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Teaching the Bible Series (12 vols.)

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Collection value: $102.88
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There are commentaries and there are books on preaching—but very few books that combine elements of both to enable the preacher or Bible teacher to prepare a series on specific sections of Scripture. This series gives the Bible teacher suitable tools to understand the context of biblical books, doctrinal themes, methods of interpretation, key interpretation points, and how to communicate that message clearly. While very useful for preachers, this collection is also aimed at equipping small group study leaders, youth workers, and other Bible teachers. The books are purposefully practical.

Resource Experts
  • Combines commentary-style exegesis with direction on preaching
  • Assists Bible teachers of all kinds in teaching the Bible effectively
  • Includes study questions and other tools for teaching
The Teaching series is a great resource for Bible study leaders and pastors, indeed for any Christian who wants to understand their Bible better.

—Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church and President, 9Marks.org, Washington, DC

The task of moving from the text of Scripture to clear and faithful exposition is challenging. This series of excellent guides aims to help the Bible teacher to observe what is there in the text and prepare to convey its significance to contemporary hearers. In this way, these volumes often do more than the weightier technical commentaries. It is like having the guidance of an experienced coach in the wonderful work of rightly handling the word of truth.

John Woodhouse, Retired Principal and Lecturer in Doctrine and Old Testament, Moore College, Sydney, Australia

North India desperately needs men and women who will preach and teach the Bible faithfully and PT's Teaching series is of great value in encouraging them to do just that.

—Isaac Shaw, Executive Director, Delhi Bible Institute, New Delhi, India

This teaching series, written by skilled and trustworthy students of God's word, helps us to understand the Bible, believe it and obey it. I commend it to all Bible readers, but especially those whose task it is to teach the inspired word of God.

—Peter Jensen, Retired Archbishop of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

  • Title: Teaching the Bible Series
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Volumes: 12
  • Pages: 3,024

Individual Titles

Teaching Isaiah: Unlocking Isaiah for the Bible Teacher

  • Author: David Jackman
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 320

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

During the period that Isaiah the prophet lived there was immense political upheaval across the ancient Near East. The people of God had a choice: to follow their own human policies or to follow the promises of God. They chose to be unfaithful, so the prophet broke in and called them to repent, asking them to stop violating the covenant. This is a message today’s Christians can identify with and learn from. Teaching Isaiah is not just another commentary, but a useful resource for anyone communicating a message of grace when speaking from the book of Isaiah. Sections on background, structure, key points, and application guide you in crafting your lesson or sermon.

One of the great strengths and advantages of a help like this for preachers and Bible study leaders is that it enables us to get a handle on the big picture of how Isaiah fits together before we dive into all the wonderful details, and to see how each part contributes to the whole. David Jackman is a master at never losing the plot.

Evangelicals Now

David Jackman was the president of the Proclamation Trust and was the founder-director of the Cornhill Training Course in London. Before teaching part-time on the Cornhill course, he was the minister of Above Bar Church in Southampton.

Teaching Amos: Unlocking the Prophecy of Amos for the Bible Teacher

  • Author: Bob Fyall
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Pages: 160

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Having first outlined a number of possible approaches to constructing a series of sermons or talks on Amos, Fyall unlocks the text based on a suggested structure of nine sermons or talks. Individual chapters are specifically geared towards working from text to sermon, combining rigorous exposition with relevant application, always with an eye to the main teaching point of the passage.

This volume will not only serve as a powerful teaching tool on Amos, but will also be as a timely reminder of the striking relevance of the prophet’s message for today. Dr. Bob Fyall, the author of numerous books, brings his particular passion for expounding on Old Testament truths to bear on the message of Amos.

Dr. Bob Fyall is senior tutor in ministry for the Cornhill Training Course, Scotland. Prior to that, he was the director of Rutherford House, Edinburgh. He is an experienced pastor, preacher and Old Testament scholar, having formerly ministered in a parish church in Scotland, and then pastoring a larger student church in Durham, where he also taught Old Testament at Cranmer Hall, a training college for Anglican clergy. His passion is scholarship that genuinely feeds and equips the Bible expositor.

Teaching Matthew: Unlocking the Gospel of Matthew for the Bible Teacher

  • Author: David Jackman
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 240

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Matthew’s Gospel is a substantial book to consider teaching through as a whole. With large teaching excurses and expansive theological reflection seeming to predominate over the action of the story, it may seem daunting to the preacher, compared to the relative brevity and flowing action of Mark. But precisely because there are such rich seams of theology, and so much teaching from the mouth of the Lord Jesus himself, it is a wonderful treasure-trove for the Bible student. Moreover, as a way of explaining the message of the New Testament gospel so as to open up to the hearer a sense of its continuity with the whole Old Testament, and its fulfillment of all God’s covenant promises from the beginning of time in Jesus Christ, teaching Matthew could hardly be bettered.

This book is designed to help and encourage Bible teachers, and stimulate study with a view to teaching Matthew’s message. Though principally aimed at preachers who are preparing expository sermons, the hope is that Bible teachers in a variety of settings—as well as those simply reading Matthew for themselves—will gain help from the approach.

