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The Wycliffe Bible Commentary Old Testament

, 1962
ISBN: 9780802496959

Digital Logos Edition

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The Wycliffe Bible Commentary is written and edited by a wide cross section of American Protestant Christianity. Within the limits of its more than a million and one-quarter words, it attempts to treat the entire text of the New Testament on a phrase by phrase basis. In addition, summaries of the major sections of each biblical book generally appear in the text in connection with the main headings in the outline. Thus the reader is permitted an overview and a detailed discussion of a passage at the same time. This commentary was acclaimed by Wilbur M. Smith as easily the best of its kind originating in this country, taking full advantage of the latest scholarly research. Forty-eight of America's leading scholars have contributed to this complete, up-to-date commentary.

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Top Highlights

“Alexander died in the thirty-third year of his age, of fever and alcohol, at Babylon. In the subsequent twenty years, his winnings were divided into four parts among four of his military successors. Two of the resultant divisions—Egypt under the Ptolemies (the last of whom was the famous Cleopatra) and Syria under the Seleucids, the historic kings of the South and the North, respectively—are of importance as neighbors of the Jews.” (Daniel 8:8)

“In Scripture the kiss is frequently referred to as an expression of a deep and pure love” (Song of Solomon 1:1)

“The man of quiet, passive, timid faith was joined in marriage to a woman so bold, so adventurous, so ambitious, that she was destined to bring him grief in the years ahead.” (Genesis 24:62)

“This great verse, the best known in all Chronicles, expresses as does no other in Scripture God’s requirement for national blessing, whether in Solomon’s land, in Ezra’s, or in our own. Those who believe must forsake their sins, turn from the life that is centered in self, and yield to God’s word and will. Then, and only then, will heaven send revival.” (2 Chronicles 7:12)

“He is under God’s protection. His head is anointed with perfumed oil. His every need is completely satisfied. On the basis of this trust, every moment of his life will be filled with God’s richest blessings. The greatest blessing will be an intimate fellowship with God through continued worship of Him.” (Psalm 23:5)

  • Title: The Wycliffe Bible Commentary: Old Testament
  • Author: Charles F. Pfeiffer
  • Series: Wycliffe Bible Commentary
  • Publisher: Moody
  • Print Publication Date: 1962
  • Logos Release Date: 2001
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. O.T. › Commentaries
  • ISBNs: 9780802496959, 0802496954
  • Resource ID: LLS:29.2.1
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-28T20:01:45Z

Charles F. Pfeiffer was professor of ancient literatures at Central Michigan University. He graduated from Moody Bible Institute and held a B.A. from Temple University, a B.D. from Reformed Episcopal Theological Seminary, a Th.M. from Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning.


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  1. John McDaniel
    this is over priced compared to other similar commentaries on Logos website. Also it is divided into OT and NT, I have the physical book in one volume.
  2. Bill & Gail OBrallahan
