Digital Logos Edition
The responsibility to apply the Bible to human needs doesn’t end with pastors or professional counselors. Small-group and other ministry leaders need to provide help to others. Biblical counseling happens between spouses, parents and children, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and even within the quiet of an individual soul. The Counseling Guide Feature Expansion, S will enhance the resources you can use quickly tap into the wealth of information within the Logos Counseling Guide.
As you seek to walk through all of the joys and challenges of life in this world, the Counseling Guide can help you find wise spiritual counsel. Enter a topic into the Counseling Guide (like depression, loneliness, or trust), and you’ll find resources and tools that will equip you to better understand the topic in question. The Counseling Guide searches all your resources to find the tools and resources you need to find guidance through life’s challenges and blessings.
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Bryan Beeman