Digital Logos Edition
Explore how the centuries-old biblical texts still speak to modern readers with the Conversations with Scripture Series. Each book is an excellent resource for adult faith formation in the Anglican Church, focusing on the historical and critical background of the title’s topic.
The series includes volumes on all four Gospels, Second Isaiah, the book of Judges, the Psalms, Daniel, the Acts of the Apostles, and Revelation—as well as two topical volumes on the laws of Exodus and Leviticus and Jesus’ parables. Books in this series, cosponsored by the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars, are written in accessible language, sensitive to the needs of people who have little or no experience reading the Bible. Each chapter also features definitions and sidebars on related topics, as well as study questions.
In the Logos editions, these valuable volumes are enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
There are helpful sidebars, chapter notes and a list of further readings and conversations after each chapter. Church librarians will want to monitor this series.
—Church and Synagogue Library Association
Scripture contains many laws that perplex Christians—like a law prohibiting farmers from reaping a harvest to the edge of their field, or a prohibition in Leviticus not to mar the edge of your beard. What do these mean in modern times?
Kevin Wilson offers fresh insights into the meaning of the Law for today. In chapters that explore the Law in Exodus and Leviticus, Wilson examines the historical and cultural contexts of these legal codes. He also discusses rituals, such as sacrifice and rituals related to purification from defilement. Wilson demonstrates the ways in which the Temple priests used many of these laws as their own code of purity and their own method of enforcing purity in the covenant community.
Kevin Wilson’s introductory exposition of biblical Law is a must read. Unusually wide-ranging and broadly informative for a book of its size, it is jam-packed with information about the Torah’s commandments, sacrifices, rituals, and theology. Wilson works hard to explain clearly how we hear God’s Word today in these texts of the Law. He shows us how we can access the Law’s power to form the people of God. He moves us away from outdated approaches, giving us instead a vision of the Law as the foundation of the faith community and a crucible of patterns of life that lead to true freedom and spiritual growth. God’s Torah speaks loud and clear today, according to Wilson, giving us life-patterns that form and inform us as the people of God.
—Stephen L. Cook, department of Old Testament, Virginia Theological Seminary
Fresh insights into the meaning of the Law—and how Exodus and Leviticus provide guidelines for ethical behavior that helped shape a covenant community.
—Diocesan Dialogue, September 2006
This addition to the series breaks new ground. This is a gem for adult education.
—The Living Church, November 2006
Kevin A. Wilson is professor of biblical studies at Lithuania Christian College. He has taught Old Testament at Virginia Theological Seminary and biblical studies at Wartburg College. He is frequently a guest speaker in parishes in the Episcopal Dioceses of Maryland and Washington, DC, and he serves on the executive board of the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars.
Throughout its history, Judges has both entertained and appalled readers—some read it as a series of simple stories about faithfulness, while others red it as a brutal and bloodthirsty chronicle. Roy L. Heller explores how Judges can shape our understanding of the world and our relationships and can provide a path to a deeper appreciation of the ways of God among people. Far from seeing the book as either simplistic or cruel, Heller allows this odd text to speak to us anew about God, sin, relationships, and justice.
Roy L. Heller is associate professor of Old Testament at Southern Methodist University’s Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, Texas. He is the author of Narrative Structure and Discourse Constellations and Power, Politics, and Prophecy.
L. William Countryman brings his considerable biblical studies erudition, as well as his skills as a popular writer and published poet, to bear on the Psalms. You will experience this most beloved part of the scriptural canon in a fresh and exciting way as Countryman illumines the Psalms with insight and creativity.
L. William Countryman is professor emeritus of New Testament at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, California. He is the author of several books in biblical studies and spirituality, including the most recent Lovesongs & Reproaches: Passionate Conversations with God and Calling on the Spirit in Unsettling Times.
Rediscover the overwhelming, absolute worth of God through Second Isaiah. The “Holy One of Israel” in Second Isaiah is increasingly foreign to modern Anglicans. Uncomfortable with the uncanny, fiery side of God, they are left frustrated with both God’s mysterious ways and morality-centered Christianity. In Conversations with Scripture: 2 Isaiah, Stephen L. Cook reveals Second Isaiah as priestly Temple literature. Cook highlights the priestly themes and quotes the Temple texts—helping you to approach that which is utterly mysterious.
This is precisely the kind of biblical scholarship the church needs: integrating fresh research with profound spiritual and theological insight. With an eye to the saints, ancient and modern, Stephen Cook shows how Isaiah calls us to surrender ourselves, with courageous humility, and thus find ourselves, with dizzying joy.
