Digital Logos Edition
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William Temple eventually followed his father, Frederick, to the position of archbishop of Canterbury. Like his father, he was a natural academic. He was educated at the boarding school his father had directed, and like his father, graduated from Oxford with a double first. Also like his father, William Temple went into education, spending five years as the headmaster of Repton School. He also shared his father’s vision for a united Church and cooperation between Christians. He was a member of the labour party and a fierce advocate for social justice. He was the first president of the Workers Educational Association and he believed the Church has a key role to play in bettering society.
William Temple was ordained in 1909. His 35 years of ministry spanned both world wars, during a time when a global society was a new and malleable concept. Throughout his life, William Temple wrote about the relationship of Christian faith with society, the state, philosophy, human nature, and the global community. This collection gathers many of his philosophical works discussing these subjects, including Christianity and the Social Order—advocating socialism from a Christian perspective, Christianity and the State—laying out his religious political philosophy, and his longest work, Mens Creatrix—detailing how all of mankind’s creative energies culminate in Christian revelation.
In the Logos editions, William Temple’s treatises are enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Easily compare Temple’s work with that of his contemporaries. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
This volume contains William Temple’s Christianity and the Social Order.
This volume contains William Temple’s Christus Veritas.
This volume contains William Temple’s Nature, Man and God.
This volume contains William Temple’s Personal Religion and the Life of Fellowship.
This volume contains William Temple’s Plato and Christianity.
This volume contains William Temple’s Readings in St. John’s Gospel.
William Temple (1881–1944) was archbishop of Canterubry from 1942 to 1944. His father was archbishop of Canterbury before him. He attended the Rugby School as a boy, and Balliol College, Oxford. He earned a double first in classics and was president of the Oxford Union. Ordained in 1909, he was headmaster at Repton school for five years before returning to full-time ministry as Bishop of Manchester. He was elevated to archbishop of York in 1929. During World War II he founded the Council of Christians and Jews to combat anti-Semitism in Britain. He died in 1944 and became the first Primate of the Church to be cremated. Temple is honored in the Calendar of the Church on November 6.
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The Rev. Dr. Larry D Ellis