David Jackman was the president of the Proclamation Trust and was the founder-director of the Cornhill Training Course, London. Before teaching part-time on the Cornhill course, as well as engaging a world wide ministry for proclamation trust, he was the minister of Above Bar Church, Southampton.

Teaching John: Unlocking the Gospel of John for the Bible Teacher

  • Authors: Dick Lucas and William Philip
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 240

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

For any Bible student and for preachers in particular, John’s Gospel is an inexhaustible treasure house. Throughout years of ministry, preachers will find themselves returning to it time and time again in order to proclaim its wonderful truths. This book is designed to help and encourage Bible teachers of all kinds, but principally preachers who are preparing expository sermon series on books of the Bible, in rediscovering the spiritual riches that are in John’s wonderful writing.

This book is short, unusual, and valuable. Its aim is to help those who want to preach and teach from John’s Gospel.  Rather, it seeks to provide a key by which the expositor can extract the essential message of John’s Gospel in his exposition. It is all the better for being a short work (and ‘no more than a primer’ in the authors’ words, designed simply to ‘whet the appetite’). It is a model of succinct clarity.

—Robert Strivens, The Banner of Truth Magazine

Dick Lucas is the former rector of St. Helen’s Bishopsgate, London.

Dr. William J. U. Philip is currently minister of St. George’s Tron Church of Scotland in the city center of Glasgow. Prior to this he worked as director of ministry for the Proclamation Trust for five years.

Teaching Acts: Unlocking the Book of Acts for the Bible Teacher

  • Author: David Cook
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 304

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Teaching Acts is a welcome addition to the Teaching the Bible series. Acts is a tough book to teach, but vital to the church in every generation, and David Cook’s writings on this book are outstanding. While very useful for preachers, the book is also aimed at enabling youth workers and small group study leaders have the confidence they need to teach biblical principles and doctrine. Teaching Acts takes the book of the Acts of the Apostles and enables the leader to explain the context of the early formative days of the church and the application of practical theology to specific situations that still affect the church today.

The material is excellent and will encourage readers to grapple with what the passage under construction is intended to teach; it also points the way to relevant applications.

—Evangelicals Now

David Cook is the principal and director of the School of Preaching at Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC). He is a Presbyterian minister and a graduate of SMBC and Moore Theological College. Prior to formal studies and pastoral ministry David worked in the Economic Research Department of the Reserve Bank. He has spoken at a number of Christian Conventions including Keswick.

Teaching Romans, vol. 1: Unlocking Romans 1–8 for the Bible Teacher

  • Author: Christopher Ash
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 320

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Teaching Romans, Vol. 1 is divided into three sections, the first containing introductory materials on the text of Romans. Sections two and three work systematically through a suggested preaching or Bible study series on Romans 1-8. Preaching outlines and Bible study questions are included for each passage.

Personally, I found the structure of each chapter extremely helpful. After analyzing and explaining the meaning of the text, the author moves from text to teaching. In this section the basic theme and aim are clarified and pointers to application made. This is perhaps what lifts these volumes beyond the limits of a normal commentary. It is also what Bible teachers and study leaders will find most attractive about them. Applying the ancient text to the modern listener isn’t always an easy thing to do. Under pressure to seem practical and relevant, preachers are often tempted to the sin of ‘false application’ by which the instructions they give are forced onto, rather than derived out of, the text.

Evangelicals Now

Christopher Ash is an ordained minister in the Anglican Church and director of the Cornhill Training Course, a one-year course designed to provide Bible-handling and practical ministry skills to those exploring their future role in Christian work.

Teaching Romans, vol. 2: Unlocking Romans 9–16 for the Bible Teacher

  • Author: Christopher Ash
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 288

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This second volume on Romans discusses Romans 9–16. Written in the same vein as Teaching Romans, Vol. 1, it also contains preaching outlines, Bible study questions, and astute observations on the latter half of Paul’s epistle to the Romans.

Christopher Ash is an ordained minister in the Anglican Church and director of the Cornhill Training Course, a one-year course designed to provide Bible-handling and practical ministry skills to those exploring their future role in Christian work.

Teaching Ephesians: From Text to Message

  • Author: Simon Austen
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 272

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In an increasingly materialistic age, it can be difficult to remember who we are and what we value. Our identity, Ephesians tells us, can only be found in Christ. The spiritual blessings that we receive can only be found in him. We are chosen and raised in him. We form together to be the church in him. Ephesians paints a glorious picture of who we are and what the church is meant to be as we seek to teach others these timeless truths. Whether you are a small group leader, preacher, or a youth worker, this volume will help you to communicate the message from Ephesians.

The need of the hour is Bible knowledge. When knowledge fails, faith fails, and we are shaped instead by cultural forces alien to God. This teaching series, written by skilled and trustworthy students of God’s word, helps us to understand the Bible, believe it, and obey it. I commend it to all Bible readers, but especially those whose task it is to teach the inspired word of God.