—Ellen F. Davis, professor of Bible and practical theology, Duke Divinity School
For those willing to wade into some unknown scriptural waters with this study, there is little doubt that they will find a treasure in 2 Isaiah.
—Anglican Theological Review
Stephen L. Cook is Catherine N. McBurney Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature at Virginia Theological Seminary.
Edmond F. Desueza and Judith Jones invite you to consider the questions that Daniel raises and live out the answers. Who truly controls our lives? To what or whom do we owe ultimate allegiance? To whom do the kingdom, the power, and the glory belong? Written during a time when God’s people were struggling to discern how to remain faithful, even as their lives were dominated by the empire’s political and cultural forces. Daniel’s central themes have remained relevant throughout history. As people today try to make sense of a newly emerging global reality, Daniel continues to speak an important word about faithful living.
Edmond F. Desueza is a lawyer, theologian, and ordained Episcopal priest from the Dominican Republic, currently living and working in Newburgh, New York. He serves The Church of the Good Shepherd as priest-in-charge.
Judith Jones teaches biblical studies and religion at Warburg College in Waverly, Iowa. She is an Episcopal priest and biblical scholar with a PhD in New Testament from Emory University in Atlanta and an MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey.
Enter the narrative world and historical context of Matthew’s Gospel to encounter Jesus Christ in his mighty works and words. Focusing on particular social and theological issues, such as eschatology and Jewish-Christian conflict, John Yieh shows how Matthew used Jesus’ stories and teachings to instruct and sustain his racially mixed church to meet the severe challenges posed by Pharisaic opposition, Roman suspicion, and intramural tension. Echoed in the challenges faced by the Church today, Yieh encourages the study of Matthew’s Gospel as a way for the Church to articulate its faith and identity, to bear strong witness and unity, and to carry out its missions to baptize and teach the world.
John Yieh is a Chinese Anglican biblical scholar and professor of New Testament at Virginia Theological Seminary. He received his PhD from Yale University and has taught at both Bangor Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Theological School.
Most Christians are familiar with the story told in Mark’s Gospel—from the fishermen leaving their nets to the miracle of the loaves and fishes, to the political rumblings and the crucifixion. But who was Mark? Why was his Gospel written? And why is it charged with such a sense of immediacy? For noted Jesus scholar Marcus Borg, reading Mark is like “meeting Jesus again for the first time.” Learn about this earliest Gospel from the perspective of this important Anglican theologian.
Borg reminds us that the gift of Mark’s Gospel comes from the revelation of its meaning rather than from the literal translation of its text. Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Mark is a must-read for those who long to understand more fully the Kingdom of God and the person of Jesus as Son of God.
—John Bryson Chane, bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Washington, DC
The biggest mysteries of the Bible are the ones of the men behind the pens. Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Mark investigates the Gospel of Mark, one of the most crucial books of the Bible and how it came to be. With much historical sources, Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Mark seeks to understand Mark, and through that, gain a greater understanding of the Bible.
—The Midwest Book Review
With the cogent clarity of a crackerjack investigative reporter, Marcus Borg gives us the scoop on Mark, and ‘The Way’ of Jesus becomes—again, for the first time—a compelling journey of transformation for all seekers who dare follow.
—Anne Howard, executive director, The Beatitudes Society
Marcus J. Borg is a biblical and Jesus scholar. He is the author of 11 books, including God at 2000 and The Heart of Christianity.
Luke intuitively understands the importance of storytelling as the key to human growth, change, and healing. Speaking to the crisis of faith faced by his church, Luke retells the story of Jesus’ birth, ministry, death, and resurrection as a means of addressing the spiritual struggles that resurface generation after generation. Touching on issues of belonging, authority, tradition, behavior, and hope, Frederick W. Schmidt offers a reading of Luke’s Gospel that speaks to today’s reader.
In this engaging and readable text, Frederick Schmidt takes us into a conversation with Luke in ways that thrust us down deep into the life of the Spirit, preparing us to address the needs of the world today. When the good news of ‘then and there’ touches our lives in the ‘here and now,’ the Kingdom is indeed within us and among us. To read this book is to receive new eyes for reading again the Gospel of Luke, as though for the first time. I strongly recommend it!
—Paul N. Anderson, professor of biblical and Quaker studies, George Fox University
With much wisdom and scholarly insight on the volume, Schmidt makes the Gospel of Luke a highly educational read for Bible readers trying to understand a deeper meaning in their texts.
—The Midwest Book Review
By drawing us into conversation with Luke, Schmidt allows such rich, deep truths to challenge us, and discover anew where our hearts and minds are in need of conversion.
—Anglican Theological Review
Frederick W. Schmidt is director of spiritual formation / Anglican studies at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University. He is the author of many books and articles, plus multiple contributions to The Anchor Bible Dictionary.
