Digital Logos Edition
The Classic Studies on the Holy Spirit collection examines many aspects of the third person of the Trinity from a wide variety of perspectives. Classic Studies on the Holy Spirit offers nearly 7,000 pages of writings from an interdenominational mix of nineteenth- and twentieth-century theologians, biblical scholars, pastors, a Roman Catholic cardinal—and even a New York attorney! This collection addresses the mission and work of the Holy Spirit in the world today, the history of the Holy Spirit and the Church, the person and deity of the Holy Spirit, and more.
The doctrine of the Holy Spirit had a strong revival at the end of the nineteenth century, thanks in large part to the writings of Henry Barclay Swete. Swete’s work appears in this collection, as well as works by Henry Edward Manning, George Salmon, and many others. With 25 volumes of extraordinary insights, this classic collection includes a high proportion of modern works, and is invaluable in understanding the essential, yet often overlooked, presence of the Holy Spirit in Scripture, theology, and the church today.
The Holy Spirit in the Mediaeval Church continued the work of Henry Barclay Swete in the development of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, and surveys the thousand-year timespan that separates the ancient church from the modern church. Howard Watkin-Jones covers the beginning of the seventh century up to the Reformation and its immediate impact, then summarizes the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the medieval church. This book aims to shine a light on the foundation of modern thought concerning the person and the work of the Holy Spirit, as well as the place of the Holy Spirit in the triune life of God.
Howard Watkin-Jones was a twentieth-century scholar and author whose works include The Holy Spirit from Arminius to Wesley, Methodist Churchmanship and Its Implications, and The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Four Lectures by Members of the Staff of Wesley College, Headingley.
Henry Barclay Swete wrote The Holy Spirit in the New Testament: A Study of Primitive Christian Teaching in order to illustrate the historical and experiential context of the first Christian teachers and writers in relation to the Holy Spirit. His hope was that the reader could gain an understanding of what “the presence and working of the Spirit of Christ meant to the first generation of believers.”
This volume contains three parts: “The Holy Spirit in the History of the New Testament,” “The Holy Spirit in the Teaching of the New Testament,” and “Summary of the New Testament Doctrine of the Holy Spirit.”
Henry Barclay Swete (1835–1917) was an Anglican clergyman and noted biblical scholar who published works on the Old and New Testaments, as well as on Christian doctrine. He was ordained in 1838 and became a theological lecturer and tutor at Caius College in 1869. He then served as professor of pastoral theology at King’s College, London, and later became Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge in 1890. He received an honorary doctorate of divinity from the University of Glasgow in 1901.
Swete edited various Greek texts, including the LXX and The Gospel according to St. Mark, and founded the prestigious Journal of Theological Studies (1899). His work in The Holy Spirit in the Ancient Church (1912) was long used as a standard textbook. He was the chief architect of the work known popularly as Cambridge Theological Questions (1905), a symposium written by leading scholars of the day. His historical and critical works included The Apostles’ Creed: Its Relation to Primitive Christianity and Patristic Study.
In this volume, Henry Barclay Swete discusses the early history of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, with special references to the controversies of the fourth century. Swete covers the Ante-Nicene times, Arius and the Arians, the period from AD 360 to 380, and the Council of Constantinople.
This volume presents a comprehensive survey of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, and addresses the practical implications of the doctrine for Christians today. In this work, Wick Broomall covers the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, its presence in the Old Testament, Gospels, and book of Acts, the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the world and the church, its place in the plan of redemption, its work in the believer, and the Spirit-filled life.
Wick Broomall (1902–1976) was an American Presbyterian pastor and author. He graduated from Maryville College in 1925 and attended Princeton Theological Seminary and Princeton University, earning his ThB and MA concurrently in 1928, as well as his ThM in 1929. Broomall was ordained in 1929 and began pastoring. He taught at the Dallas Theological Seminary (then known as the Evangelical Theological College) from 1930 to 1932. From 1933 to 1937, he pastored the Handley Memorial Church in Birmingham, and served as the founding president of what is now known as Southeastern Bible College. He was also a founder of the Evangelical Theological Society. Over the next few decades, Broomall continued to write, pastor, and serve as founding faculty for various educational institutions until his death in 1976.
