During its first four centuries, Christianity produced some of the world’s most profound historical, theological, and philosophical literature. This collection comprises an enormous selection of their work, including heart-wrenching martyrdom narratives, intimate letters, remarkable biblical commentaries, and profound philosophical and theological treatises. Contributors include some of the most influential thinkers in world history—such as Justin Martyr, Athanasius, Augustine, and Jerome—as well as lesser-known and controversial figures such as Origen, Maximus the Confessor, and Cyprian of Carthage. This bundle comprises three collections:
This volume contains five early Christian documents, including The Didache, The Epistle of Barnabas, The Epistles and the Martyrdom of St. Polycarp, The Fragments of Papias, and The Epistle to Diognetus. These early Christian martyr narratives provide historical and theological insight into early Christian doctrine, morality, and apologetics.
The Epistles of St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius to Antioch
This volume contains St. Clement’s Epistle to the Corinthians written during the first century, and seven epistles written by St. Ignatius at the beginning of the second century. Six letters were written to churches, including Ephesus, Magnesia, Tralles, Rome, Philadelphia, and Smyrna. The final letter was written to his friend Polycarp.
Athenagoras: Embassy for the Christians, the Resurrection of the Dead
Athenagoras lived during the late second century and was one of early Christianity’s remarkable apologists. He supported the apostles’ successors in his writings and defended persecuted Christians, pleading for fair trials on behalf of persecuted Christians before pagan rulers. This volume contains a biography of his life, analysis of his works, as well as Athenagoras’ works Embassy for the Christians and The Ressurection of the Dead.
This volume contains an original English translation of Justin Martyr's First and Second Apology, originally written in Greek. Recognized as a formative influence on the development of Christian theology in the early church, Martyr’s apologies are among the earliest attempts to systematize Christian theology.
Composed in AD 233, Origen’s Prayer combines both a theological treatise on prayer and a unique expression of prayer. Exhortation to Martyrdom, also in this volume, was written to provide solace to Origen's great friend and patron, Ambrose, and the presbyter, Protoctetus, both of whom had been imprisoned. Exhortation to Martyrdom was written in AD 235.
Origen: The Song of Songs, Commentary and Homilies
Origen’s Commentary on the Song of Songs, widely regarded as the first great work of Christian mysticism, is characterized by extraordinary intellectual depth and spiritual understanding. The Homilies, also reflecting profound insight, were likely written only a short time after the Commentary.
Origen: Treatise on the Passover and Dialogue with Heraclides
The Treatise on the Passover was written around AD 245. Its central insight is that the Passover is not a figure or type of the passion of Christ, but a figure of Christ himself. The Dialogue with Heraclides was written between AD 244 and 249. It is the record of an unknown meeting—probably a synod—of bishops called to discuss matters of belief and worship. Both pieces come from the last decade of Origen’s ministry, when he was at the height of his powers.
Against the Heresies establishes Irenaeus as the most important theologian of the second century. It is a detailed and effective refutation of Gnosticism, and a major source of information on the various Gnostic sects and doctrines in early Christianity.
St. Irenaeus: Against the Heresies Book 2
Author: Irenaeus
Translator: Dominic J. Unger
Series: Ancient Christian Writers
Publisher: Paulist Press
Publication Date: 2012
Pages: 208
Against the Heresies establishes Irenaeus as the most important theologian of the second century. Volume 2 is a detailed and effective refutation of the Gnostic heretics the Valentinians and the Marcionites.
St. Irenaeus: Against the Heresies Book 3
Author: Irenaeus
Translator: Matthew C. Steenberg
Series: Ancient Christian Writers
Publisher: Paulist Press
Publication Date: 2012
Pages: 256
Against the Heresies establishes Irenaeus as the most important theologian of the second century. It is a detailed and effective refutation of Gnosticism, and a major source of information on the various Gnostic sects and doctrines in early Christianity.
The Octavius is a defense of Christianity composed in direct imitation of Cicero, the legendary Roman orator. The real author was a practicing Christian and wrote The Octavius in the early third century.
Hermogenes taught a form of materialism and in this treatise Tertullian bluntly refutes him. This text provides an early theological exposition of Christianity on materialism, and is a unique example of early Christianity.
Tertullian: The Treatises on Marriage and Remarriage
Though not classified among Tertullian's major compositions, this treatise is of considerable historical interest and theological importance for understanding early patristic teaching on the family.
Tertullian: Treatises on Penance: On Penitence and on Purity
Addressed to early Christians on the subject of repentance and forgiveness, this volume provides a key text on postapostolic practical theology. The second treatise, On Purity is one of Tertullian’s most virulent anti-Montanist treatises.
Written from Roman North Africa, between AD 250 and 258, these early letters were widely copied and circulated among third-century churches. These letters allow readers to enter Cyprian’s social, mental, and spiritual world. The first volume contains letters from the year AD 250.
