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Products>Classic Studies on the Natural History of the Bible (9 vols.)

Classic Studies on the Natural History of the Bible (9 vols.)

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The natural world plays a large role in the Bible’s grand narratives—from the stars to which God compared Abraham’s descendants, to the ravens who fed Elijah, to the animals used as sacrifices, to the sea Moses parted. These classic texts create a seminar on nature as it appears throughout Scripture—including volumes on geology, astronomy, botany, and more. This collection of nineteenth- and twentieth-century scholarship provides an index of the creatures inhabiting these landscapes “from the ape to the coral,” using numerous illustrations. With over three thousand pages from top scholars, Classic Studies on the Natural History of the Bible deepens your understanding of the natural theater in which the Bible’s stories took place, as well as its non-human players. This collection is a great reference tool, offering easy access to information on everything from mustard to myrrh, and constellations to camels.

In the Logos editions, these valuable volumes are enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Check out other classic studies on Old Testament Theology or the New Testament Apocrypha.

Key Features

  • Offers volumes on the geology, astronomy, and botany in the Bible
  • Explores the complete index of creatures—“beast, bird, reptile, fish, or insect”—mentioned in Scripture
  • Provides studies from important nineteenth- and twentieth-century scholars on the Bible’s natural history

Product Details

  • Title: Classic Studies on Natural Theology
  • Volumes: 9
  • Pages: 3,207

Scripture Natural History, vol. 1: The Trees and Plants Mentioned in the Bible

  • Author: William H. Groser
  • Publisher: Religious Tract Society
  • Publication Date: 1888
  • Pages: 235

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In this volume, William H. Groser offers detailed discussions of the plants and trees which appear in Scripture. This text is a great reference tool, providing easy access to information about the vegetation you encounter in the Bible as well as deeper understanding of the significance of mentioning a specific tree or plant. The text is divided into the following sections: timber and forest trees and shrubs, fruit trees and shrubs, grain and vegetables, herbs and flowers, and perfumes and medicines. Groser also includes a section on the emblematic use of plants in Scripture, as well as a list of Scripture references.

William H. Groser (1834–1925) was educated at University College, London and London University. He was editor of Bible Class and Youth’s Magazine, Sunday School Teacher, as well as Excelsior. He wrote several hymns, as well as educational and scientific works including Joshua and His Successors.

Scripture Natural History, vol. 2: The Animals Mentioned in the Bible

  • Author: Henry Chichester Hart
  • Publisher: Religious Tract Society
  • Publication Date: 1888
  • Pages: 236

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Scripture Natural History, vol. 2 provides a useful guide to the animals that are mentioned in the Bible. From ants to fish to camels, this text offers easy access to information about the animals used in biblical imagery, allusions, or those who have a physical presence in biblical narratives. Henry Chichester Hart orders his text alphabetically, beginning with the “Adder”—a type of snake—and finishing with the worm. He provides the original language used to indicate each animal as well as descriptions of the animals in relation to where they are mentioned in Scripture, helping you to better understand the implications and meanings of the references. This text also includes a classified list of all the animals discussed, arranged in scientific order, as well as an index of Scripture references.

Henry Chichester Hart (1847–1908) was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he studied botany. He was a naturalist on the British Polar Expedition in 1875–76 and the Palestine Expedition in 1883. He wrote several works on the flora of Ireland, as well as about the material collected on the Palestine Expedition.

The Natural History of the Bible: Being a Review of the Physical Geography, Geology, and Meteorology of the Holy Land

  • Author: H. B. Tristram
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • Publication Date: 1875
  • Pages: 520

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume offers a broad overview of the physical geography, geology, and meteorology of the Holy Land, as well as providing descriptions of all the plants and animals mentioned in the Bible. As he writes in the preface, Tristram produced this volume hoping to give readers a fuller understanding of the natural history of the land in which Bible stories took place, as he was “deeply impressed with the conviction that no allusion in God’s inspired Word can be held unimportant or its illustration trivial,” thus he created this book that “it may assist in some slight degree to the profitable study of the Bible, and thus tend to the greater glory of God.” The work is divided into chapters covering: the physical geography of the Holy Land, geology, meteorology, mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, invertebrates, and botany.

H. B. Tristram (1822–1906) was an English biblical scholar and clergyman. He studied at Durham School and Lincoln College, Oxford. He was ordained a priest in 1846, and served as canon of Durham. He also spent much time abroad, exploring the Sahara desert and Palestine. He also wrote The Great Sahara and The Land of Israel.

The Survey of Western Palestine: The Fauna and Flora of Palestine

  • Author: H. B. Tristram
  • Publisher: The Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund
  • Publication Date: 1884
  • Pages: 455

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume draws from H. B. Tristram’s research in Palestine. It was created to supplement the information gathered by the Palestine Exploration Fund on geography, topography, history, and archaeology of Palestine. Here he offers “a catalogue of all the known vertebrata, terrestrial and fluviatile Mollusca, and the flora of Palestine.” Tristram lists specimens by family, genus, and species, and offers a brief account of each one.

