Digital Logos Edition
The critical essays in this book are dedicated to Cornelius Van Til on the occasion of his 75th birthday and 40th anniversary as professor of apologetics at Westminister Theological Seminary, in recognition of his tireless efforts in the statement and defense of the Christian faith.
“This symposium is composed of essays which deal, more or less directly, with the problems and issues raised and discussed in the apologetics of Cornelius Van Til. Nevertheless, it is precisely these issues-the authority of the Scriptures, the noetic effects of the Fall, the existence of ’common ground’ between believer and unbeliever-which have been at the forefront of theological discussion in the twentieth century, especially in evangelical circles. The essays contained herein are, in this regard, significant continuations of these discussions and therefore become of interest to all concerned with such problems and not only to those who seek to honor Cornelius Van Til in this way.
“In order to increase the usefulness of this symposium within this wider context of interest, especially for those either new to the issues themselves or unfamiliar with the work of Prof. Van Til, three alterations have been introduced into this work which thereby distinguish it from its European counterpart, the Festschrift. First, Dr. Van Til was prevailed upon to write a basic, non-philosophical introduction to his own thought. This is found in the first essay, “My Credo.” Second, he was asked to respond to each essay which he felt necessitated, in some way, a reply.”- From the Introduction by E. R. Geehan
Do not miss out on the updated release of The Works of Cornelius Van Til.
“B. My understanding of the relationship between Christian and non-Christian, philosophically speaking.” (Page 19)
“The self-attesting Christ of Scripture has always been my starting point for everything I have said.” (Page 3)
“When Hackett maintains that the Calvinist position is irrational because it cannot give ‘reasons’ for believing, he must mean that on a position such as mine the Christian does not accept the non-Christian scheme wherein the non-Christian determines what are ‘good reasons’ and ‘valid proofs.’ This is perfectly true, but this is not irrational. Rather the Christian offers the self-attesting Christ to the world as the only foundation upon which a man must stand in order to give any ‘reasons’ for anything at all. The whole notion of ‘giving reasons’ is completely destroyed by any ontology other than the Christian one. The Christian claims that only after accepting the biblical scheme of things will any man be able to understand and account for his own rationality.” (Page 18)
“Hackett assumes that unless one finds a point of contact with the natural man by way of agreeing with him on his false views of man and the world then one has no point of contact with him at all. Against this position, I maintain, with Calvin following Paul, that my point of contact lies in the actual state of affairs between men as the Bible tells us of it.” (Page 16)
“Man can know this plan truly, though not comprehensively; but by knowing it man, as sinner, falsifies it in one or other significant respect. Of course, when this falsification is seen in the light of the third type of revelation, it is seen as a radical or ultimate falsification—the point you rightly stress very strongly.” (Page 31)