Digital Logos Edition
This is the rebranded version of the New International Biblical Commentary: Old Testament. It contains all the same content.
This user-friendly commentary series helps any reader navigate the Bible’s sometimes-difficult terrain. Each of the 18 volumes breaks down the barriers between the ancient and modern worlds, revealing the power and meaning of the biblical texts to contemporary readers.
The contributors tackle interpretation using the full range of critical methodologies and practices—yet they do so as people of faith who hold the text in the highest regard. They present a careful section-by-section exposition of the biblical books with highlighted key terms and phrases and transliterated Hebrew words. Notes at the close of each chapter provide additional textual and technical comments for those who want to dig deeper. A bibliography, as well as Scripture and subject indexes, is also included.
Interested in the New Testament? Check out Understanding the Bible Commentary Series: New Testament (18 vols.) today! Or, get an even better deal with the combined collection, Understanding the Bible Commentary Series (36 vols.).
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Genesis is the chronological and theological gateway to the Bible. It lays the foundations for understanding God, humanity, and his dealings with us. It introduces his promise: the seed of the Gospel. Its stories still resonate with our own experience and pilgrimage with God. This skillfully written commentary guides the reader through the fascinating narrative of the world’s early generations and the beginning of God’s people.
John E. Hartley is professor of Old Testament and chairperson of biblical studies at the C. P. Haggard Graduate School of Theology, Azusa Pacific University. He is ordained in the Free Methodist Church, and he has authored commentaries on Job and Leviticus.
Exodus includes some of the Old Testament’s most dramatic scenes, as well as themes that are foundational to the rest of the Bible. God delivers, provides for, and forms a people for himself, patiently teaching them to trust him. This commentary helps the reader understand and apply this wonderful and ever-relevant book on a deeper level.
James K. Bruckner is professor of Old Testament at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago and is an ordained minister in the Evangelical Covenant Church. He is the author of Implied Law in the Abraham Narrative; Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah in The NIV Application Commentary; and numerous scholarly articles.
Amidst the laws and lists, Leviticus and Numbers display the holiness and awesomeness of God, the importance of purity, the nature of worship, the value of obedience, and the consequences of disobedience in the early life of Israel. This commentary takes on these two often neglected books of Scripture with the conviction that modern believers can gain much benefit from them.
W. H. Bellinger Jr. is W. Marshall and Lulie Craig Chairholder in Bible, chair of the Department of Religion, and professor of religion at Baylor University, and is an ordained Baptist minister. His other publications include Psalms: Reading and Studying the Book of Praises and The Testimony of Poets and Sages.
Deuteronomy records Moses’ parting words to Israel’s new generation on the brink of the Promised Land. He recounts their history, sets before them God’s covenant and laws, and instructs them on being God’s people in the world. The author passionately explains this important theological book, with a particular eye toward implications for faithful life and witness in our own day.
Christopher J. H. Wright is the principal of All Nations Christian College in Ware, United Kingdom. He taught for five years at Union Biblical Seminary in India. He received his PhD from Cambridge University, and he is ordained in the Church of England. He is the author of The God I Don’t Understand, God’s People in God’s Land, Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament, and The Mission of God’s People.
Joshua, Judges, and Ruth tell the history of Israel’s early, premonarchical life in Canaan. Their narratives mix exhilarating stories of God’s deliverance and somber examples of the people’s disobedience. They also include elements that are strange to modern readers. The commentators explore the history and culture of the era to explain the difficult issues raised and relate the lessons to contemporary Christian life.
Cheryl A. Brown is an ordained American Baptist minister, and she is currently involved in theological education in Eastern Europe and the Middle East with the European Baptist Federation.
J. Gordon Harris is professor of Old Testament and director of doctoral studies at North American Baptist Seminary. He is also a chaplain in the Army Reserves and National Guard.
Michael S. Moore is assistant professor of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary in Arizona and is a preaching minister at the Tatum Boulevard Church of Christ in Phoenix.
The books of 1 and 2 Samuel tell the story of an important time in Israel’s history: the beginning of the monarchy under Saul and the rise and reign of King David. It’s a story of individual people as they relate to God. It’s also a story of politics and the dynamics of power—including its use and abuse.
Mary J. Evans is a lecturer in Old Testament and the director of the Christian Life and Ministry course at the London Bible College. Her publications include Woman in the Bible and Prophets of the Lord, and she is an editor of the Study Bible for Women: The New Testament.
In contrast to literary and historical skepticism about the accounts of Israel and Judah in the divided kingdom, Provan examines 1 and 2 Kings as a unified and historical narrative. He helps the reader see that these books provide insight into the kings and prophets—and teach about God and his ways.
Iain W. Provan is the Marshall Sheppard Professor of Biblical Studies at Regent College. He is also an ordained minister of the Church of Scotland.
In this commentary, Jonker reads 1 and 2 Chronicles as literature that negotiates a new socioreligious identity in a period of political transition.
Louis C. Jonker is professor of Old Testament at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. He has researched as a fellow of the Alexander von Humbolt Foundation at the University of Tübingen on numerous occasions. In his research on Second Temple Judaic literature, he focuses on the relationship between history-writing and identity negotiation. He has edited various volumes on this topic and published extensively on the biblical books of Chronicles.