In The Christian Experience of the Holy Spirit, noted Old Testament scholar and Baptist H. Wheeler Robinson takes a candid look at foundational Christian beliefs—especially those relating to the Holy Spirit—in light of modern knowledge.
H. Wheeler Robinson (1872–1945) was the most noted Old Testament scholar in Britain of his day. He attended several prestigious schools, including Regent’s Park Baptist College, London; Mansfield College, Oxford; Edinburgh University; and the Universities of Marburg and Strasbourg. He received his DD from the University of Edinburgh in 1926, and was president of the Society for Old Testament Study in 1929. He was principal at Regent’s Park Baptist College, which moved to Oxford under his leadership. In 1934, he was appointed as an examiner, and then a reader of biblical criticism by the Oxford faculty of theology. Among his many works are Baptists in Britain, The Veil of God, and The Cross in the Old Testament.
In The Holy Spirit in St. Paul, Richard Birch Hoyle discusses how St. Paul based the religious and ethical life of Christians on the inward workings of the Holy Spirit.
Richard Birch Hoyle (1875–1939) was a Baptist minister and translator of hymns. He graduated from Regent’s Park College, London and served in several churches before joining the Young Men’s Christian Association. In 1934, he moved to the United States and taught at Western Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh for two years before returning to England and becoming pastor at Kingston upon Thames. He translated many hymns, including “Cantate Domino,” which he translated from 12 languages.
This volume looks at the theology of Karl Barth, known as one of the greatest theologians of the twentieth century, and his focus on God’s triune nature. Originally written as F. W. Camfield’s thesis for his DD from the University of London, this work examines the doctrine of revelation from the standpoint of New Testament conception of both the Holy Spirit and the principles of Barthianism. This volume also includes a forward by John McConnachie, an expert on Barthian theology who wrote The Significance of Karl Barth.
F. W. Camfield, or Frederick William Camfield, received his DD from the University of London.
“After centuries of bickering, religion and science at last have shaken hands,” writes editor B. H. Streeter in this volume’s opening. Notable thinkers such as Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison, C. W. Emmet, and Lily Dougall contribute essays that establish the Spirit of God in the intellectual realms of philosophy and science, while still retaining a passionate, ethical, and practical religious sense.
B. H. Streeter (1874–1937), or Burnett Hillman Streeter, was a Church of England clergyman, biblical scholar, and textual critic. He attended Queen’s College, Oxford and was ordained in 1899. He was a member of the Archbishop’s Commission on Doctrine from 1922 to 1937. He served as Dean Ireland’s Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture at Oxford before becoming provost of Queen’s College. As a textual critic, he founded the Caesarean text-type, a new textual family. His most important work was The Four Gospels: A Study of Origins. He was killed in a plane crash in 1937.
This volume, compiled by A. C. Dixon, expounds upon the theme of the person and work of the Holy Spirit through various addresses given by speakers like George D. Boardman, W. J. Erdman, and Bishop A. W. Wilson.
A. C. Dixon (1854–1925) was an American Baptist pastor and evangelist, and a Bible expositor. He attended Wake Forest College in North Carolina and was ordained in 1876. He later attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in South Carolina. He pastored in various churches up and down the east coast before moving to Chicago in 1906. He became a passionate writer and syndicated columnist. He moved to London and spent the years of World War I ministering at London’s Metropolitan Tabernacle. After returning to the United States, he retired, but came out of retirement in 1922 to become the first pastor of University Baptist Church, Baltimore. He wrote several books, including Milk and Meat and The Young Convert’s Problems, and coedited an influential series of essays, The Fundamentals, which gave rise to the term “Fundamentalist Christianity.”
This volume contains a sermon, “The Evidences of the Work of the Holy Spirit,” preached by George Salmon in St. Stephen’s Church, Dublin in 1859.
George Salmon (1819–1904) was an Anglican theologian and mathematician. He graduated from Trinity College, Dublin in 1839. He became a fellow and professor of mathematics at Trinity College in 1841 at the age of 21. He was ordained in the Church of Ireland in 1845 and concurrently appointed to a professorship in theology at Trinity. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and received the Copley Medal for his work in mathematics, but by 1889 he was exclusively devoted to theology. He spent his entire career at Trinity College and was provost from 1888 until his death in 1904. He wrote several mathematical and theological texts, including A Treatise on Conic Sections, Infallibility of the Church, and An Historical Introduction to the Study of the Books of the New Testament.
