Digital Logos Edition
Jesus and the Gospels is an intensive guide to each of the four gospels, surveying the largest source of eyewitness information about Jesus' life and ministry, mostly from those who watched Him, spoke with Him, and served Him during his years on earth. Blomberg’s conservative, evangelical approach presents the gospels in their historical and cultural context, and tackles the often confusing interpretations that have addled students of the Scriptures for the last several centuries.
Blomberg calls this a “one-stop shopping” textbook because it is designed to cover a diverse range of subjects often neglected or abridged in other texts. He concentrates on the intertestamental period, critical methodology and authorship, historical placement with external evidence for the gospel’s reliability, a survey on Christ’s life, teachings and actions, and a synthesis of the major issues surrounding the historicity and theology of Jesus.
The result of twelve years of teaching on the gospels, this resource is detailed and scholarly, but also very readable, written not only for the seminary student but also for the pastor and layperson whose desire is to deepen their biblical roots. The book is filled with helpful charts, and most chapters end with review questions and a list of books for further, in-depth reading and studying.
Winner of a 1997 Gold Medallion Award from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, there are also updated editions available:
“The third development was the establishment of Aramaic as the main language for business and international relations throughout many parts of the Persian empire, including Israel.” (Page 9)
“In short, the Gospel of Mark is about why Jesus died.15” (Page 119)
“(3) No doubt the most pervasive result of Alexander’s conquests was the spread of the Greek language itself.” (Page 12)
“In post-New Testament times, Mithraism (originally from Persia) amalgamated with the Roman worship of Sol Invictus (the unconquerable sun), and a festival to Sol was celebrated every December 25. Christians took advantage of this ‘day off’ to protest against Mithraism by worshiping the birth of Jesus instead. After the Roman empire became officially Christian (fourth century), this date turned into the legal holiday we know today as Christmas.” (Page 33)
“Rome indeed intervened; its general Pompey invaded Jerusalem in 63 b.c., profaned the temple by entering the Holy of Holies, and put an end to the century of Jewish independence.” (Page 18)
There is no more important subject than ‘Jesus and the Gospels’ and no obvious rival to Blomberg’s book for those wanting an introduction to the subject, which is wide-ranging and up-to-date, scholarly and accessible, conservative and intelligent.
—The Reverend Dr. David Wenham, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford
This remarkably compendious survey of the Gospels, their background, their composition and their contents, and of the Jesus whose life and teaching they present is written with such clarity, simplicity and balance that it will at once take its place as a basic textbook for university and college courses in New Testament studies. For years I have longed for one book that would provide students with what they need in first and second-year classes on the life and teaching of Jesus. Now they have it!
—Professor I. Howard Marshall, University of Aberdeen
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3 ratings
M. O'Connor
Donovan Neufeldt
Serge Descoeurs
Scott Youngman
Jim Snowden