The Collector’s Library includes a massive library of over 8,120 titles for Bible study, including commentaries, theological journals, reference works, Greek and Hebrew resources, and so much more. With resources running the gamut from devotional and pastoral to theological and academic, this package has everything you need for serious study of the Bible and its world. Collector’s Edition is a dream package for anybody with a passion for in-depth study of the Word.
This massive collection includes most current editions in the New International Commentary (NIC) series covering many of the books of the Old and New Testament, providing the student of Scripture an exposition that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship, yet at the same time loyal to Scripture as the infallible Word of God. This conviction, shared by all contributors to New International Commentary (NIC), defines the goal of this ambitious series of commentaries.
5 ratings
Geoffrey Eldringhoff
George Gallant
Rev. Robert Sundquist