Written from Roman North Africa, between AD 250 and 258 these early letters were widely copied and circulated. These letters allow readers to enter Cyprian’s social, mental, and spiritual world. The correspondence in this volume covers a period of one year, AD 250–251.
Written from Roman North Africa, between AD 250 and 258 these early letters were widely copied and circulated. These letters allow readers to enter Cyprian’s social, mental, and spiritual world. The letters in this volume cover the period from AD 251 to 254, revealing details of the persecution under Gallus, and the African Council meetings from AD 251 to 253.
The Letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage, vol. 4
Author: St. Cyprian
Translator: Graeme Clarke
Series: Ancient Christian Writers
Publisher: Paulist Press
Publication Date: 1983
Pages: 452
Written from Roman North Africa, between AD 250 and 258 these early letters were widely copied and circulated. These letters allow readers to enter Cyprian’s social, mental, and spiritual world. The letters in this volume were composed from 254 to 258, when Cyprian was martyred.
St. Cyprian: The Lapsed, The Unity of the Catholic Church
These two pastoral addresses of the intensely devout bishop Cyprian reveal the aftermath of the persecution by the Emperor Decius. This is an important document that helps readers understand how the church dealt with persecution, those who failed to resist persecution, and forgiveness.
St. Methodius: The Symposium: A Treatise on Chastity
These intensely practical homilies are full of examples of the moral, social, medical, and scientific life of Gregory’s time. They paint a picture of a man thoroughly conversant with human nature in general, and in the needs of his contemporaries.
This series of eight instructions on baptism were given by St. John Chrysostom, probably at Antioch about AD 390. They describe Chrysostom’s activity as a mystagogue for baptismal candidates, as their instructor in Christian doctrine, and in postbaptismal morality.
Written in the first part of the fifth century, this work is a charming record of the observations of a Christian woman on a lengthy pilgrimage to the Holy Lands. Her firsthand account is a work of major significance for the fields of archaeology, church history, philology, and comparative liturgy.
Firmicus Maternus: The Error of the Pagan Religions
A distinguished and literate convert, as well as a former astrologer, Firmicus Maternus called for the ferocious and brutal destruction of paganism by the state. Addressing the brothers, emperors Constantius and Constans, this work was written no later than AD 350.
Palladius: Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom
Probably written between AD 406–408, this dialogue between an unidentified bishop and Theodore—a deacon of a church in Rome—aims to point out Chrysostom as a model of what a true Christian bishop should be.
Comprised of biographical sketches of early monastics, Palladius has written an important collection on 60 holy men and women whom he had personally met. The work, dating from around AD 420, is dedicated to Lausus, the royal chamberlain at the court of Emperor Theodosius II.
Theodoret of Cyrus: A Cure for Pagan Maladies
Author: Theodoret of Cyrus
Translator: Thomas Halton
Series: Ancient Christian Writers
Publisher: Paulist Press
Publication Date: 2013
Pages: 250
Theodoret is the last great torchbearer of Christian rhetoric in Asia, and De Providentia is regarded by many as exhibiting his literary power in its highest form.
Theodoret is the last great torchbearer of Christian rhetoric in Asia, and De Providentia is regarded by many as exhibiting his literary power in its highest form.
The first complete English translation of John Cassian’s Conferences, this work records the dialogues between Cassian and his traveling companion, Germanus, and other great desert masters. They discuss the idea of “the purity of heart” and other goals on the spiritual life.
Provides an intimate portrait of the brilliant but strong minded Jerome; one of the four great doctors of the Christian West, and the most learned of the Latin fathers.
The Creedal Homilies is a translation and commentary on the recently recovered and critically edited homilies on the Nicene Creed delivered by Quodvultdeus, the last pre-Vandal archbishop of Carthage and young contemporary of St. Augustine.
The most important work of Rufinus, and aimed at persons under instruction for the sacraments, this work offers a guide to teaching and defending the Creed. It offers a glimpse of popular Christian apologetics at the beginning of the fifth century. Edited by J. N. D. Kelly.
Maximus’ sermons are models of a good, popular homiletic style that was widespread in the late fourth century. Short, characterized by a love of imagery, and with passages of great beauty, they are direct and easy to understand. In them Maximus manifests his engagement with his rural, superstitious and devout congregation. Maximus’ ministered in Turin between AD 390 and 408/423.
St. Jerome: Commentary on Ecclesiastes
Author: St. Jerome
Translator: Richard J. Goodrich
Series: Ancient Christian Writers
Publisher: Paulist Press
Publication Date: 2012
Pages: 272
This first English translation of St. Jerome’s Commentary on Ecclesiastes includes a discussion by the translators that elucidates the difficulties of Jerome’s text, but also presents an original view of Jerome’s hermeneutical approach to the theological issues raised by this challenging book of the Bible.
