Digital Logos Edition
Desolate moments drive us to find peace and hope in the stories and songs that move amid our memories. The books of 1 and 2 Samuel contain a collection of stories (and even a few songs) from Israel’s memory that fostered hope for fearful readers. These stories took place in the lives of Samuel, Saul, and David between 1020 and 961 BC. While these narratives certainly have historic significance in the context in which they occurred, their greater significance may be found in the context of when they were recalled, recorded, and retold.
Most scholars believe that the stories in 1 and 2 Samuel were compiled and written during the period of Israel’s history leading toward and through the Babylonian exile. More than three centuries after these stories occurred, they were remembered and retold. Why? Why were these stories recalled during the exile? What do these stories say about God and Israel? How did these stories bring peace and hope to the long dark night of Israel’s captivity? Is it possible that these stories can bring hope to the tense and tumultuous times of our lives as well?
In the teaching guide, each chapter includes teaching options, a suggested worship outline, and approaches for leading discussions. The adult study examines biblical background, history of interpretation, and the themes of spirituality, ministry, and theology. It also includes relevant lesson plans for children and youth.
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