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Products>Theological Poetics: Typology, Symbol, and the Christ

Theological Poetics: Typology, Symbol, and the Christ

Digital Logos Edition

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According to the apostles, Christ fills and fulfills all things. Theological Poetics explores the biblical theology of the “pleroma” doctrine of the fullness of Christ. The approach of traditional biblical theologies has generally been historical in nature. This new approach focuses on the person and work of Christ, and demonstrates that all things in nature and Scripture—God and man, life and death, time and space, male and female, and more—find their fullness in him.

In the Logos edition, this valuable volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Resource Experts
  • Examines how everything that is finds its fullness in Christ
  • Explores thoroughly the doctrine of the fullness of Christ
  • Describes the crisis of Protestant biblical theology and why it needs to be addressed
  • The Crisis in Protestant Biblical Theology
  • Introduction to Typology, Symbol and the Christ
  • The Typology of Jesus: Christ Uniting God and Man
  • The Typology of Time: Christ Uniting the Beginning and the End
  • The Typology of Space: Christ Uniting Heaven and Earth
  • The Typology of the Bridegroom: Christ Uniting Male and Female
  • The Typology of the Cross: Christ Knowing Good and Evil
  • The Typology of the Resurrection: Christ Overcoming Death With Life
  • The Typology of the Gospel: Christ Uniting Jew and Gentile

Top Highlights

“Poetry requires the ability to distinguish the reality from its image in a proper sense. It is the rational capability to see similarities in difference.” (Page 5)

“The philosopher seeks wisdom by reason alone. The poet claims to understand wisdom by contemplating images of the beautiful.” (Page 6)

“Bowing to naturalist and rationalist tendencies, we have largely demythologized the Bible and the Christian life,59 thereby losing much of our sense of wonder, the conscious awareness that we are participating in a world filled with miracle, and that the Christian life is a provident pilgrimage filled with the irruption of the supernatural.” (Page 17)

“We have said that the purpose of a biblical theology is to articulate the unity of the biblical canon centered in the person of Jesus Christ.” (Page 22)

“The foremost achievement of the Reformation was to give the Bible to the common man.1” (Page 1)

‘All theology is poetry,’ writes Warren Gage. Theologians will be more than surprised to hear it, because for many theology is not poetry but scientific exegesis and system-building. Gage vigorously challenges the Protestant prejudice against poetry, and shows convincingly why ‘theological poetics’ is the ‘precondition to biblical theology.’ Fortunately, Gage is more interested in practice than theory, and he demonstrates in detail what it looks like when a convinced evangelical reads the Bible as typology and symbol. The result is an intellectually invigorating, spiritually refreshing, thoroughly Christ-centered introduction to biblical theology that should be read by everyone who longs to know and love the Great Poet who is the object of all theology.

Peter J. Leithart, senior fellow of theology and literature, New Saint Andrews College

For years, Warren Gage has refined a style of theological exegesis that is as deep as it is luminous. He skillfully combines keen literary analysis and spiritual discernment, along with a thorough understanding of God’s inspired Word and the great Christian tradition. Building on the interpretive approach and best insights of the early Church Fathers, Dr. Gage uses typology to lead his readers into the heart of sacred Scripture. What a great gift his works are for our time!

Scott W. Hahn, professor of theology and Scripture, Franciscan University of Steubenville

Dr. Warren A. Gage takes his readers by the heart to lead them into the wonderful world of typological exegesis. This particular field of theological study makes many demands upon the expositor, including: 1) a firm embrace of orthodox theology, 2) a comprehensive grasp of Scripture in both its broad strokes and in its fine verbal details of its original languages, 3) a lively imagination to see similarities in difference and verbal concordance, 4) and a prayerful, meditative spirit upon the Scripture. I know of no expositor that excels Professor Gage in these qualities. I thank God for the marvelous gifts he has given to enrich his church through my colleague at Knox Seminary. His books are full of heart-warming reflections about Christ’s sufferings and glory that bind together God’s cosmic program of salvation.
  • Title: Theological Poetics: Typology, Symbol, and the Christ
  • Author: Warren A. Gage
  • Publisher: St. Andrews House
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 177 pages

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Warren A. Gage

Dr. Warren Gage is founder and President of the Alexandrian Forum. He received his PhD and MA from the University of Dallas, his ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, and his JD from SMU Dedman School of Law. Previously, Dr. Gage served as Professor of Old Testament and Dean of Faculty at Knox Theological Seminary. While at Knox, he founded and directed the Christianity and Classical Studies graduate program. Dr. Gage is an ordained minister in the PCA and has authored numerous books and both scholarly and popular-level articles.


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  1. Roger H Hayes

    Roger H Hayes



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