Digital Logos Edition
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Poised on the leading edge of biblical scholarship, the Baker Academic Biblical Studies Upgrade refines your study of Scripture with topics that are timeless, yet relevant to today’s Christian. The seventh edition of D.A. Carson’s New Testament Commentary Survey provides students and pastors with expert guidance on choosing a commentary for any book of the New Testament. This collection also includes debates about immigration and the reliability of the Bible, as well as reflections on John’s Gospel and Jesus’ relationship to the scribes by Chris Keith and Francis J. Moloney. And Patricia Dutcher-Walls offers insight into reading the historical books of the Israelites.
In the Logos editions, these valuable volumes are enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Addressing an overlooked aspect in Jesus studies, this fresh and provocative work is the first book-length treatment of the origins of the controversy between Jesus and the scribal authorities.
What put Jesus on the radar of established religious and political leaders? Chris Keith argues that, in addition to concerns over what Jesus taught and perhaps even how he taught, a crucial aspect of the rising conflict concerned his very status as a teacher. Jesus against the Scribal Elite exposes the broader significance of Keith’s highly regarded technical work on the literacy of Jesus.
In this book, as lucid and accessible as it is compelling, Chris Keith exposes the issues that lay at the very heart of Jesus’ engagement with the scribal elite. This is written for upper-level students, but scholars too will find much to consider in this excellent treatment.
—Helen Bond, senior lecturer in New Testament and director of the Centre for the Study of Christian Origins, University of Edinburgh
This well-written study by Chris Keith puts Jesus as a public teacher into new light. The attention this book devotes to Jesus in relation to the social context of his day not only challenges assumptions about what it means for Jesus to be God’s Messiah and Son of God but also offers a fresh way to understand what it meant for Jesus to have given instructions at all and to have debated them with his Jewish contemporaries. Readers with any interest in the historical Jesus will have a hard time putting the book down.
—Loren Stuckenbruck, professor of New Testament and Second Temple Judaism, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Well informed by current academic discussions of historical Jesus research, memory, orality, and literacy, Chris Keith adds a very important social dimension to understanding the conflicts between Jesus and other teachers of his day. This fascinating book makes a new and welcome contribution to the discussion.
—Craig S. Keener, professor of New Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary
Chris Keith is an assistant professor of New Testament and Christian origins at Lincoln Christian University. He was the 2010 recipient of the John Templeton Award for Theological Promise for The Pericope Adulterae, the Gospel of John, and the Literacy of Jesus and was named a 2012 Society of Biblical Literature Regional Scholar.
The command to love is central to the Gospel of John. This capstone work on John’s Gospel uses a narrative approach to delve deeply into the theme at the heart of the Fourth Gospel and the life of the Christian church. Uniting rigorous exegesis with theological and pastoral insight, Love in the Gospel of John makes a substantive contribution to contemporary Johannine scholarship. Internationally respected scholar Francis J. Moloney offers a thorough exploration of this theme, focusing not only on Jesus’ words but also on his actions. Instead of merely telling people that they must love one another, Jesus acts to make God’s love known and calls all who follow him to do the same.
Francis J. Moloney is one of the most distinguished Catholic scholars of John’s Gospel in the English-speaking world today. In his latest work on the Fourth Gospel, he displays his fine gifts as an able teacher. Having absorbed a vast amount of literature on the topic of love in John’s Gospel, he presents his own argument in a clear, orderly form that even the uninitiated can grasp.
—John P. Meier, Warren Chair Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
Francis J. Moloney is well known for his narrative commentaries on the Gospel of John. In Love in the Gospel of John, he uses his understanding of narrative to explore and interpret the theology of the Gospel. He sees that John tells the story of Jesus as the story of God, who, for love of the world, gave his Son to save the world, and argues that this reality is integral to the Gospel and the source of Jesus’ command to ‘love one another as I have loved you.’ Readers interested in John will want to read this book.
—John Painter, professor of theology, Charles Sturt University
Decades of study of the Fourth Gospel have uniquely qualified Frank Moloney to write this book about love in the Gospel of John. What he has written is a story of God’s love for the world, manifest in Jesus’ love for his own until the end and proclaimed in the Gospel according to John. The evangelist’s story has all the twists and turns of any real love story. Moloney sheds light on these several twists and turns as only he, among contemporary English-language scholars, can do.
