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Evangelism Collection (11 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $173.89
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The Evangelism Collection offers informative, concise, provocative and compelling resources for engaging Christians to become missionaries in their own family, neighborhood, and community. From instructions on church planting to soul winning, these books provide time-tested, practical advice on how to share the good news of Jesus. The editors of Missiology supply an excellent resource for those called to be a foreign missionary. Methods are discussed and taught to give the reader clear and effective ways to preach the Gospel in the postmodern era in which we live. This culture in which we live, however, is not much different from the one Paul ministered in, and Peter Jones gives us insight into the rules of engagement the Apostle used to preach the Gospel. The book on church evangelism provides specific tools for developing successful programs to teach evangelism in the church. This collection, published by Broadman and Holman, will help pastors, students and laypersons understand and implement the tools to become better witnesses for Jesus.

Resource Experts
  • Title: Evangelism Collection
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Volumes: 11
  • Pages: 3,415

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The Secret of Soul Winning

  • Authors: Stephen Olford and David Olford
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 159

The late legendary pastor Stephen Olford’s mid-twentieth century ministry classic returns to print in 2007 with extensive updates from his son David Olford, plus a previously unreleased foreword by the late Adrian Rogers and the original introduction from Billy Graham. Here, the Olfords relate many of their personal experiences with soul winning, offering time-tested practical advice on how to share the good news of Jesus Christ. The Secret of Soul Winning is still as relevant as the first day it was written and is sure to greatly inspire a new generation of disciples.

From a heart that has been strangely and wonderfully warmed by the Spirit of God, Stephen Olford brings us practical suggestions about how to win men to Christ. I am confident that no one can prayerfully read this book without being a better Christian and without being adequately equipped to. . . save souls from death by the help of Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.

—Billy Graham

Stephen Olford (1918-2004) was the founder of Olford Ministries International and the Stephen Olford Center for Biblical Preaching. He was raised in Angola to missionary parents and after receiving ministry training was appointed an Army Scripture Reader during WW Two. After the war, he was involved in extensive evangelistic and preaching ministries throughout Britain and overseas. He and his family moved to Tennessee in 1985 to develop a training center that would equip and encourage preachers and teachers of God’s Word. As an ordained Baptist minister and a conservative evangelical, Olford ministered across many denominational, cultural, and racial lines.

David Olford serves as Stephen Olford Professor of Expository Preaching and as Assistant to the President at Union University in Tennessee. He serves as Chairman of the Board and President of Olford Ministries International. As both teacher and preacher, David has shared his passion of God’s Word across the United States and in numerous foreign countries.

The Art of Personal Evangelism

  • Author: Will McRaney Jr.
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 281

Personal evangelism is the foundation for all church growth. As culture and customs shift and change, people look for spiritual answers to life’s significant questions. Unfortunately, in the increasingly crowded marketplace of spiritual ideas, people are looking to the church less and less. Will McRaney addresses this problem and asserts that, if the Kingdom of God is to expand, individual Christians will have to learn to communicate their faith story in a way that is engaging, personal, and relevant.

Not only will this book help individual Christians better share their faith, it will help church leaders better grow their churches. Anyone interested in sharing a timeless message in a timely manner will want to be sure to read this book.

—Charles Arn, President, Church Growth, Inc.

In evangelism, personal witnessing lays the foundation for all other approaches; this book provides the essential resource for personal witnessing.

—Alvin Reid, Professor of Evangelism, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Will McRaney is an Associate Professor of Evangelism at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where he earned his Ph.D. in Evangelism. He is the cofounder of the Ministry Enhancement Group, which trains and consults in the areas of church growth and leadership development.

Concentric Circles of Concern

  • Authors: W. Oscar Thompson Jr. with Carolyn Thompson Ritzmann
  • Edition: Revised and Updated by Claude V. King
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 1999
  • Pages: 213

In this re-issue of W. Oscar Thompson's classic book on evangelism, Thompson shows Christians how to spread the love and good news of Christ by building and repairing personal relationships. Evangelism today often emphasizes preaching to strangers, anonymous crowds, and in foreign countries. This book hits readers where they live, teaching them that the most effective way to witness is through a simple plan of meeting the needs of close family first, then friends, and then all others. This book is a living testament of the brilliance of Oscar Thompson and his innovative seven stages for making disciples.