For contemporary Christians, John’s Gospel is a paradox. On the one hand, it stresses boundaries: “No one comes to the Father except through me,” while on the other it stresses community: “I have no longer called you servants, but friends.” Here, readers are encouraged to draw out the tensions between these two perspectives to make the Gospel more meaningful to their lives.
The author, a professor of New Testament at Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, sees the Gospel of John as an invitation to become part of a ‘community of friends.’ Helpful side notes within chapters explain terms that may be unfamiliar. She succeeds in making readers want to open the Gospel to examine what it says.
—The Living Church
Cynthia Kittredge is an Episcopal priest and associate professor of New Testament at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas. She is the author of Community and Authority: The Rhetoric of Obedience in the Pauline Tradition and is a contributor to the New Oxford Annotated Bible. She holds a ThD from Harvard University.
The parables are vivid—arresting stories that make us think and teach us about our relationship with God and others. From talents to mustard seeds, and from shepherds to Samaritans, Jesus used common reference points to teach important truths. But the parables are filled with ambiguity and room for interpretation. With historical and cultural background, and careful scholarly detail, William Brosend helps readers explore the beauty, richness, and joy of the parables. Chapters are organized by parable types, such as seeking and growth.
Brosend, associate professor of homiletics at the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, contends that learning how to read the parables is key to knowing how to read Scripture. An 11-page section with study questions is included.
—New Testament Abstracts
William Brosend received his PhD from the University of Chicago, and is an Episcopal priest and professor at the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee.
The Acts of the Apostles serves as an ideal bridge between the four Gospels and the Epistles, revealing a crucial part of the Christian story. Here, we follow the story of Jesus’ earliest followers—from their call to be his witnesses “to the ends of the earth,” through their initial days of concord and numerical success, to the challenges they faced as unfamiliar newcomers entered the scene. We discover the leadership changes that resulted from these challenges, explore a council’s response to the struggles, and meet the champion who, against the odds, became the Church’s chief protagonist. C.K. Robertson presents a well-researched and highly readable exploration of the Acts of the Apostles.
Robertson has created that most difficult of things—a genuinely engaging commentary. His judicious blend of sound scholarship, peppery insights, and conversational language makes for an informative book upon a book that is as refreshing as it is as rare.
—Phyllis Tickle, founding editor, religious department, Publishers Weekly
This insightful study of the triumphs and struggles of the early church is especially relevant for Christians today, and equally engaging for individuals and small groups. It reminds us again of the practical lessons we can draw from our rich and ancient heritage.
—Kirk Smith, bishop of Arizona
C.K. Robertson is canon to the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, a former professor of communications and ethics at Georgia College & State University, and a fellow of the Episcopal Church Foundation. Robertson serves on several national boards (including the Anglican Theological Review), is a member of the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars, and is author or editor of numerous books and articles.
The book of Revelation both draws readers and repels them. It offers hope to some and instills fear in others. Frederick W. Schmidt explores the approaches that have dominated the interpretation of John’s Apocalypse and offers the reader an accessible means of understanding and evaluating them. With this grounding in hand, Schmidt explores how Revelation can shape our understanding of God and nurture our spiritual lives in unexpected ways.
Schmidt is a gracious and experienced teacher. He knows what false expectations his readers are likely to bring to the reading of Revelation, and offers just what we need for an encounter with the book that is honest to the text and to ourselves. Schmidt’s book will be widely used; and deserves to be.
—Robin Griffin-Jones, author, The Gospel according to Paul: The Creative Genius Who Brought Jesus to the World
If ever theological scholarship met the laity with grace and respect, it is here in this volume. And if the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars Conversations with Scripture Series, edited by Frederick Schmidt, can achieve the passion and the simplicity and the excitement of Schmidt’s own contribution to the Series in his Revelation, interested readers, be they Anglican or otherwise, will be infinitely richer in imagination as well as substance. I was charmed; I was instructed; I was deeply, deeply comforted by this book. Buy it, read it, and then take it to your heart for understanding.
—Phyllis Tickle, founding editor, religious department, Publishers Weekly
For many years now church leaders have been complaining that the biblical literacy of most denominations is falling. While that fact is not in dispute, what to do about it is a perennial debate. Now we may have an answer. Conversations with Scripture is a new series that is accessible, well written and intelligent. If we need to help people open the Bible, this series one of the most effective efforts we have made in a generation.
—The Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston, president and dean, Episcopal Divinity School
Frederick W. Schmidt is director of spiritual formation / Anglican studies at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University. He is the author of many books and articles, plus multiple contributions to The Anchor Bible Dictionary.
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