This volume was derived from the 1903 address given by Eugene Russell Hendrix in April of 1903 as part of the Quillian Lectureship Series, established in 1898 by Rev. W. F. Quillian. In his lecture, Hendrix discusses the power of personality, the personality of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit as the author of sacred letters and executive of the Godhead, and the deity of the Holy Spirit.
Eugene Russell Hendrix (1847–1927) was elected a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1886 in the Southern United States. He was chosen as lecturer for the Quillian Lectureship Series in 1903.
The Incarnation of the Holy Ghost by W. B. Godbey contains the characteristically fervent work of this Wesleyan evangelist as he discusses the problem of salvation and asks questions like, “Why is the scriptural incarnation so long postponed?”
W. B. Godbey (1833–1920), or William Baxter Godbey, was an American preacher and Wesleyan evangelist who preached throughout the world and wrote 48 books and booklets, including Sanctification.
Samuel W. Pratt believed that, “There is a Gospel of the Holy Spirit as well as a Gospel of Jesus Christ; and neither is complete without the other.” The gospel of the Holy Spirit, he said, was to be found in reading between the lines of the New Testament, and that we live in the age of the Holy Spirit. In this volume, Pratt explores the territory of the Holy Spirit to strengthen the modern church with the conviction of how the Godhead is dealing directly with the world in modern times.
Samuel W. Pratt (1838–1910) was an American preacher and author who wrote several works, including A Summer at Peace Cottage and The Deity of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of John.
This volume contains the lectures from a 1892 course on foreign missions at the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in America, New Brunswick, New Jersey by A. J. Gordon. The six lectures are: “The Holy Spirit’s Programme of Missions,” “The Holy Spirit’s Preparation in Missions,” “The Holy Spirit’s Administration in Missions,” “The Holy Spirit’s Fruits in Missions,” “The Holy Spirit’s Prophecies concerning Missions,” and “The Holy Spirit’s Present Help in Missions.”
A. J. Gordon, or Adoniram Judson Gordon, (1836–1895) was an American Baptist preacher. He graduated from Brown University in 1860 and Newton Theological Institution in 1863, and pastored in various locations, including the Clarendon Street Church in Boston. He founded Gordon College and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 1889. He was a popular speaker and evangelist, and composed hymns, including “My Jesus, I Love Thee.” He also wrote several books, including The Ministry of Healing and Grace and Glory.
In The Ministry of the Spirit, A. J. Gordon emphasizes that the Holy Spirit is present in the contemporaneous church, and that Christians are living under the dispensation of the Spirit, now.
In The Holy Spirit: A Layman’s Conception, New York attorney William Ives Washburn wrote what he termed a “conception” of the Holy Spirit, from his layman’s perspective. He broke his conception into eight terms: ignorance, mystery, personality, indwelling, inspiration, power, service, and universality.
William Ives Washburn (1854–1933) was an American attorney of the New York Bar.
In The Holy Spirit: In Thought and Experience, T. Reese seeks to provide a coherent account of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit by bringing together all the materials available from both ancient and modern writers and present “those facts of the spiritual life which the Christian church has generally indicated in its confession of faith in the Holy Spirit.”
T. Rees (1871–1953) was a Welsh preacher and author. He was principal of Independent College, North Wales. His works include A History of the Quakers in Wales and Their Emigration to North America, and Mirth Gower Glamorgan, a humorous book of short stories about Welsh miners.
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Conversion discusses the relationship between the condition of man and the ways of God, with practical addresses to the sinner. In this volume, John Howard Hinton states, “Nothing can be more important than to have right views of the Holy Spirit’s work, and few things [are] more necessary than to lead persons generally to a habit of vigorous and scriptural thought respecting it.” The goal of this work is not—like so many others—to examine the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, but to explore the work of the Holy Spirit in the conversion of sinners.
John Howard Hinton (1791–1873) was an English Baptist minister who also wrote An Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans.
