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Products>40 Days With the Holy Spirit: A Journey to Experience His Presence in a Fresh New Way

40 Days With the Holy Spirit: A Journey to Experience His Presence in a Fresh New Way

ISBN: 9781621369783


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Are you hungry for more of the Holy Spirit in your life? Are you ready for a personal encounter with Him that will change your life? 

The Holy Spirit is greater than our theology, bigger than our denominations, and truly beyond anything we can imagine. In Forty Days With the Holy Spirit, respected preacher and theologian R. T. Kendall takes you on a journey through daily readings from his book, Holy Fire, that will:

·           Present inspiring insight into the Holy Spirit
·           Provide a scriptural basis for deeper study
·           Direct your prayer time as you seek to know and encounter Him in a fresh new way
·           Provide journaling space to record your experiences with Him

If you desire to increase your knowledge of this most misunderstood member of the trinity, or if you long to experience His presence in your life in a deeper way than ever before, this book is for you.

Product Details

  • Title : 40 Days With the Holy Spirit: A Journey to Experience His Presence in a Fresh New Way
  • Author: Kendall, R.T.
  • Publisher: Charisma House
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • ISBN: 9781621369783

R. T. Kendall (1935– ) is a writer, speaker, and former pastor of Westminster Chapel in London, where he taught for 25 years. Kendall is currently a part of the Word, Spirit, and Power ministry. 

Kendall earned degrees at Trevecca Nazarene University, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, University of Louisville, and Regent’s Park College (a hall of the University of Oxford). Before Kendall became the minister at Westminster Chapel in 1977, he served at Calvary Baptist Church.

Kendall has an extensive itinerant teaching ministry, R. T. Kendall Ministries, where he serves as the president. He has written over 50 books, including Judgment Seat of Christ and the three-volume Understanding Theology.


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