Allen and Laniak direct the reader’s attention to the literary elements of these three postexilic books while examining the books’ historical setting and details—which, in turn, point to valuable lessons. Though the focus is on human activity, the hand of God in restoration and deliverance is clearly seen. This helpful commentary sheds light on these oft-misunderstood books.
Leslie C. Allen is senior professor of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary. He has written many books, including commentaries on Ezekiel, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Psalms, and Jeremiah.
Timothy S. Laniak is professor of Old Testament at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the author of Shepherds after My Own Heart: Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible.
Job delves into questions as old as humanity and as contemporary as today’s headlines. How does God’s justice work? How are we to understand suffering? More importantly, how are we to respond to it? Through careful analysis and explanation of Job’s dialogue, Wilson sheds light on its core message: a call to faithfully persevere by entrusting the answers to God.
Gerald H. Wilson received his PhD from Yale University, and he was a professor of Old Testament and biblical Hebrew at Azusa Pacific University. He wrote The Editing of the Hebrew Psalter and numerous articles for journals, encyclopedias, and reviews.
The Psalms are beloved for their poetic beauty, poignant expression of human emotion and spiritual experience, and soaring depictions of God’s glory. This commentary examines literary elements to help understand each psalm as a whole. Further, it highlights the psalms in their liturgical role as part of Israel’s worship, with an eye toward enriching contemporary worship and prayer.
Craig C. Broyles is a professor of religious studies at Trinity Western University, Canada. He is author of The Conflict of Faith and Experience: A Form-Critical and Theological Study of Selected Lament Psalms and co-editor of Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah: Studies of an Interpretive Tradition.
The authors help you understand Hebrew thought expressed in wisdom literature and poetry. Murphy brings clarity to Proverbs via literary insight and intrabook connections. Huwiler sets Ecclesiastes in the larger biblical context and offers a reliable guide through this consideration of existence and meaning. He explores the rich imagery of Song of Songs—a celebration of the goodness of human sexuality and love.
Elizabeth Huwiler contributed the commentary on Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs to Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, vol. 12 of the New International Biblical Commentary Old Testament series. She is associate professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia and an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Roland E. Murphy (deceased 2002) was the George Washington Ivey Emeritus Professor of Biblical Studies at Duke University and an adjunct professor at the Washington Theological Union. He was coeditor of the New Jerome Biblical Commentary, and he wrote numerous articles, books, and commentaries.
Often quoted in the New Testament and known for its beautiful descriptions of God and his Servant, Isaiah is a favorite among Old Testament books. With clarity and insight, Goldingay guides the reader through this magnificent book, drawing out its themes of God’s holiness and majesty, the nature of God’s people, and true biblical spirituality.
John Goldingay is David Allan Hubbard Professor of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He is ordained in the Episcopal Church and is the author of numerous books, including Old Testament Theology volumes 1–3 and commentaries on Daniel, the Psalms, and the Minor Prophets.
Jeremiah is a long and complex book written in the closing years of Judah before the exile. Longman provides clear and accessible commentary, drawing out covenant as a central theme: the people’s violation, the consequences, and the promise of a new covenant to come. He also provides solid help for understanding and applying the ancient genre of lament found in Lamentations.
Tremper Longman III is the Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. Before coming to Westmont, he taught at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia for 18 years. He has authored or coauthored numerous books, including An Introduction to the Old Testament, How to Read Proverbs, and commentaries on Daniel, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Job, and Song of Songs.
The modern reader encounters unfamiliar territory in Ezekiel, with its otherworldly visions and the peculiar actions of its author. Ezekiel presents a message of doom and judgment followed by an equally powerful message of hope and restoration. Through helpful literary analysis and theological reflection, Tuell assists the reader in seeing the richness and ongoing relevance of this book for today.
Steven Tuell is the James A. Kelso Associate Professor of Old Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He has authored a study of Ezekiel 40–48 in the Harvard Semitic Monographs series, as well as a commentary on 1 and 2 Chronicles in the Interpretation series. With John Strong, he coedited Constituting the Community: Studies on the Polity of Ancient Israel in Honor of S. Dean McBride, Jr.
William Nelson’s section-by-section commentary on Daniel helps you navigate the sometimes-difficult terrain of this prophetical book.
William Nelson is a professor of Old Testament at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California.
This volume includes commentary on the first six books of the Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah. Though varied in setting, style, audience, and theme, these books share at least one commonality: each is an important message from God. With interpretive skill and theological passion, Achtemeier helps the reader see the importance of these messages for today.
Elizabeth Achtemeier was an adjunct professor of Bible and homiletics at Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. She is the author of a number of books, including Nature, God, and Pulpit and Preaching from the Old Testament.
This volume includes commentary on the second six books of the Minor Prophets: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. With clear writing and technical expertise, the authors skillfully navigate the various interpretive challenges these books present, helping the reader understand and apply these ancient messages from God in today’s world.
John Goldingay is David Allan Hubbard Professor of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He is ordained in the Episcopal Church and is the author of numerous books, including Old Testament Theology volumes 1–3 and commentaries on Daniel, the Psalms, and Isaiah.
Pamela Scalise is an associate professor of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, Seattle Campus. She is the author, with Gerald Keown and Thomas Smothers, of Jeremiah 26–52.
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Daniel Stengård