Originally published anonymously, and later discovered to be the work of Joseph Parker, The Paraclete contains two parts: “The Expository and Affirmative,” and “The Critical and Controversial.” This volume is based on two universal admissions: that there is an invisible world of thought and feeling, distinct from the world of fact and activity, and that these invisible forces are the mainsprings of human activity.
Joseph Parker (1830–1902) studied at University College and Cavendish College. He was a pastor in Banbury from 1853 to 1858 and then at Cavendish Street Chapel in Manchester. In 1869, Parker became the pastor of Poultry Chapel in London, founded by Thomas Goodwin. He served as chairman of the London Congregational Board and the Congregational Union of England and Wales.
Parker has written and published several lectures and books, including A Homiletic Analysis of the Gospel by Matthew in Classic Commentaries and Studies on Matthew and The Epistle to the Ephesians in Classic Commentaries and Studies on Ephesians.
In The Temporal Mission of the Holy Ghost, Henry Edward Manning discusses the Holy Trinity, and specifically the relationship of the Holy Ghost and the Catholic Church. Manning expounds upon the relation of the Holy Ghost to the Church, to human reason, to Scripture and its interpretation, and to the divine tradition of the faith.
Henry Edward Manning (1808–1892) graduated from Balliol College, Oxford, in 1827. In 1832, he became a fellow of Merton College, Oxford, and was ordained in the Anglican Church. He was appointed archdeacon of Chichester in 1841. Manning left the Anglican Church in 1850, after the Gorham judgment, and entered the Roman Catholic Church in 1851. By 1862, he was archbishop of Westminster, head of the Catholic Church in England. He was appointed as a cardinal in 1875. He was an influential voice in the modern Catholic Church, and a strong advocate for social justice. His works include Unity of the Church, Rule of Faith, Sermons: Four Volumes, and The Eternal Priesthood.
This volume contains a sermon by Presbyterian minister Robert M. Laird to congregations in Princess Anne and Salisbury, Maryland, on the importance of testimony in regard to the Holy Spirit, for the divine adoption of true believers.
Robert M. Laird was a nineteenth-century American Presbyterian minister in Maryland.
James B. Walker wrote The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit to glorify the true God, manifested in Christ, and revealed through Christ by the Holy Spirit. He examines the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, the relative place of the Spirit and the Word in the economy of the divine mind, and the Holy Spirit in the personality of Christ. Walker then discusses the endowment and supervision of the Apostles by the Holy Spirit, the union of the Word and Spirit in the process of sanctification, the work of Christ by the divine Spirit in the minds of believers, and the work of the Holy Spirit with the impenitent.
James B. Walker is the author of The Living Questions of the Age and The Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation.
In The Gift of Pentecost: Meditations on the Holy Ghost, Father Maurice Meschler describes the Holy Ghost as, “the glorious fruit of the life and sufferings of Jesus,” and looks at great masters of theology like Thomas Aquinas to guide readers into a deeper understanding of the Holy Ghost.
Maurice Meschler was a Jesuit priest who wrote Life of St. Aloysius Gonzaga Patron of Christian Youth.
Glories of the Holy Ghost is a series of studies, a collection of tributes, and an account of certain movements relating to the Holy Spirit. It is enhanced by 100 beautiful illustrations.
William F. Stadelman (1869–1928) was an American Catholic author and missionary. He graduated from Duquesne University in 1892 and was ordained in Philadelphia in 1898. He taught at various institutions before becoming director of Apostolic College, Pennsylvania, in 1914. In 1921, he became national director of the Association of the Holy Childhood. He was so successful in this endeavor that he was elevated to the rank of domestic prelate in 1923. Monsignor Stadelman’s works include Eucharistic Soul Elevations and Sparks of Truth.
Based on the writings of Thomas Aquinas, Barthélemy Froget begins with a discussion of the ordinary presence of God in all creatures, then discusses God’s special presence—the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the souls of the just. Froget then delves into the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as a privilege of all the just from the Old and New Testaments, and the purpose and effect of the mission of the Holy Ghost.
Barthélemy Froget was a French Roman Catholic priest of the Dominican order with an MA in theology. His book, The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Souls of the Just according to the Teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas, went through several editions in French and was also translated into English.
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