Digital Logos Edition
Gordon Keddie’s commentary on John’s Gospel arises from over 25 of sermons and pastoral ministry. Keddie’s approach is thoroughly expository and focuses on the proclamation of Jesus Christ to the heart, mind and conscience of the reader. These volumes will prove helpful to preachers and anyone seeking to be gripped and molded by the brilliance of this marvelous Gospel and the Savior it proclaims.
In the Logos edition, these valuable volumes are enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
The Gospel of John has been called “the most amazing book that was ever written.” Like no other book of the Bible, it contains the entire message of God’s Word in microcosm. It takes us from eternity to eternity and shows the centrality of Jesus Christ to our lives, to human history, and to the meaning of the cosmos itself. For that reason, it must be at the very core of the preaching and evangelistic ministry of the Christian church. People need to hear and understand the message of the cross as expounded by John.
In this commentary, which arises from preaching through John’s Gospel several times in the course of over a quarter of a century of pastoral ministry, Gordon Keddie’s approach is thoroughly expository and keeps the focus on the proclamation of Jesus Christ to the heart, mind, and conscience of the reader. This volume will prove helpful, not only to preachers, but to all who want to be gripped and molded by the brilliance and clarity of this marvelous Gospel and the Savior it so winsomely proclaims.
Gordon J. Keddie is a pastor at Southside Reformed Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. He graduated from the University of Aberdeen (BSc) and Edinburg (DipEd). He received his MDiv from the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary and has written several books, including You Are My Witnesses: The Message of the Acts of the Apostles and The Practical Christian: The Message of James.