Digital Logos Edition
The Christian Life Collection contains thirteen resources, concentrating on important aspects of the Christian life, such as faith, prayer, marriage, and foundational truths. Included are personal testimonies, practical guidelines to grow in Christian maturity, and biblically sound advice for parents and couples. Whether you are a new Christian, needing the milk of the Word, or you have been walking with the Lord for a long time, you will find immense blessings in this collection.
You will be touched by families as they experience God’s gracious gift of the Holy Spirit. You will find your marriage and your relationship with your children improve. You will see how God can take a criminal, bent on violence, and use him to effectively touch the lives of young people who are like he was.
If your prayer life could use some improvement, if you want to feel the Holy Spirit working in your life, if you desire to have your marriage be all that it can be, then allow the authors to touch your heart with biblical truths to improve your walk with God and your relationship with those dear to you.
You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.
Even good marriages need to be strengthened. Based on many hours of counseling women, men and couples, this practical handbook gives husbands pertinent kernels of wisdom. Using real-life examples, the authors will help you show, not just “feel,” love for your wife. Daily suggestions give you fresh, creative ways to express your love to your wife one day at a time. There are over seventy different topics, each accompanied by five specific ways to bless your wife in what you say and do. These 365 “blessings” are designed as practical applications to help meet your wife’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
Two things Glenn and Jennifer don’t tell you about this little book. First, if you will follow it for even six to eight weeks, it will become habitual. And, when that happens, your marriage will be enriched immensely in an ongoing and cumulative way. Second, as you bless your wife, you’ll learn to bless additional persons, enriching other relationships. And, third, as your bless your wife, guess who also gets blessed? That’s right, you!
—Art McPhee, Teacher, Mission and Intercultural Studies, Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary; Author, Friendship Evangelism
Glenn Egli is President of Discipling Life Process Ministries in Tacoma, WA, where he resides with his wife, Ardis. He is the author of Prayer that Releases Power and True Discipleship.
Jennifer Carrell is a successful free-lance editor and writer known for her frequent contributions to Seattle area periodicals. She resides in Tacoma, WA, with her husband, Dean.
Do Yourself a Favor was written for men…and the women who want to know how men think. Its message is delivered with good humor and great insight and will transform your home into a vibrant and exciting place and help make your marriage come alive. This is a truly practical manual for men who want to become who God intended them to be. The author’s focus is not that you see what is completely wrong with your marriage, “but that you should want to see what’s wrong under the love and light of the Holy Spirit.”
I was reading your book, given to me by my mother, on the plane…It’s a wonderful blessing, and I’m sure Shirley will also want to write you after she’s gotten more of the benefit of your insights and teaching.
—Pat Boone, actor and motivational speaker
Dr. H. Page Williams pastored the Indian River Presbyterian Church, in Fort Pierce, FL, and was one of the best-known marriage counselors in America in the 1980s. He is the author of Living Stones and Doing Myself a Favor: Loving My Wife.
This book was written with one purpose in mind: to give a rational explanation to one of life’s great mysteries, which is, why men do the (annoying) things they do. You will learn why men daydream while driving, forget people’s names, have selective hearing, dominate the remote control, and put small morsels back in the refrigerator.
In its tongue-in-cheek elucidation, women will begin to understand men’s idiosyncrasies. It is best to be reminded, while reading, that two of the important ingredients to a happy marriage are understanding and forgiveness. Lots of forgiveness. A special added chapter called “How to Make Your Marriage Blossom” offers practical information to truly bring your relationship to life.
Ray Comfort is an internationally-renowned Christian evangelist who has written more than 40 books. He and Kirk Cameron host “The Way of the Master” television program and its companion radio program. He founded Living Waters Ministry to teach Christians how to share their faith with others. Since 1989, he has been involved in full time ministry within the Calvary Chapel fellowship, wherein he serves as a pastor. He is a regular platform speaker at Southern Baptist State Conferences.