W. Oscar Thompson was a pastor for twenty years before joining the faculty of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in the area of evangelism. He served as president of the Oscar Thompson Evangelistic Association; as pastoral consultant of Cancer Counseling and Research Foundation; and pastoral consultant and board member of the Trinity Valley Hospice Association, Inc.

Claude King is a consultant of the Office of Prayer and Spiritual Awakening. He is the co-author of the best-selling Experiencing God. He is also a discipleship training leader and the author of numerous interactive learning programs.

Church Evangelism

  • Author: John Mark Terry
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 1997
  • Pages: 235

Church Evangelism takes a wide-ranging look at evangelism techniques in the local church today, reviewing the most productive methods of community outreach and their applications. It equips preachers with facts and principles that will help them guide congregations toward their fullest potential. Terry provides specific tools for developing successful programs to teach evangelism in the church.

John Mark Terry is Associate Professor of Missions and Evangelism at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He received his M.Div. and Ph.D. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and served as a missionary in the Philippines and a professor of missions at Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary.

Capturing the Pagan Mind

  • Author: Peter Jones
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 318

Jones helps us see that Paul’s teaching is still relevant for today’s culture. The Apostle also confronted a culture much like ours—sports-mad, deep into Eastern spirituality, religious syncretism—where society was overrun by sexual deviancy. Paul was able to minister to people in this type of culture and his words ring true for us today. Paul was able to reach the people in his time for Christ, and he can teach us the rules of engagement in ours.

Peter Jones is Executive Director of Christian Witness to a Pagan Planet (a national and international teaching, preaching and writing ministry) and scholar in residence at Westminster Seminary, in California. He received a B.A. from the University of Wales; a B.D. from Gordon Divinity School; a Th.M. from Harvard Divinity School; and a Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary. He taught Greek and New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary and was Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary California from 1991 to 2003. He is the author of The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back.

Introduction to Evangelism

  • Author: Alvin Reid
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 1998
  • Pages: 376

Alvin Reid writes that evangelism is “central to the mission of the church in any age.” Here, Reid traces the essence of evangelism—its history and character—teaching Christians how to preach the Gospel effectively. Using methods built upon biblical, historical, and theological foundations, this introduction to evangelism integrates doctrinal issues with practical matters of methodology, while developing the personal spirituality of those who seek to carry out the Great Commission. By recognizing the timeless aspects of the evangelistic task and adapting them to today's needs and the needs of the future, Reid gives Christians the tools they need to spread the Word with assurance.

Alvin Reid is the Professor of Evangelism at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, in North Carolina. He is the author and coauthor of many books on evangelism.

Evangelism: A Concise History

  • Author: John Mark Terry
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 1994
  • Pages: 216

In Evangelism: A Concise History, ministers and other speakers will discover a wealth of illustrative and inspirational messages for sermons and every day living. Any Christian with a gift and calling for evangelistic witnessing will find themselves caught up in how the Good News of Jesus has been passed down through history. Dr. Terry recounts the fascinating story of Jesus and His saving power in a clear and interesting manner. He continues with the church fathers, revivalists, scholars, reformers, mass evangelists and media evangelists, showing how the Gospel message has been communicated in a variety of times and cultures and by various means.

Mark Terry skillfully summarizes the main currents of 2000 years of proclaiming the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a valuable study and research tool.

—Bill Bright, Founder, President, Campus Crusade for Christ International.

This is the most readable book on this crucial subject that I have ever read. Mark Terry has done Christians everywhere an immense favor in authoring this fascinating book.

