Digital Logos Edition
The Church Leadership Collection offers four resources important for today’s pastor and layperson alike. Focusing on faith, prayer and evangelism, they provide excellent principles to guide us to a stronger walk with God and a more mature fellowship with one another. The two volumes on The Fourth Dimension teach valuable lessons for every Christian regarding the power of faith and prayer.
Dr. Cho submits vignettes from his own life to show how God works in and through prayer and faith. The book on home cell groups gives practical guidelines, showing how every Christian has the opportunity to participate in the ministry of their church and bring revival to their neighborhood. Because Watchman Nee continues to be influential in the lives of many Christians today, it is important for pastors and the laity to understand his teachings. We have added Dana Roberts’ constructive critique of Nee’s life and thought to the collection for this purpose.
Told he had incurable tuberculosis and only a few months to live, Cho prayed to Buddha for healing. He was only nineteen and not ready to die. A high school girl came to his house to witness to him about Jesus and, eventually, he gave his life to Him. Instead of dying in four months, he was out of his deathbed in six months and began preaching the dynamic gospel of Jesus. Over the years, Cho learned many important principles about faith. He shares these principles with us in the first volume of The Fourth Dimension.
Faith, of course, entails a prayerful life. Both must work together in our lives to bring glory to God. The chapter on the creative power of the spoken word is especially helpful in making sure that we speak with confidence and truth, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I discovered [in The Fourth Dimension] the reality of that dynamic dimension in prayer that comes through visualizing the healing experience. I can only hope and pray that many Christians, and unbelievers too, will find this book coming into their hands, and they will draw from it the amazing spiritual truths that its pages contain.
—Robert H. Schuller, Pastor, Crystal Cathedral
In this sequel, Dr. Cho reveals in greater depth the “faith secrets” that enabled him, through the Holy Spirit, to establish his church in Korea, which has the largest membership in the world. He shows how you, too, can develop dynamic faith, have true communion with God, overcome all spiritual obstacles, and destroy all spiritual barriers. What Dr. Cho has accomplished in the area of faith is possible for all Christians. This book shows the reader how to obtain that kind of faith.
Home cell groups are becoming a necessity in the believer’s life, not only for the mega-churches but also for the small corner churches, as well. This book is a how-to resource that details everything you need to know in order to make home cell groups work in your church. The plans developed here are designed to bring intimate fellowship and involvement in the Christian’s life, to effectively show Christians how to evangelize their neighborhood and community, and to share their spiritual gifts with one another. Home cell groups, therefore, give church members the opportunity to participate in the ministry of their church. Dr. Cho promises that, “By following the guidelines I have presented here, you can bring the miracles of home cell groups and church growth to your own congregation.”
So how does a church of more than 800,000 believers grow and work? Small groups, one household at a time. Cho is careful to share both his mistakes as well as his successes. One of the prime ingredients for a successful home group program is evangelism. He insists that the cell groups focus on the neighborhoods and communities to reach the lost. Leadership, training, discipline, recognition, focus, and personal involvement by the senior pastor are other critical elements. There is a careful balance which needs to be struck between control and freedom for each group to strengthen and grow. Great wisdom is shown in relying on the Holy Spirit to strike the right balance. As a senior partner in ministry, The Holy Spirit has grown the body of Christ in a miraculous way. Recorded in this book are lessons for us all, laymen and clergy, large church and small.
—Jeffrey Ellis, volunteer prison chaplain
There is no doubt about Dr. Cho's influence on our modern day cell group and church movement. He is at the absolute forefront, his insights and heart for ministry are a huge blessing to the church international. This book is one of the key books to read to help anyone understand the simplicity and necessity of cell groups for church life. The concepts are incredibly helpful and insightful.
—R. Neary, Minister of Discipleship, Cathedral in the Pines, Beaumont, TX
Dana Roberts has spent more than a quarter of a century studying Watchman Nee. This volume is a provocative, thoughtful, insightful analysis of the real Watchman Nee: how he lived, what he taught, and how he influenced contemporary Christianity. Roberts also shows how contemporary Christianity and Chinese culture helped to influence Watchman Nee.
Because Nee continues to be popular to Christian’s today, it is important that his qualifications and his choice of methods be questioned. Is the Bible the sole compass of his faith? Are his ideas pragmatic, in the sense that they do what they say they do? In this in-depth study, Roberts answers these questions and more by thoroughly surveying and analyzing Nee’s life and thought. Herein, the myths surrounding Nee are unraveled to reveal the man. A vast overview of materials is made available for further study in the extensive footnotes and bibliography.
Dr. David Yonggi Cho is the pastor of the Yoido Full Gospel Central Church in Seoul, Korea. The church has grown to become the largest worshiping body in the world with a congregation that numbers over 800,000 members, who are involved in more than 25,000 home cell groups. Dr. Cho is the author of several other books including, Unleashing the Power of Faith and A Leap of Faith. He studied theology under a scholarship at Full Gospel Bible College in Seoul, graduating in March, 1958. He has spent more than 44 years emphasizing the importance of cell group ministry. He founded Church Growth International, in 1976, to teach pastors the principles of evangelism and church growth. Southern Baptist pastor, Rick Warren conducted a Purpose-Driven conference at the Yoido Full Gospel Central Church, in 2006.
Dana Roberts received a B.A. from Bridgewater State College, MA, a Master of Theological Studies from the New Testament Dept. at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA, and a Master of Arts in Religious Studies at Eastern Nazarene College for his research into the theology of Watchman Nee. He has spent many years researching and teaching the differences between Christian Culture and the Non-Western World. He currently resides in China and teaches theology at Hainan University.
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Jeremy Hulsey
Pastor Praise