—Raymond F. Collins, visiting scholar, department of religious studies, Brown University
Francis J. Moloney is the emeritus senior professorial fellow at Australian Catholic University, Melbourne. He formerly served as dean of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at Catholic University of America and as provincial superior of the Salesians of Don Bosco for Australia and the Pacific region. He is the author of many books, including Mark: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist.
Highly respected New Testament scholar D.A. Carson provides students and pastors with expert guidance on choosing a commentary for any book of the New Testament. The seventh edition has been updated to assess the most recently published commentaries. Carson examines series, one-volume commentaries, and New Testament introductions and theologies, evaluating the available offerings for each New Testament book. This is an essential guide to building a reference library.
If you are preparing a new sermon series and looking for advice on commentaries, you must consult . . . the New Testament Commentary Survey. . . . [It] will help to save you lots of money in the long run.
—Semper Reformanda
An incredibly informative and wonderfully fun book. There is an extraordinary amount of information packed into its pages, and the fun comes from considering one’s own preferences and then alternately agreeing or disagreeing with Carson’s comments. . . . This book will be of continued benefit to theological students.
—Paul Foster, Journal for the Study of the New Testament
Carson’s work is most valuable and his perceptive remarks will serve pastors and students well.
—David S. Dockery, Review and Expositor
D.A. Carson is research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is author or editor of numerous books, many of which are found in the D.A. Carson “Love of God” Collection.
Challenges to the reliability of Scripture are common today. Distinguished biblical scholar Craig Blomberg offers an accessible and nuanced argument for the Bible’s reliability in response to the extreme views about Scripture and its authority articulated by both sides of the debate. He believes that a careful analysis of the relevant evidence shows we have reason to be more confident in the Bible than ever before. As he traces his own academic and spiritual journey, Blomberg sketches out the case for confidence in the Bible in spite of various challenges to the trustworthiness of Scripture, offering a positive, informed, and defensible approach.
Mention the Bible, especially a hot topic like canon or miracles, and one second later you will hear strident voices attacking the Bible’s silliness or calling others names for not believing the Bible. Those topics, and many more besides, are volatile because they matter, and what matters most for the discussion is the voice of reason and balance. Enter Craig Blomberg with nothing less than a splendid example of ‘generous apologetics’ for the faith. Whether you agree on specific points, this is the finest example I know of for how to defend the Bible.
—Scot McKnight, professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary
The Bible has gone from being the answer to being the question in our culture. Can I still believe what it claims? Answering emphatically yes, Blomberg examines the pitfalls of making the Bible say too little or too much, both real problems for understanding how the Bible works. So read and consider anew how to think about Scripture. The result will be that belief in the Bible makes sense.
—Darrell Bock, executive director of cultural engagement and senior research professor of New Testament studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
Craig Blomberg’s defense of the Scriptures’ truthfulness is both important and timely. He keeps the main thing the main thing as he warns well-meaning believers about drawing rigid lines in the wrong places—and damaging the church’s witness—while dispelling myths and correcting distortions propounded by Christianity’s loudest critics. This book is a superb resource and guide regarding what the Bible’s trustworthiness means—and doesn’t mean.
—Paul Copan, professor and Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University
Craig Blomberg is distinguished professor of New Testament at Denver Seminary, where he has been teaching since 1986. Blomberg earned degrees from Augustana College, Trinity Divinity School, and Aberdeen University in Scotland. He previously taught at Palm Beach Atlantic College and spent one year in Cambridge as a research fellow with Tyndale House. He has been on translation committees for the New Living Translation, English Standard Version, and the Holman Christian Standard Bible.
Bloomberg is the author, coauthor, or coeditor of numerous books and more than 80 articles in journals or multiauthor works. A recurring topic of interest in his writings is the historical reliability of the Scriptures, and he has also covered such diverse issues as wealth and poverty, hermeneutics, and women in ministry. His books include Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey, 2nd ed., Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: James, A Handbook of New Testament Exegesis, Making Sense of the New Testament, Preaching the Parables, and The NIV Application Commentary: 1 Corinthians.
