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Products>Classic Commentaries and Studies on Colossians and Philemon Upgrade (8 vols.)

Classic Commentaries and Studies on Colossians and Philemon Upgrade (8 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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The Classic Commentaries and Studies on Colossians and Philemon Upgrade presents readers with a collection of early Puritan treatments of Paul’s intimate letter to Philemon, and his powerful address to the Colossians. Other volumes in the collection address the Christology of Colossians, Paul’s personal character, and a Puritan interpretive translation of Colossians. Most of the volumes in this collection were originally sermons or lectures, making them readily accessible and applicable to all readers.

With the Logos editions, these valuable volumes are enhanced by amazing functionality and features. Scripture and ancient-text citations link directly to English translations and original-language texts, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches with the Topic Guide to instantly gather relevant biblical texts and resources. Tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Build your library on Colossians and Philemon with our original Classic Commentaries on Colossians and Philemon collection!

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Key Features

  • Features extensive analysis of Colossians and Philemon by early Puritan commentators
  • Displays the exegesis of Puritan interpreters and the role of logic in their work
  • Presents unique volumes on Christology in Colossians and on Paul’s personality in Philemon
  • Contains an early Puritan interpretive paraphrase of Colossians with technical notes

Product Details

  • Title: Classic Commentaries and Studies on Colossians and Philemon Upgrade
  • Volumes: 8
  • Pages: 1,676

A Commentary upon the Epistle of St. Paul Written to the Colossians

  • Author: Thomas Cartwright
  • Publisher: James Nichol
  • Publication Date: 1864
  • Pages: 90

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Written nearly three hundred years before it was published, this collection of sermons presents the Epistle to the Colossians in a traditional Puritan sermon format. First, it examines and explains the biblical text, and then it uses logic to draw out and explain practical and abstract theological doctrines. Containing 31 sermons, Cartwright’s commentary provides a thorough examination of this key New Testament epistle.

Thomas Cartwright (c. 1535–1603) was an English Puritan and churchman. He studied at Cambridge, and was forced to forfeit his theological studies during the reign and persecution of “Bloody Mary,” Queen Mary I of England. In 1553, under Elizabeth I, he returned to his studies and became a fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge. A frequent critic of the English political system, Cartwright was forced to leave England on at least two occasions. He was widely regarded as a brilliant theologian, was distinguished by his character, and provided leadership and energy to the dissident Puritan movement of seventeenth-century England.

An Exposition of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Colossians: Delivered in Sundry Sermons

  • Author: Edward Elton
  • Publisher: Felix Kyngston
  • Publication Date: 1620
  • Pages: 726

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A collection of sermons given in the earliest days of the Puritan movement in England, Edward Elton’s An Exposition of the Epistle to the Colossians provides a complete analysis of Colossians. He examines the text verse by verse, distilling both its teaching for Christian doctrine and its implications for the Christian life. In good Puritan fashion, Elton displays a penchant for pristine logic and incisive analysis

Edward Elton (c. 1569–1624) was an English Puritan, and a pastor at St. Mary Magdalen Church, Bermondsey, near London. His works include, The Complaint of a Sanctified Sinner Answered, A Plaine and Easie Exposition Upon the Lord’s Prayer in Questions and Answers, and The Great Mystery of Godlinesse Opened: Being an Exposition upon the Whole Ninth Chapter of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans.

Christ and Colosse or The Gospel of the Fullness: Five Lectures on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians

  • Author: H. H. Gowen
  • Publisher: Skeffington & Son
  • Publication Date: 1922
  • Pages: 127

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Taking Colossians as a Christological monograph, H. H. Gowen’s Christ and Colosse provides an early example of biblical theology. The opening chapter covers introductory issues, including Paul’s qualifications to write the letter and its historical context. Gowen argues that Colossians begins by asking a question—“Who is Jesus Christ?”—and then answers that question by explaining Jesus’ theological significance. Gowen supplements his argument with information from the gospels, and demonstrates that the literary structure of the epistle also supports his interpretation of Colossians.

H. H. Gowen (1864–1960) was professor of Oriental languages at the University of Washington. He was educated at St. Augustine College, Oxford, and Cambridge. In 1886, he was made a deacon in the Anglican Church, and served as a missionary to Hawaii and China. He was president of the Washington State Philosophical Society, a fellow of the Royal Geological Society of London as well as the Royal Asiatic Society, and a member of the American Oriental Society. He published books on numerous subjects, including Temperantia, Paradise of the Pacific, Hawaiian Idylls of Love and Death, and Meditations of on the Seven Last Words.

