lives. For this reason, it seems reasonable that we should establish a pattern of reading God's Word every day to know what it says and apply its teachings to our lives. After all, how can we know God's will apart from reading His word?

This is the purpose of 52 Weeks Through the Bible—to help you develop a plan for engaging in Scripture each and every day. Drawing on the teachings of John MacArthur, this guide includes:

  • A daily plan for reading through the Bible in one year
  • Readings based on John MacArthur's teachings on key portions of Scripture
  • Reflections and questions to help you apply the message to your life

  • As John notes, "My prayer is that the magnificent and overwhelming theme of the redemption of sinners found in Scripture will carry you with captivating interest from the beginning to the end of the story. This is your story. It is from God to you—and about you. It tells what God has planned for you, why He made you, what you once were, what you have now become in Christ, and what is waiting for you in eternal glory."

    • Incorporates extensive commentary, detailed observations on overriding themes, and probing questions
    • Includes a daily plan for reading through the Bible in one year
    • Based on John MacArthur’s teachings on key portions of Scripture
    John MacArthur

    John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, president of The Master’s College & Seminary, and featured teacher for the Grace to You media ministry. Weekly telecasts and daily radio broadcasts of Grace to You are seen and heard by millions worldwide. John has also written several bestselling books, including The MacArthur Study BibleThe Gospel According to Jesus, The John MacArthur New Testament Commentary series, Twelve Ordinary Men, and The Truth War. He and his wife, Patricia, have four married children and fifteen grandchildren.


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    1. Leland Tuttle
