Digital Logos Edition
For over one hundred years, the International Critical Commentary series has held a special place among works on the Bible. It has sought to bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis—linguistic and textual no less than archaeological, historical, literary and theological—with a level of comprehension and quality of scholarship unmatched by any other series.
No attempt has been made to secure a uniform theological or critical approach to the biblical text: contributors have been invited for their scholarly distinction, not for their adherence to any one school of thought.
The depth of analysis found in the International Critical Commentary Series (ICC) Series is rivaled by few other commentary collections. One of the best features of this series is the extensive amount of background information given in each volume's introduction, where all of the analysis is provided before the actual commentary begins. Each volume packs more information into the introduction than you will often find in the body of most commentaries! Also consider that with the electronic versions of each volume, you will never need to leaf through the hundreds of pages in each volume searching for the passage you are studying.
“It is God’s wisdom31 which is made known to the heavenly powers. We might have expected his grace, or the lordship of Christ as in Phil 2:9–11 (cf v. 11 here), or salvation to be revealed, but it is wisdom; this follows appropriately after the many terms denoting revelation in 3:2–13. In 1 Cor 1:18ff God’s wisdom is related to the cross, and this relationship lies in the background here for the revelation which is disclosed is that of the reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles and the basis for this is the cross (2:14–22).” (Page 323)
“The precise significance of ὡς is difficult to determine. It could mean that wives should submit to their husbands as they would to the Lord, but hardly as implying also ‘and not as to men’ (Col 3:23 is not a parallel), or, if understood causally, that wives should submit because of the Lord. In either case the wife’s relationship to her husband is set within the perspective of her relation to her Lord; the relation of husband and wife is not only ‘horizontal’; it contains a ‘vertical’ component (Miletic, 32f); the wife’s subordination is then a religious act and has a wider context than that of the contemporary patriarchal understanding of the family.” (Page 533)
“Of course names can be a great help to research students who feel they ought to examine every book and article that has been written in the last ten years and comment on them rather than on the text. There are however better means for research students to find out what has been written than examining lists of references in commentaries.” (Page xii)
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Mark Milas
Jim Rudolph
Ariel Isaac Alvarenga de Góes
Scott S. Scheurich
Joseph Park