Prayer is not the mystical experience of a few special people, but an aggressive act in the face of impossibility—an act that may be performed by anyone who accepts the challenge of learning to pray. This is a practical, how-to book that will stir up and encourage you to pray! Pastor Hayford is convinced that prayer can change anything. “The impossible doesn’t exist,” he writes. “His is the power; ours is the prayer. Without Him, we cannot. Without us, He will not.” Hayford will show you how to face what might seem to be impossibilities, how to be honest with God and yourself, wage effective spiritual warfare, and find victory for your life. Using real-life vignettes, Hayford offers great insights into the power of prayer with chapters such as Reprogramming the Freed, The Syndrome of Silence, and The Praying That Sets Boundaries.
Pastor Jack's classic book, Prayer is Invading the Impossible, is a well-written exposé concerning his belief about the relationship of the kingdom of God and the centrality of prayer. This book is not just about prayer. One will be surprised to find all the references to the kingdom of God and God's awesome purposes for believers today. There are ideas about prayer, praying, and being a person of prayer. There are also practical tips and stirring discourses regarding prayer… It will get your batteries charged!
—Paul Heier, Pastor; Missionary; Author, Leading Out of Love
Jack Hayford is the founder and chancellor of The King’s College and Seminary in Van Nuys, CA, an interdenominational ministry training center. He served as the senior pastor of The Church on the Way for 30 years. A graduate of L.I.F.E. Bible College and Azusa Pacific University, Pastor Hayford touches millions through his Living Way Ministries’ radio, television and Internet broadcasts. He is the author of more than 36 books and has composed over 400 hymns and choruses.
The truths about prayer in this book by the Keefauvers offer simple, practical keys to an ongoing dialogue between you and the living God. You will learn how to listen and become the answer to somebody’s prayer, to obey the Spirit’s prompting to pray, and to truly seek God in your prayer. Written in a devotional style, each chapter contains morsels of truth that you can begin applying immediately. Using scriptural verses and prayers, you will learn how to pray with vigilance, how to pray to release resurrection power, how to abide patiently in prayer, how to pray for right timing, and how to pray the Word. This timeless book will renew your devotion to God and to prayer and create in you a heart that longs to be in constant dialogue with our Lord.
Larry Keefauver has presented these enduring parental and marital truths in seminars and conferences throughout the world. He is an honors graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and highest honors graduate of Texas Christian University with a M.Div. and a D.Min. in Pastoral Counseling. He was the pastor and counselor at The Gathering Place in central Florida until moving to Georgia, where he is the Director of Institutional Advancement at Beacon University and the Executive Director of Your Ministry Counseling Services (YMCS). He is the author of over forty books, including Commanding Angels and Experiencing the Holy Spirit.
Judi Keefauver is a registered nurse and travels with her husband to assist in leading seminars on marriage, family and parenting.
Here are truths—practical, biblical, straightforward—that you can put into action, now. These vitamins for your marriage’s health counsel you to build on one another’s strengths, keep passion alive, and serve one another. Void of preachiness, each helpful chapter focuses on an important issue that you can begin to apply to your life the moment you finish reading. So, read one truth a day, together, and put it into action. Let it help you build a deeper intimacy with God and each other.
Larry Keefauver has presented these enduring parental and marital truths in seminars and conferences throughout the world. He is an honors graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and highest honors graduate of Texas Christian University with a M.Div. and a D.Min. in Pastoral Counseling. He was the pastor and counselor at The Gathering Place in central Florida until moving to Georgia, where he is the Director of Institutional Advancement at Beacon University and the Executive Director of Your Ministry Counseling Services (YMCS). He is the author of over forty books, including Commanding Angels and Experiencing the Holy Spirit.
Judi Keefauver is a registered nurse and travels with her husband to assist in leading seminars on marriage, family and parenting.
The Keefauvers believe that, in the realm of parenting, there are basic truths regarding communication, discipline, choices, being an example, family, Agape love, and blessing. The various topics within these basic truths are clarified and expounded upon within this book. Well-structured and scripturally grounded, you will learn to move from the poisons of domination, intimidation, and manipulation to the biblical truths of parenting. This book will give you the hope and the tools to “get it right” in being the kind of parent God wants you to be. You will discover how to dialogue with your children, discipline by teaching and correcting, impart blessing to your children, pray effectively for your children and label the behavior instead of your child.
