Digital Logos Edition
Grow in confidence as you learn how to proclaim the truth in a postmodern society from experts in the field. In this age of skepticism, how do we defend our faith? How do we share the truth with people who don’t believe that truth exists? Christians from all eras of history have faced difficult questions and challenges to their faith. This collection contains primary source texts from pioneering apologists and contemporary works that will equip you with the foundational apologetic tools to strengthen and defend your faith.
Work through the historical and physical evidence supporting claims of Christianity. William Lane Craig and Norman L. Geisler provide helpful volumes surveying the wide field of Christian apologetics, while Nancy Pearcey and Charles B. Thaxton provide a more focused volume covering the relationship between science and faith. Whether you are looking for answers yourself or preparing to discuss your faith publicly, the Crossway Apologetics Collection will reinforce your beliefs and provide you with the tools to clearly and articulately witness to others.
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Jason Roecker