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Products>Vine Diccionario Expositivo de Palabras del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento Exhaustivo

Vine Diccionario Expositivo de Palabras del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento Exhaustivo

ISBN: 9781418528836

Digital Logos Edition

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Vine Diccionario Expositivo de Palabras del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento Exhaustivo

Este es una herramienta que cada pastor y estudiante de la Biblia debe de tener en su biblioteca. Le ayudará descubrir el significado de más de 5.700 palabras bíblicas en su original hebreo o griego. El Vine es para aquellos que quieren adentrarse en las maravillas del texto original de las Sagradas Escrituras.

El "Diccionario Expositivo de Vine del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento" permite que un estudiante con bastante, poco o ningun conocimiento del griego o el hebreo estudie el significado de las palabras biblicas en su idoma original. Contiene mas de 5,700 palabras ordenadas alfabeticamente. Sirve como diccionario, comentario y concordancia al ofrecer las palabras hebreas o griegas originales, su traduccion, significado y comentarios sobre su empleo en los pasajes biblicos. Y permite estudiar el significado de las palabras sin tener que conocer los idiomas originales.

Top Highlights

“riña; disputa; altercado; pleito; controversias; causas». El nombre” (source)

“Cuando se usa con relación a una persona de alto rango, yare˒ connota «temor reverente». Es más que simple temor; es la actitud con que una persona reconoce el poder y la condición de la persona a la que se reverencia y se le rinde el debido respeto. Con este significado, la palabra puede implicar sumisión en una debida relación ética con Dios.” (source)

“Solo Dios puede efectivamente «maldecir». Es una revelación de su justicia en apoyo a su derecho a la obediencia absoluta. Los seres humanos pueden hacer suyas las «maldiciones» de Dios encomendándoles sus agravios y confiando en sus juicios justos (cf. Sal 109.26–31).” (source)

“Un discípulo no es meramente uno que aprende, sino un partidario; de ahí que se les mencione como imitadores de su maestro; cf. Jn 8.31; 15.8.” (source)

“AT sus mensajes eran mayormente la proclamación de los propósitos divinos de salvación y gloria dispuestos para el futuro; la profecía de los profetas del NT era a la vez una predicación de los consejos de la gracia de Dios ya cumplidos y el anuncio anticipado de los propósitos de Dios para el futuro.” (source)

  • Title: Vine Diccionario Expositivo de Palabras del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento Exhaustivo
  • Author: W. E. Vine
  • Edition: electronic ed.
  • Publisher: Editorial Caribe
  • Print Publication Date: 1999
  • Logos Release Date: 2003
  • Language: Spanish
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Biblia; Bible; Griego Bíblico › Diccionarios; Greek language, Biblical › Dictionaries--Spanish
  • ISBNs: 9781418528836, 1418528838
  • Resource ID: LLS:46.10.14
  • Resource Type: Lexicon
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2025-03-07T22:42:14Z
W. E. Vine

William Edwy Vine (1873–1949), commonly known as W. E. Vine, was an English biblical scholar, theologian, and writer, most famous for Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.

Vine was born in 1873, in Blandford Forum, Dorset, England. His father ran the Mount Radford School, which moved to Exeter in 1875, and it was there that W.E. Vine was raised. He became a Christian at an early age and was baptized in the Brethren assembly in Fore Street, Exeter. At 17, Vine became a teacher at his father’s school, and then moved to Aberystwyth to study at the University College of Wales. He later completed his education at the University of London, receiving a BA and MA in Ancient Classics in 1906.

This responsibility inevitably meant writing tens of thousands of letters between local churches and the missionaries overseas. Many of the letters—beside being of a practical nature—involved answering theological questions. He also wrote for “Echoes of Service,” a monthly magazine that linked overseas missionaries with the Christians and churches at home by articles teaching the Bible and giving news that would stimulate prayer and support for the missionaries. He also wrote regular articles for other magazines, and many of his written works grew out of these articles. Vine dedicated himself to his work with missionaries and was firm in his doctrine and practice. He said,

In the mind of God the grand ultimate object of missionary activity is the planting of churches. . . . The Head of the church who gave His instructions to His Apostles . . . on record for us in the Scriptures, gave therein a body of truth and principles adapted to every age, generation and condition. The pattern is complete, and exhibits the divine wisdom in every part. Human tampering has only marred it in its working. . . . It is incumbent upon all who profess the Christian faith to respect the plainly revealed intentions of the Head of the church, instead of burdening it with doctrines and regulations of human fabrication.

He wrote this when he was an elder in the assembly at Manvers Hall, Bath, a position that he held for 40 years. He was diagnosed with heart disease in 1927, but lived until 1949.


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  1. Geber Tale

    Geber Tale


  3. Eduardo Reyes
  4. Segundo Burgos
    Excelente recurso, en cuanto pueda lo compro!.
  5. Erasmo



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  7. Juan Zambrana

    Juan Zambrana


  8. Sergio Trejo

    Sergio Trejo


  9. Juan Castro

    Juan Castro


  10. Faithlife User
    Excelente recurso!


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