Digital Logos Edition
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians shines with the brilliant reality of what being a Christian really means. We are far more than forgiven—we have been changed. Not just the way we live, but the very source and nature of our lives are different. In Christ, we are new creations, righteous, fit for fellowship with God, and even now seated “with him in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 2:6).
But what practical implications does this radical transformation have for us? In what ways does living in God’s grace affect our daily conduct? In Ephesians, Paul connects our identity in Christ to our lifestyles. We are God’s workmanship, he says; let us live out who we are. Whether the setting is the home, the church, or the marketplace, our lives ought to reflect our union with Christ.
Exploring the links between the Bible and our own times, Klyne Snodgrass shares perspectives on the book of Ephesians that reveal its enduring relevance for our twenty-first century lives.
“To belt on truth means to be strengthened by God’s truth in the gospel and to resolve to live truth.” (Page 342)
“Readers need to be prepared, as if for battle, for right living does not just happen and opposition is certain.” (Page 334)
“Still, Ephesians 5:23 does not focus on authority, but on the self-giving love of both Christ and the husband. ‘Head’ in this context suggests ‘responsibility for.’ The husband has a leadership role, though not in order to boss his wife or use his position as privilege. Just as Jesus redefined greatness as being a servant (Matt. 20:26–27), Paul redefines being head as having responsibility to love, to give oneself, and to nurture. A priority is placed on the husband, but, contrary to ancient society, it is for the benefit of the wife. The activity of both wife and husband is based in their relation to Christ and in his giving himself for the church.” (Page 295)
“Sins are not the cause of the problem, but the result; the problem lies in the mind and in choices made against God.” (Page 230)
“Salvation is not from works, but it surely is for works, that is, living obediently and productively.” (Page 107)
This is the pulpit commentary for the twenty-first century.
—George K. Brushaber, president, Bethel College and Seminary
The NIV Application Commentary meets the urgent need for an exhaustive and authoritative commentary based on the New International Version. This series will soon be found in libraries and studies throughout the evangelical community.
—James Kennedy, senior minister, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
It is encouraging to find a commentary that is not only biblically trustworthy but also contemporary in its application. The NIV Application Commentary will prove to be a helpful tool in the pastor’s sermon preparation. I use it and recommend it.
—Charles F. Stanley, pastor, First Baptist Church of Atlanta
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