Digital Logos Edition
The immediate purpose of the Book of Samuel was to narrate the circumstances surrounding the founding of the monarchy in Israel with Saul, the fascinating relationships between Saul and David, and David's rise to the throne. First Samuel narrates the expansion of the kingdom of Israel into an important power. Second Samuel deals with the covenant with David, his sin and fall from favor, and the disciplines he received for those sins.
“The name means something like ‘he who exists,’ or ‘he who causes things to exist.’” (Page 39)
“Eventually he promoted him to become one of his armor-bearers. The position was one of honor and responsibility. How long David served the king in this way is not stated. By the next chapter he was back with the sheep of his father. He may have served as much as four or five years. The court position enabled David to prepare for his destiny. He became acquainted with the manners of the court, the business of government, and the general state of the kingdom. His position also gave him opportunity for gaining the esteem and love of the people.” (Page 218)
“The reason for the divine anger here is not indicated. Perhaps it was because God saw in the king and his subjects a rising spirit of sinful pride and reliance on earthly strength. It may also be because the people of Judah had followed Absalom in rebellion against their rightful king David.” (Page 531)
“The former priests would have to turn to the Faithful Priest (Messiah) for appointment to the priestly office, an office which he cheerfully confers on all who embrace his gospel. An example of the fulfillment of the prophecy may be found in Acts 6:7.” (Page 72)
“The anointed one is here the Anointed One par excellence, Messiah. His house or priestly family,55 walks before him in the sense that it is under his scrutiny and supervision.56 Messiah’s house is the New Testament royal priesthood (1 Pet 2:9).” (Pages 71–72)
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