Larry Keefauver has presented these enduring parental and marital truths in seminars and conferences throughout the world. He is an honors graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and highest honors graduate of Texas Christian University with a M.Div. and a D.Min. in Pastoral Counseling. He was the pastor and counselor at The Gathering Place in central Florida until moving to Georgia, where he is the Director of Institutional Advancement at Beacon University and the Executive Director of Your Ministry Counseling Services (YMCS). He is the author of over forty books, including Commanding Angels and Experiencing the Holy Spirit.
Judi Keefauver is a registered nurse and travels with her husband to assist in leading seminars on marriage, family and parenting.
A rollicking story of the Holy Spirit's visitation on an Italian-Catholic family, this book is about Mama Foglio, her cantankerous husband and ten rambunctious kids. They were poor, but not forgotten by God. One day, another poor family burst into their lives and told them about the Lord. Thus begins one of the most hilarious, warm-hearted, and moving testimonies to God’s mysterious ways. You will find a faith that does not put on airs, that is real in the midst of a real God. You'll cry, you'll chuckle, you may even laugh out loud at this remarkable woman who loved Jesus Christ without reservation and believed He was willing to do anything you asked Him to that would glorify God.
I have read many books during my lifetime but rarely have I read a book which has made an impact on me like Frank Foglio’s masterpiece Hey, God!. The spiritual message contained in the book not only transcends organized religious groups, but is entirely blind to all national, political, racial, social, and economic boundaries…It is a moving and inspiring message which I am convinced will have a transforming effect on countless lives.
—Dr. Herbert H. Tarson, former Senior Vice President, National University, San Diego, CA
Frank Foglio, associated with the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International, an organization whose purpose it is to reach businessmen all over the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, was a real estate salesman in California.
What a thrilling story! This is the dramatic testimony of Nicky Cruz’s desperate battle against drugs, alcoholism and the brutal environment in which he lived. He was the warlord of a vicious New York City gang, an experienced thief, mugger and hardened violent street criminal—all before he reached the age of eighteen. This new edition includes a personal challenge from Nicky Cruz, his response to teenage violence today, and an action plan for concerned parents. Gangs and violence are not issues of the past. Violence is alive in the streets, in families, in schools, and in the community. Though written almost forty years ago, the message is relevant to today’s youth, to those mired in drugs, crime, and dysfunctional families. It shows how Jesus can transform anyone who truly seeks Him.
The story of Nicky Cruz is remarkable. It has all the elements of tragedy, violence and intrigue, plus the greatest ingredient of all: the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
—Billy Graham
Nicky Cruz and thousands like him are not just moving examples of the Good Shepherd’s faithful love, they are also signs of the times, which we had better not fail to read. They are an encouraging sign that God is acting with new power in our time, so that we should not be afraid to declare the Gospel boldly to anyone!
—Edward D. O’Connor, C.S.C; Associate Professor, Theology, University of Notre Dame
Nicky Cruz was the leader of the Mau-Maus, a violent New York City gang when he was led to Christ by David Wilkerson, co-author of The Cross and the Switchblade. Nicky is the founder of Nicky Cruz Outreach, which helps teenagers with troubled lives. He is the author of seventeen books and continues to preach around the world, helping youth turn their lives over to Jesus.
According to Beall, if you can’t explain it, then you don’t really know it. This principle, he asserts, applies to Christian doctrine, as well. The question, then, is: Do you really know (understand) what you believe? Using Hebrews 6:1-3 as a springboard, Beall takes the reader through the "foundation stones" for the doctrine of Salvation. This book is a serious attempt to achieve a biblical foundation without trying to defend any particular tradition or denomination. In a question and answer format, he guides the reader through in-depth inductive Bible study, covering topics such as repentance, faith, baptism, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment. At the end of each chapter, Beall includes review questions to reinforce your learning.
James Lee Beall has, for more than 50 years, been in pastoral ministry at Bethesda Christian Church in Michigan. BCC is on a 192 acre campus that includes a Christian K-12 school, a Bible Institute and radio studios from which he broadcasts a daily message. He is the author of six books, including Your Pastor Your Shepherd and How to Achieve Security, Confidence and Peace.
