Digital Logos Edition
This resource contains more than 100 articles and essays written by Cornelius Van Til over the course of his lifetime. The articles provide a fascinating glimpse into the mind of the Reformed thinker on a variety of topics, spanning some seven decades and pulled from publications like The Banner, The Presbyterian Guardian, Torch and Trumpet, Westminster Theological Journal, Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, The Encyclopedia of Christianity.
Do not miss out on the updated release of The Works of Cornelius Van Til.
Dr. Cornelius Van Til, served as a professor of apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, for 43 years. He retired in 1972, but remained as an emeritus professor until his death in 1987. Van Til, an immigrant from The Netherlands, was one of the most respected apologetic theologians of his time.
Van Til earned degrees from Calvin College, Princeton Theological Seminary, and Princeton University on his way to becoming an Orthodox Presbyterian Minister. He served throughout the ministry and scholarly fields, including teaching as an instructor of apologetics at Princeton Theological Seminary and being heavily involved with the foundation of the Philadelphia-Montgomery Christian Academy.
His most noted writings include The New Modernism, The Defense of the Faith, and Christianity and Barthianism. Much of his work with apologetics focuses on the presuppositions of humans, the difference between believers and non-believers, and the opposition between Christian and non-Christian worldviews.
More information about Van Til as a teacher and Reformed theologian is available in an article Eric Sigward wrote for New Horizons entitled "Van Til Made Me Reformed." Read the article as HTML or PDF (copyright 2004 by New Horizons; used by permission)
“The necessity of Scripture lies in the fact that man has broken the covenant of works. He therefore needs the grace of God. There is no speech or knowledge of grace in nature. God has accordingly condescended to reveal it in Scripture.” (source)
“Here then is the picture of a well-integrated and unified philosophy of history in which revelation in nature and revelation in Scripture are mutually meaningless without one another and mutually fruitful when taken together.” (source)
“Saving grace is not manifest in nature; yet it is the God of saving grace who manifests himself by means of nature.” (source)
“But I am not doing this unless I point out to him that my faith spells life and his spells death.” (source)
“When on the created level of existence man thinks God’s thoughts after him, that is, when man thinks in self-conscious submission to the voluntary revelation of the self-sufficient God, he has therewith the only possible ground of certainty for his knowledge.” (source)
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