Digital Logos Edition
James wrote in an extraordinary time in history and to a unique people. Unlike Paul, who wrote primarily to congregations defined by Gentile believers, James wrote to a dispersed and persecuted fellowship of Hebrew Christians who would soon endure even more difficulty in the coming years. James’s letter had a two-fold intent:
If the dispersed believers lived exemplary lives among unfamiliar people in new areas, they could be living witnesses to the reality of Jesus as the Hebrew Messiah. According to James, the way of God is accepting the reality of persecution and applying faith to each and every instance. This “holification” of suffering that had been modeled by Jesus could indeed provide excellent witness to the reality of their faith. As James “tells it like it is” he consistently offers paths to effective living that can only be accessed through a personal relationship with God.
In the teaching guide, each chapter includes teaching options, a suggested worship outline, and approaches for leading discussions. The adult study examines biblical background, history of interpretation, and the themes of spirituality, ministry, and theology. It also includes relevant lesson plans for children and youth.
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