—Peter Jensen, archbishop, Sydney

Simon Austen has degrees in science and theology. A previous chaplain of Stowe School, he is now vicar of St. John’s in Houghton and St. Peter’s in Kingmoor, England.

Teaching 1 Timothy: From Text to Message

  • Author: Angus MacLeay
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 272

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Timothy from Lystra was known as the “son” of Paul the Apostle, and as his apprentice, was to learn the ways of the faith from him. Timothy was later sent to Ephesus to serve as Paul’s representative. The Ephesians had lost their focus on the message of the gospel; they were materialistic and their lives were marked by ungodly living. Timothy’s task was to call them back to the cross, to remind them what Jesus Christ had done for them, and to set their sights on Christ’s future return. Until then, they were to live holy lives. This book prepares you to teach 1 Timothy, showing how we can navigate a godly life even in today’s culture.

We ignore the [Pastoral Epistles] to our loss and peril. The elderly apostle is looking down the tube and preparing Timothy and Titus and us for the post-apostolic age . . . After Angus MacLeay’s outstanding contribution on 1 Peter, his new book on 1 Timothy does not disappoint—the same excellent standard is maintained. Difficulties are faced. Practical application is realistic. The text lives. My immediate reaction was to resolve to make 1 Timothy our next study book for our mid-week groups and/or the basis of the next sermon series.

—Jonathan Fletcher, minister, Emmanuel Church, London

Angus MacLeay takes us through this important letter with enormous clarity and care. This is an outstanding resource—essential reading for all looking to study, teach, and feed on 1 Timothy.

—Sam Allberry, assistant pastor, St. Mary’s, Maidenhead

Angus MacLeay is the rector of St. Nicholas Anglican Church in Sevenoaks and is also a member of the Church of England General Synod.

Teaching 1 Peter: Unlocking the Book of 1 Peter for the Bible Teacher

  • Author: Angus MacLeay
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 288

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Teaching 1 Peter looks at the first letter from the apostle to a primarily gentile audience scattered around Asia Minor. Angus MacLeay explains the context of this letter and its relevance in a contemporary setting where Christians are surrounded by a pagan culture. He also suggests practical theological applications for specific situations that still affect the church today. This book is a useful tool for anyone teaching the book of 1 Peter.

Angus MacLeay is the rector of St. Nicholas Anglican Church in Sevenoaks and is also a member of the Church of England General Synod.

Spirit of Truth: Unlocking the Bible’s Teaching on the Holy Spirit

  • Author: David Jackman
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 176

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Holy Spirit has worked in the lives of believers since creation. He has been bringing people to repentance, comforting the broken-hearted, guiding the faithful and helping Christians to pray. The story of the church is his story too. Despite this pivotal role, there is much debate in the church over the nature of his activity in our lives. This book clarifies the Holy Spirit’s character and work, enabling the person leading a bible study or preaching to teach authoritatively about him: maintaining a healthy, vibrant church that honors God in unity—in spirit and truth. David Jackman has produced a work that will be of immense help to Christians who seek to gain more of an understanding of how the Holy Spirit moves in our lives.

In a topic usually known more for its disagreements, Jackman steers a sure-footed course through the main lines of thought about the Holy Spirit. Every Christian should be a theologian of the Holy Spirit and this book will greatly help us in this goal. It carries us along, with skillful and pastoral insight, to a greater appreciation for the third Person of the Trinity.

—Derek Thomas, Professor of Systematic and Practical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi

David Jackman was the president of the Proclamation Trust and was the founder-director of the Cornhill Training Course in London. Before teaching part-time on the Cornhill course, he was the minister of Above Bar Church in Southampton.

Teaching the Christian Hope: Unlocking Biblical Eschatology for the Bible Teacher

  • Author: David Jackman
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 144

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This is a book for Bible teachers, about dealing with what are often regarded as difficult and controversial areas of Scripture and therefore have tended to be avoided or ignored. It is not a comprehensive survey of all the issues bound up in the study of biblical eschatology, nor does it seek to answer the many tantalizing questions the subject matter raises for our curiosity. This is a practical book, to stimulate Bible teachers to want to teach the Christian hope, and to give a few preliminary suggestions and ideas about how one might go about it. As such, it may prove helpful not only to pulpit preachers, but also to Bible-study group leaders, youth workers and even Sunday-school teachers, for teaching about eschatology is certainly underrepresented in many of our programs, across the strata of contemporary evangelical church life.

There are six major themes connected with the Christian hope in the future. Each chapter uses one or two key passages that explain one of the major themes of eschatology and then covers the main elements that need to be answered within that theme.

David Jackman was the president of the Proclamation Trust and was the founder-director of the Cornhill Training Course in London. Before teaching part-time on the Cornhill course, he was the minister of Above Bar Church in Southampton.

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  1. Kay Lester

    Kay Lester


  2. wei-Kuang



  3. Faithlife User
  4. J.E. Troy

    J.E. Troy


  5. Rodney Lake

    Rodney Lake


  6. CJ Walker, D.Min., Th.D.
  7. James




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