Offering a look inside the charismatic experience, this book, like none other, has been instrumental in helping countless individuals understand and live the Spirit-filled life. Dennis and Rita Bennett have provided an excellent introduction to the person of the Holy Spirit as well as His power. Hailed as the key text on the effective and sound use of God’s supernatural gifts, this book has changed the lives of millions of people throughout the world. In 1985, it was chosen by the Christian Booksellers Convention of England as one of the significant books published in the last 25 years. The Holy Spirit and You uses scriptural references to clearly explain the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Bennetts will guide you in your study of God’s supernatural gifts where you can experience afresh the miraculous power and manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
I had known Dr. Bennett since 1960 and looked on him as the first non-Pentecostal to receive national attention upon receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit as an Episcopal priest in Van Nuys. He ministered with me in seminar at ORU (Oral Roberts University), and later spoke in chapel. I also enjoyed the book, The Holy Spirit and You. It’s blessed ORU’s Seminary as a textbook all these years.
—Oral Roberts, Chancellor, Oral Roberts University
Dennis Bennett was one of the key figures in the early charismatic renewal movement when he announced in 1960 to his St. Mark’s Episcopal Church congregation in Van Nuys, CA, that he had experienced a new outpouring of God’s Spirit. A few years after moving to Seattle to pastor a church, his wife, Elberta, died. He married Rita Reed and they went on to found the Christian Renewal Association. Dennis passed away in 1991, and Rita continued to minister on radio, television and colleges. Rita Bennett is internationally known for her work in emotional and spiritual healing.
Prayer is intended to be a conversation—a two-way dialogue between God and you. As with any form of communication, you must learn to speak and listen. When you learn to speak and listen to God, you open up the limitless potential of communication with your Creator. In this book you will learn the four keys to hearing God’s voice, how to discern His will for your life, and how you can know for sure that what you hear is God’s voice.
As a pastor for 47 years and seeking to lead people into a dynamic relationship with the Father, I know of no more valuable and necessary thing than what Mark so simply and definitely teaches. I highly recommend this book as a vital and necessary aid for growing and maturing Christians.
—Peter Lord, former pastor, Park Avenue Baptist Church
Dialogue with God has dramatically changed my prayer life. I have found I can dialogue with Christ on a daily basis. I believe this inspired approach to be absolutely essential to the growth of every serious Christian.
—Dr. Richard Watson, Dean, School of Education, Oral Roberts University
Mark Virkler grew up a conservative Baptist and attended Roberts Wesleyan College, where he met Patti. They were married during their third year at college. Patti Virkler graduated Magna cum laude. She received her Master of Ministry and Doctorate of Ministry from Vision International University. Mark received a Master of Theology from Miami Christian University and a Ph.D. from Carolina Christian University. Since 2000, he has been included in the Who’s Who in the World. They founded a church called Pioneer Christian Fellowship and have worked on several church staffs over the years. Mark has traveled worldwide since 1984 teaching the Communion With God weekend seminar. He is the president of Christian Leadership University. Among the many books they have co-authored are Communion With God and Prayers That Heal the Heart.
In this power-packed, down-to-earth book, Dr. Cho shows how to overcome life’s difficulties. He skillfully weaves the fabric of truth into a design for living so that you can learn and use the language of faith, build the right relationships, and experience God’s blessings daily. Dr. Cho tackles life’s problems by uncovering the roots of those problems and offering biblically sound answers for them. With examples from his own life and ministry, Cho shows how God can lead you to a life where problems are solved by being rooted in faith, prayer and proper attitudes.
Dr. Paul (David) Yonggi Cho is the pastor of the Yoido Full Gospel Central Church in Seoul, Korea. The church has grown to become the largest worshiping body in the world with a congregation that numbers over 800,000 members. Dr. Cho is the author of many books including, Unleashing the Power of Faith and A Leap of Faith. He studied theology under a scholarship at Full Gospel Bible College in Seoul, graduating in March, 1958. He has spent more than 44 years emphasizing the importance of cell group ministry and founded Church Growth International, in 1976, to teach pastors the principles of evangelism and church growth.