Wood’s Bible Animals: A Description of the Habits, Structure, and Uses of Every Living Creature Mentioned in Scriptures

  • Author: J. G. Wood
  • Publisher: Bradley, Garretson & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1875
  • Pages: 719

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In Wood’s Bible Animals, J. G. Wood provides descriptions of the “habits, structure, and uses of every living creature mentioned in the Scriptures from the ape to the coral,” helping to explain all the Old and New Testament passages which reference “beast, bird, reptile, fish, or insect.” As the preface to the American edition notes, “in this work the Bible is made to appear not as a dry treatise or a dull compound of theories and propositions, but as a living book, thoroughly in sympathy with all the interests and occupations of the living world.”

John George Wood (1827–1889) was a popular British writer who wrote best-selling books about natural history. Born in London, he was educated at Merton College and Christ Church, Oxford. In 1852, Wood became curate of the parish of St. Thomas the Martyr, Oxford, and in 1854 he was ordained as priest. After giving up his curacy, Wood devoted himself to writing on natural history, and became a prolific writer. He was also the author of The Illustrated Natural History, Common Objects of the Country, Common Objects of the Microscope, Common Objects of the Sea-Shore, and many others.

The Astronomy of the Bible

  • Author: Ormsby McKnight Mitchel
  • Publisher: Oakley, Mason and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1871
  • Pages: 322

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Astronomy of the Bible contains the last finished astronomical work of nineteenth-century astronomer Ormsby McKnight Mitchel. It is composed of a series of seven lectures on topics relating to astronomy and the Bible—Mitchel works from a position of upholding the Bible as the authoritative Word of God. Lecture topics include “Astronomical Evidences of the Being of a God,” “The God of the Universe Is Jehovah,” “The Cosmogony as Revealed by the Present State of Astronomy,” and “The Language of the Bible.” Mitchel was a “devout Christian man . . . aware of the difficulties which beset the honest seeker for truth . . . based upon an apparent want of harmony between modern astronomy and the Bible.” Thus in this work he “determined to apply his great practical knowledge to a popular exposition of this subject.”

Ormsby McKnight Mitchel (1810–1862) was an American astronomer, professor, surveyor, and major general in the American Civil War. He is known for publishing the first monthly magazine devoted to astronomy. In 1836 he became assistant professor of mathematics and philosophy, and professor of astronomy at Cincinnati College. He became widely-known and respected as an astronomical lecturer and a builder of the Cincinnati Observatory. He also served as director of the Dudley Observatory in New York for a time, and established observatories for Harvard University as well as the U. S. Navy. He also wrote Planetary and Stellar Worlds and Popular Astronomy.

Astronomy in the Old Testament

  • Author: G. Schiaparelli
  • Publisher: Clarendon Press
  • Publication Date: 1905
  • Pages: 178

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In this text, G. Schiaparelli provides an accessible introduction to astronomy in conjunction to the cultures and characters of the Old Testament. Astronomy in the Old Testament was first published in English in 1905, and includes chapters on the stars, constellations, Mazzaroth, the day and its division, the Jewish months, the Jewish year, and much more. Schiaparelli covers topics such as the limits of the regions known to the Jews, allusions to a total eclipse in Scripture, and adoption of the Babylonian months after the exile. The text also includes a table of names of stars and three appendixes.

Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli (1835–1910) was an Italian astronomer. He was educated at the University of Turin and later studied at Berlin Observatory. He worked for over 40 years at Brera Observatory in Milan. He is especially known for his studies of Mars and his work on astronomy history. He also wrote The Falling Stars, Life on Mars, and Writings on the History of Classical Astronomy.

Scripture Botany: A Descriptive Account of the Plants, Trees, Flowers, and Vegetable Products Mentioned in Holy Writ

  • Author: Leo H. Grindon
  • Publisher: F. Pitman
  • Publication Date: 1883
  • Pages: 362

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This text provides a valuable descriptive account of the “plants, trees, flowers, and vegetable products mentioned in holy writ, with references to the purposes which the mention of them may be intended to serve.” Leo H. Grindon offers a “new volume proposing to illustrate any portion of the inspired writings, and to invite enlarged attention to the inexpressible beauty of the references therein to the objects of external nature.”

Leo Hartley Grindon (1818–1904) was a British botanist and educator. He established the Bristol Philobotanical Society and was author of Life: Its Nature, Varieties, and Phenomena, The Little Things of Nature, The Shakespeare Flora, and more.

The Mosaical and Mineral Geologies

  • Author: W. M. Higgins
  • Publisher: John Scoble
  • Publication Date: 1832
  • Pages: 180

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This brief work gives an interesting view into nineteenth-century geology. W. M. Higgins undertakes to set out and compare Mosaical geology to the geological knowledge of his time.

W. M. Higgins was a fellow of the Geology Society and lecturer on natural philosophy in Guy’s Hospital, London.


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  1. Carlos A Villanueva
    Una obra clásica e importante


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