Digital Logos Edition
In a decade embroiled in fanaticism and fear, a renewed interest in the age-old debate over the question of God has reignited, giving rise to a new group of media-savvy contenders dubbed the “New Atheists.” As expressed in the works of best-selling authors like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, the New Atheists have found a foothold in today’s cynical society, and have ramped up their efforts to debunk the existence of God.
Renowned historian, theologian, and scholar Alister McGrath is on the frontlines of this conversation, publicly debating many of these prominent skeptics. In this thoughtful and accessible volume, McGrath gives a spirited rebuttal to the claims of the New Atheists, critiquing the New Atheism on its own merits and exploring the fundamental questions:
Why God Won’t Go Away explores how the movement’s ideas are defined and propagated, helping us understand the agendas and anxieties of this global movement and its appeal to society as a whole. Why God Won’t Go Away explores what is “new” about New Atheism, critiques the movement on its core themes of violence, reason, and science, and asks, “where does the New Atheism go from here?”
“First, he declares that faith is fundamentally irrational. There’s no evidence for the existence of God” (Page 9)
“The 9/11 attack turned out to be the intellectual and moral launch pad for the New Atheism.” (Page viii)
“If Darwinian evolution is indeed a random process, how can we speak about ‘accidental’ or ‘unintended’ outcomes?” (Page 12)
“four leading representatives: Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens” (Page viii)
“the second major theme in Dawkins’ critique of religion: its propensity towards violence. Religion” (Page 10)
A robust defense of the God of the Bible . . . This is a book for serious thinkers who wish to make God real in a world that has forgotten its creator and maker.
—Joni Eareckson Tada, author, A Place of Healing
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Wallace Scaife
Richard C. Hammond, Jr.
Michael Nkole
Debi Krichbaum
Guy Platts
LaVonda M. Stevens
Dennis Smith
Corky Chavers