The conventions of contemporary history writing are quite different from those of ancient Israelite writers, making biblical history often difficult to grasp. Patricia Dutcher-Walls offers basic orientation to the genre and conventions of the Old Testament historical books, helping students become careful and attentive readers. With many ancient and contemporary examples, this book introduces students to some of the phenomena they will encounter in the historical books, and it provides strategies for understanding their significance. The goal is to make further reading and study of Scripture more informed and sensitive. Sidebars, discussion questions, and further reading suggestions are also included.
Somebody once famously wrote, ‘The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.’ For those coming to serious study of the Bible for the first time, there cannot be any more important lesson than to understand how to read the Bible’s ancient historical records faithfully on their own terms. They are not always the same as ours. You will not find a better or more sympathetic introductory book than this one to point you in the right direction.
—H.G.M. Williamson, Regius Professor of Hebrew and Ordinary Student of Christ Church, University of Oxford
Finally, an accessible work that reunites the literary and historical aspects of the Old Testament historical books and trains contemporary readers to hear the text in responsible ways that can shape the course of life today.
—Mark J. Boda, professor of Old Testament, McMaster Divinity College and professor, Faculty of Theology, McMaster University
This engaging guide to reading historical narrative in the Old Testament is a great text for beginners. Dutcher-Walls assumes little and draws on a wide variety of relevant texts and illustrations from the Bible, ancient Near Eastern sources, and especially modern historical texts and media contexts. There is nothing better for communicating basic principles of Hebrew Bible historiography to modern readers.
—Richard S. Hess, Earl S. Kalland Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Denver Seminary
Patricia Dutcher-Walls holds an MDiv from Harvard Divinity School and a DTh from Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. From 1995 to 2004, she was assistant then associate professor of Hebrew Scripture/Old Testament at Knox College. She is ordained in the Presbyterian Church and has given numerous workshops, lectures, seminars, and courses to adults and youth in the church. She is the author of three books: Jezebel: Portraits of a Queen, The Commandments: For a Blessed Life, and Narrative Art, Political Rhetoric: The Case of Athaliah and Joash.
Immigration is one of the most pressing issues on the national agenda. In this accessible book, an internationally recognized immigration expert helps readers think biblically about this divisive issue, offering accessible, nuanced, and sympathetic guidance for the church. As both a Guatemalan and an American, M. Daniel Carroll R. is able to empathize with both sides of the struggle, and he argues that each side has much to learn.
This updated and revised edition reflects changes from the past five years, responds to criticisms of the first edition, and expands sections that have raised questions for readers. It includes a foreword by Samuel Rodríguez and an afterword by Ronald Sider. This timely, clear, and compassionate resource will benefit all Christians who are thinking through the immigration issue.
M. Daniel Carroll R.’s second edition of Christians at the Border could not be coming out at a more crucial time in our country’s history, when evangelicals of all political stripes are joining together to push for sensible immigration reform. This updated version reinforces the biblical call for Christians to ‘welcome the stranger’ and further lays out the case for viewing our country’s immigration policy through the lens of Scripture. As the son of an immigrant, as an academic, and as a theologian, Carroll deftly paints a picture of the struggles and merits of Hispanic immigration and why the American church benefits by embracing these brothers and sisters. This is a must-read for any Christian who is interested in immigration reform.
—Jim Wallis, president and founder, Sojourners
Christians at the Border dialogues fairly with other views and offers a sensitive and balanced call to Christian ethics on immigration. The book both examines direct commands in Scripture and highlights biblical models and principles, the same way that nineteenth-century biblical abolitionists argued their case for justice.
—Craig S. Keener, professor of New Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary
Danny Carroll’s lovely Christians at the Border is the best available treatment of how Christians should feel, think, and act concerning the issue of immigration. In a remarkably concise way, Carroll offers key historical, legal, and (most importantly) biblical considerations relevant to Christian engagement with immigration—and immigrants. The book is enriched profoundly by the author’s own bicultural background and perspective, which makes it possible for him to speak to both Hispanic and Anglo readers with equal insight and grace. This is the book that needs to be in every Christian’s hands right now as our legislatures debate immigration—and in the days and years that follow.
—David P. Gushee, Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics and director, Center for Theology and Public Life, Mercer University
M. Daniel Carroll R. is a professor of Old Testament at Denver Seminary and an adjunct professor of Old Testament at El Seminario Teologico Centroamericano in Guatemala City.
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Phil Niebergall