Digital Logos Edition
The New Covenant Commentary Series, compiled by contributors form a diverse range of backgrounds, devotes itself to the task of biblical interpretation and theological reflection. It unwraps each biblical book section-by-section, providing a clear view of the theology and application within. Focusing on both the text and various contexts of each book, the series illustrates the impact they had on faith and tradition at the time of their composition—and the significance they continue to have in contemporary life, faith, and ministry.
Craig S. Keener’s Romans is a helpfully concise commentary on Paul’s letter to the early Christians in Rome, which the Apostle wrote just a few years before the outbreak of Nero’s persecution. Keener examines each paragraph for its function in the letter as a whole, helping the reader follow Paul’s argument. Where relevant, he draws on his vast work in ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman sources in order to help modern readers understand the message of Romans according to the way the first audience would have heard it. Throughout, Keener focuses on major points that are especially critical for the contemporary study of Paul’s most influential and complex New Testament letter.
With the Logos Bible Software edition, you have unprecedented access to resources that offer relatable and insightful material for Bible study. The powerful search tools in your digital library help you locate the specific material relevant to your study and hours of biblical research can be accomplished with the simple click of a mouse. With lightning-speed searching, instantly-viewable Scripture references, a vast library of resources, and much more, Logos is the perfect software to expand your understanding of the New Testament.
By grounding his exposition of Romans in the world of the first century, yet keeping his eye on the needs and concerns of the contemporary world, Keener offers here a rare commodity: a lucid commentary that is simultaneously conversant with the latest biblical scholarship and pastorally sensitive.
—John T. Fitzgerald, chair of the department of religious studies, University of Miami
Craig Keener has written a marvelous commentary that will prove to be a valuable tool for ministers, students, and scholars alike. By insightfully introducing and contextualizing, as well as providing excurses that guide the reader from ancient to modern times, Keener has done with excellence what a commentary should do.
—Manfred Lang, professor, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg
Craig S. Keener (PhD, Duke University) is professor of New Testament at Palmer Seminary of Eastern University. He is also the author of fourteen books, including a number of commentaries.
“The issue is not that a person of the Spirit might sometimes succumb to fleshly temptation. Rather, the issue is that a person either had God’s Spirit in them, hence lived a life oriented toward God, or a person had nothing more than themselves to depend on, hence could live only according to the flesh.” (Page 98)
“He argued that nearly all of ancient Judaism affirmed that Israelites as a whole were graciously chosen as part of the covenant, and remained members of the covenant unless cutting themselves off through apostasy. Judaism was thus a religion of grace, and works confirmed rather than earned a place in the covenant.” (Pages 5–6)
“Two forms of advanced education existed in the Greco-Roman world: philosophy and rhetoric. The former concerned itself especially with truth and reality, and the latter with communication and persuasion.” (Page 2)
“Paul retorts that the opposite is true: grace delivers not merely from punishment, but from sin’s power. It is empowering grace rather than law (as a standard), that transforms. It is thus God’s gift rather than his standard that produces genuine righteousness from the heart.” (Page 79)
“Modern Western readers distinguish ‘Judaism’ and ‘Christianity’ as distinct religions, but the Christian movement, as it came to be called, viewed itself as carrying on the biblical faith of patriarchs and prophets in view of end-time fulfillment in Christ, demonstrated by the eschatological gift of the Spirit.” (Page 4)
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Daniel Osnes
Harry Verkaik
Richard C. Hammond, Jr.
David Kim
Matt Mouzakis
Willy Elmira