St. Jerome-Origen: Commentary on Isaiah, Origen Homilies 1–9 on Isaiah
Authors: Saint Jerome, Origen of Alexandria
Translator: Thomas P. Scheck
Series: Ancient Christian Writers
Publisher: Paulist Press
Publication Date: 2015
Pages: 1,120
Saint Jerome is best known as the translator of the Latin Vulgate Bible. In medieval times, Jerome was declared to be one of the four great Doctors of the Latin Church. The Council of Trent spoke of him as “the greatest doctor in the explanation of Holy Scripture.” Jerome’s Commentary on Isaiah is his longest extant work and considered by many to be his magnum opus. Respected scholar Thomas P. Scheck has offered the English speaking world the first translation of Commentary on Isaiah, as well as an introduction to Saint Jerome’s life and work and translations of Origen’s homilies on Isaiah. The work is heavily indebted to the Greek exegetical tradition, especially Origen.
St. Prosper of Aquitaine: Defense of St. Augustine
The first document of the semi-Pelagian controversy, the Defense of St. Augustine examines several mutually connected points of doctrine, all of them centered on the gratuity of grace, the undeserved gift of God.
The first document of the semi-Pelagian controversy, the Defense of St. Augustine examines several mutually connected points of doctrine, all of them centered on the gratuity of grace, the undeserved gift of God.
The Works of St. Patrick: St. Secundinus: The Hymn on St. Patrick
Author: Saint Patrick
Editor: Ludwig Bieler
Translator: Ludwig Bieler
Series: Ancient Christian Writers
Publisher: Paulist Press
Publication Date: 1978
Pages: 242
St. Patrick did not consider himself a man of letters; the short texts that survive reflect, however, his powerful personality. A contemporary and fellow missionary of St. Patrick, Secundinus is an enthusiastic admirer and defender of St. Patrick in this hymn.
These 22 prose letters serve as a spiritual autobiography, providing an intimate view of monastic life in Italy during the fifth century. Volume one contains 1–22.
These 18 prose letters serve as a spiritual autobiography, providing an intimate view of monastic life in Italy during the fifth century. Volume 2 contains letters 23-51.
Paulinus’ poetry encourages Christians to persevere in a life of Christian commitment—and to demonstrate to nominal Christians and non-Christians the nature of that commitment. These poems were written in the late fourth century and early fifth century.
Written in the late fifth or the early sixth century, this work expresses the ideals of the contemplative and the active life and is supplemented with a discussion of the vices and the virtues.
St. Maximus the Confessor: The Ascetic Life, The Four Centuries on Charity
The Ascetic Life is a dialogue between a young novice and an old monk on how to achieve the Christian life. The Four Centuries is a collection of aphorisms.
This is the first complete English translation of De Ecclesiasticis Officiis of St. Isidore of Seville (d. 636), considered the last Latin Father of the Church. The work is an invaluable source of information about liturgical practice and church offices.
One of the most profound biblical commentaries ever written, Augustine addresses the church as the very focus and center of God and Christ. This volume contains Augustine’s commentary on Psalms 1–29.
St. Augustine on the Psalms, vol. 2
Author: St. Augustine
Translators: Felicitas Corrigan and Scholastica Hebgin
One of the most profound biblical commentaries ever written, Augustine addresses the church as the very focus and center of God and Christ. This volume contains Augustine’s commentary on Psalms 30–37.
A thorough and profound commentary on the first three chapters of Genesis. Completed in AD 415, Augustine’s explains, what the author of Genesis intended to say about what God did when he created heaven and earth. Contains Books 1–6.
A thorough and profound commentary on the first three chapters of Genesis. Completed in AD 415, Augustine’s explains, what the author of Genesis intended to say about what God did when he created heaven and earth. Contains Books 7–12.
Comprising the three earliest known works of St. Augustine, these works give a picture of Augustine’s mindset at precisely the most critical and vital time of the great thinker’s life.
Drawing on all aspects of his thought, Augustine provides readers with a succinct compendium of his whole theology and the philosophical system on which it rests.
Of all his works, it is Augustine’s sermons that give us the best portrayal of this brilliant and profoundly spiritual man presenting and interpreting the divine mysteries for his own people.
An early writing, the The Greatness of the Soul treats the nature of the human soul, its dignity and grandeur. The Teacher discusses the fundamental question of how man acquires knowledge. Each text is written in the form of a dialogue.
Written between AD 393 and 396, when Augustine was a priest at Hippo, Augustine addresses the true intent of Jesus’ beatitudes, and the intentions behind the legendary sermon.
One of the most important works in the history of theological and philosophical thought, Augustine wrote this treatise in the waning years of the fourth century, between AD 388 and 395. This dialogue’s objective is not so much to discuss free will, but to discuss the problem of evil in reference to the existence of God—who is almighty and all good.
There is an excellent post today in the forums that covers this topic of specific differences in content. Louis St. Hillarie responded to several questions and now we have a fairly good list to work from . I suggest consulting that post in the General Forum.