—Roy Fish, Professor, Evangelism, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Out of Their Faces and into Their Shoes

  • Author: John Kramp
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 1995
  • Pages: 198

John Kramp is a noted “lostologist,” someone who has studied what it means to be lost and what it can teach Christians about evangelism. Kramp believes that to share Christ with someone who is lost, you first have to understand how they think and feel. There are a lot of spiritually lost people who are having a great time, “enjoying life,” not knowing that they’re lost and not caring if they did know. Once you understand those who are lost, you can then give them directions to God. In Out of Their Faces and into Their Shoes a 1995 Gold Medallion Finalist, Kramp explains, “The things you felt and thought the last time you got physically lost are a great preparation for sharing your faith—without being obnoxious.”

I highly recommend this helpful book.

—Bill Bright, Founder, President, Campus Crusade for Christ, International

Right on target!

—Robert E. Coleman, Author, The Master Plan of Evangelism

John Kramp is Associate Director of Discipleship and Family Ministries for the Baptist Sunday School Board in Tennessee. He has served as church pastor in Texas and Oregon. He is the author of On Track Leadership: Mastering What Leaders Actually Do.

No Doubt About It: The Case for Christianity

  • Author: Winfried Corduan
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 1997
  • Pages: 277

Although our doubts and questions might make us feel faithless, Dr. Winfried Corduan considers them signs of life and growth. “We should never fear investigating the truth,” he writes. In this rigorous look at the essence of Christianity, Corduan argues from a standpoint of compatibility between faith and reason. No Doubt About It combines classical Christian apologetics and contemporary philosophy in a style that is both engaging and reader-friendly. The result is an invigorating invitation to intellectual and spiritual growth. Corduan is convinced that doubts and quandaries ultimately serve to strengthen faith, not weaken it.

Winfried Corduan received his Ph.D. from Rice University and is professor of philosophy and religion at Taylor University in Indiana. He is the author of A Reasonable Faith: Basic Christian Apologetics and A Tapestry of Faiths.

Missiology: An Introduction to the Foundations, History, and Strategies of World Missions

  • Editors: John Mark Terry, Ebbie Smith, and Justice Anderson
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 1998
  • Pages: 760

Missiology is a valuable resource for anyone currently involved in missions, considering a life as a missionary, seminary students, or those simply interested in the foundations, history and strategy of missions. The contributing writers explore the biblical mandate for world evangelization, review the history of missions and describe the current state of world religions. It also provides an extensive overview of church growth, church planting, church development, missionary strategy, and urban and humanitarian ministries. Over thirty scholars contribute to this immense work from fields such as history, anthropology, world religions and systematic theology. The three editors are former missionaries who are now professors of missions.

Ebbie Smith is a retired Professor of Christian Ethics and Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He served fifteen years as a Southern Baptist missionary in Indonesia. While there he directed students in church starting activities and founded an extension Bible School for lay pastors.

Justice Anderson was a Professor of Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age

  • Author: Ed Stetzer
  • Publisher: Broadman and Holman
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 382

Rick Warren says, “Ed Stetzer is one of the best-informed, practical-minded, and field-tested church planters that I know.” Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age is an instruction book for planting biblically faithful and culturally relevant churches. It addresses the “how-to” and “why” issues of church planting by providing practical guidance through all the phases of planting a church. After looking at existing and emerging cultures, Stetzer demonstrates how to reach people within those cultures, especially those caught up in the postmodern culture.

If I could buy only one book on church planting this would be my first choice

—Eddie Gibbs, Author, ChurchNext.

Read this book before undertaking a church plant.

—David Hesselgrave, Author, Cross-Cultural Church Planting

Stetzer helps the new church developer think missionally, theologically, and practically about the process of starting new churches.

—Bob Logan, Executive Director, CoachNet International Ministries

Ed Stetzer has planted churches in New York and Pennsylvania. He has trained church planters across the United States and on five continents. A former seminary professor, he currently directs the Nehemiah Project for the North American Mission Board, helping recruit and train church planters. He is the coauthor of Breaking the Missional Code.


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    great tool


Collection value: $173.89
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