Lectures on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians

  • Author: William Kelly
  • Publisher: G. Morrish
  • Publication Date: 1869
  • Pages: 111

These four poignant lectures focus on the text of Colossians. Each lecture covers one chapter from Colossians, and Kelly unpacks the text verse by verse. Text-critical matters and structural concerns also draw attention and Kelly uses them to further explain the epistle.

William Kelly (1823–1906), born in Ireland, moved to London after attending Trinity College in Dublin. Deeply involved with the Plymouth Brethren, he also became a prolific writer, earning the respect of theologians such as Henry Alford. He is quoted as having said “There are three things real—the Cross, the enmity of the world, the love of God.”

Christ the Life of True Believers and Their Appearance with Him in Glory: A Sermon on Colossians 3:4

  • Author: William Hooper
  • Publisher: D. Fowle
  • Publication Date: 1741
  • Pages: 28

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Focusing exclusively on Colossians 3:4, Hooper unpacks the meaning of this dense passage with skill and wisdom. Recognizing that the text contains profound implications for Christology, eschatology, and Christian living, Hooper’s sermon contains an exposition on both theological matters and personal application.

William Hooper was educated at Edinburgh, and immigrated to Boston from Scotland during the 1730s. Five years after arriving in America, Hooper left the Congregationalist Church and became a minister in the Anglican Church. During the Revolutionary War, Hooper was a loyalist, but his son, also named William, was a patriot and signer of the Declaration of Independence.

A Paraphrase, and Notes on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians: With an Appendix upon Ephesians 4:8

  • Author: James Peirce
  • Publisher: J. Noon
  • Publication Date: 1725
  • Pages: 88

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A Paraphrase, and Notes on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians is a unique resource that provides a dynamic presentation of the text of Colossians. Each page is divided into two columns. The left side contains James Peirce’s interpretive paraphrase of the biblical passage, and the right side contains the standard or popular edition of the biblical passage. A brief introductory note accompanies each section of Colossians, and notes on the Greek text appear at the foot of each page. Modern readers will find this work accessible and informative.

James Peirce (c. 1674–1726) was a dissenting Presbyterian minister who spent most of his career embroiled in theological controversies. Orphaned at age six, he studied at Oxford, and served as a pastor in Cambridge, Newbury, and Exeter. Known by his peers for his intense study, he often worked from nine at night until four in the morning.

The Private Letters of St. Paul and St. John

  • Author: Samuel Cox
  • Publisher: Arthur Miall
  • Publication Date: 1867
  • Pages: 131

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Private Letters of St. Paul and St. John examines the epistles modern readers know as Philemon, 1 John, and 2 John. Samuel Cox’s analysis zooms in on the personal traits of the authors—here understood as Paul and John—as they are revealed by the letters. He highlights how the letters provide significant insight into the authors’ character and integrity, and how focusing on these traits also aids interpreters in understanding the theological significance of each epistle.

Samuel Cox (1826–1893) was a non-conformist English Baptist pastor and universalist. He was educated at Stepney College and London University. An exceptionally prolific author, he founded a monthly journal, The Expositor, and wrote more than 20 books, including Salvator Mundi: Or, Is Christ the Saviour of All Men?, The Larger Hope, A Commentary on the Book of Job.

Two Treatises, The One a Most Fruitful Exposition Upon Philemon: The Other, School of Affliction

  • Author: Daniel Dyke
  • Publisher: Jeremiah Dyke
  • Publication Date: 1618
  • Pages: 375

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Containing two distinct works, Daniel Dyke’s volume provides an exegetical and doctrinal commentary on Philemon and a theological treatise on the nature of Christian suffering. Covering 324 pages, the commentary is exceptionally thorough and examines historical, grammatical, and doctrinal issues in great detail. Dyke’s monograph on suffering examines the nature of Christian suffering as taught in Scripture, while focusing the reader’s attention to the spiritual and practical benefits such afflictions bring.

Daniel Dyke (d. 1614) was an English academic and non-conforming Puritan. He was educated at Sidney Sussex College and Cambridge. He published multiple books, including Six Evangelical Histories, Two Treatises: The one, of Repentance; the other, of Christ's Temptations, and The Mystery of Self-Deceiving.


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  1. Colin Ware

    Colin Ware


    It gives the title but no detail on the author or publication date
  2. Christopher Engelsma
    I cannot see which books are in this collection. Is anyone else able to see it? When I wave my mouse over the titles, it says the preview is not available.
