Digital Logos Edition
Explore Rome’s history, culture, and greatest architectural achievements, with distinguished British archaeologist John Henry Parker. You’ll learn about Rome’s great buildings—the Colosseum, the Forum, and the aqueducts—as well as the mysterious catacombs. You’ll discover the city’s rich religious and artistic history by examining unearthed churches, pagan temples, and other important artifacts. Whether you want to explore above the city or below, Parker will lead you through Rome and demonstrate how it’s changed and why it remains one of the world’s greatest treasures.
Keep exploring the ancient world with the Near East Archaeology Collection (3 vols.).
Discover how archaeology helped researchers unwrap Rome’s mythical beginnings and understand the city’s historical development. Examine the structure of primitive fortifications, its earthen works, military installations, gates, and walls. Learn how they were built, what materials they used, how their methods changed over time, and what they teach us about Roman society and government.
Review images of archaeological digs and artifacts from Rome’s earliest days. Each image is carefully catalogued and set on plates, and is accompanied by brief commentary documenting its location, era, and significance.
The towering Egyptian Obelisks are among the most unexpected and unique discoveries in Rome. In this volume, John Henry Parker explains where the structures came from, and how these Egyptian monuments became an important feature in ancient Rome.
Relive the discovery of two of ancient Rome’s most significant landmarks—the Roman Forum and the Via Sacra. The Roman Forum was the heart of Rome’s social and cultural life, and the Via Sacra was the city’s primary road, running all the way to the Colosseum. John Henry Parker details the circumstances behind the discovery of each, and he explains how archaeologists carefully excavated what are now iconic symbols of the ancient world.
The Colosseum has been Rome’s defining icon for more than 2,000 years. In this book, John Henry Parker recounts the exciting excavations of the building in 1874 and 1875—studies which revolutionized our understanding of its purpose and role in Roman society. Stendhal wrote of the Colosseum, “It is the most beautiful of ruins; there breathes all the majesty of ancient Rome.” That sense of wonder and discovery runs through Parker’s account.
Discover how the Roman aqueducts brought water to thousands of Roman citizens and became the ancient empire’s lifeblood. Explore the aqueducts with John Henry Parker’s vivid descriptions of their locations, uses, and architectural features. “The extraordinary greatness of the Roman Empire manifests itself above all in three things: the aqueducts, the paved roads, and the construction of drains” reflected Dionysius of Halicarnassus. In this volume, John Parker shows you why the Romans are among history’s greatest engineers.
Enter Rome’s underground tombs with John Henry Parker, and discover how Rome changed through the centuries—from its mythical founding by the descendants of Troy to the rise of Christianity and the barbarian invasions.
Study the birth and development of Christian art in Rome. John Henry Parker examines every known major piece of Roman art from the first through the sixteenth centuries, including mosaics, altar pieces, frescos, and more. You’ll get not only reproduced images but also extensive commentary.
Immensely valuable for archaeologists of Rome, the catacombs contain hundreds of Jewish and Christian works of art and reveal information about Christian Rome that would otherwise remain unknown. The catacombs tell a fascinating story about Christianity’s influence on Roman culture, and reveal a city that throughout its entire history was deeply religious.
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John Henry Parker (1806–1884) was an archaeologist, architect, and publisher. He had a deep interest in the history of architecture—he wrote and published many volumes on the subject. He was a chief advocate for the restoration of church buildings, an interest that eventually led him to study the archaeology of Rome. In his study of Rome, Parker commissioned an extensive series of photographs of Rome’s greatest buildings and monuments. The photographers also recorded the many excavations in Rome during the nineteenth century. In 1893, Parker’s entire collection was destroyed in a catastrophic fire at the Palazzo Della Porta Negroni Caffarelli, depriving later generations of a valuable resource. Parker wrote Glossary of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture, A Handbook for Visitors to Oxford, and A Concise Glossary of Architectural Terms.
Though his scholarship was controversial, Parker was decorated by King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy and received a medal from Pope Pius IX. In England, he was named the first keeper of the Ashmolean Museum, and was nominated as a CB (companion) in the Order of the Bath.