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Products>An Exposition on Prayer in the Bible: Genesis-2 Samuel

An Exposition on Prayer in the Bible: Genesis-2 Samuel

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An Exposition on Prayer is the lifework of Dr. Jim Rosscup. For the past fifteen years of an incredible fifty years of teaching, Dr. Jim Rosscup has been laboring on his “magnum opus” and is ready to pass on his wealth of knowledge in, and experience with prayer to future generations in this comprehensive five volume set. Dr. Jim Rosscup presents a pre-millennial perspective on prophetical passages and has been careful to cordially address those areas where Bible students might doctrinally or topically disagree with one another, making this monumental work an excellent tool that can be utilized by a wide range of readers. His goal was to surge “right to the point, seeking to be crystal clear, and helping readers see the truth yet be refreshed and motivated to worship God in ceaseless tenacity.” The focus of this treatise is, therefore, not on ivory tower idealism in academic heaviness, but on life and dynamism, stated in such a way that is faithful to each text. A leading feature of this exposition is to show how prayer is not only relevant to the biblical episodes, but to the myriad scenarios of our own lives. Pastors, teachers, and laypersons can use the powerful information in this resource to create a catalyst to prime a transforming life-walk anchored to biblical principle. This is an exposition of prayer that confirms what God teaches us in the true flow of Scripture for situations that impact our lives and help us grow in our relationship with Him. Those who seek to fuel the flame of communication with God will find this an extremely useful resource. Key concepts are embedded within the exposition, such as how prayer relates to intercessions, petitions, questions, affirmations, vows and oaths, trials, and prophecies and their fulfillment. The exposition concludes each passage of prayer with a set of clear principles, gleaned from the text, to help in practical applications for the reader. It must be noted that, due to the vast number of prayers in Psalms, the author has selected to focus on 21 key psalms. An extensive index shows each prayer in the exact context in which it occurs in the Bible, and allows for careful cross referencing to make the search almost effortless in locating just about any topic related to prayer. Logos is proud to offer Dr. Jim Rosscup’s lucid, encyclopedic exposition on prayer. Written with clarity and directness, careful interpretation and diligent choice of words, this exposition boldly captures the Scriptural flow about prayer and the rich truth it conveys. The Bible refers to the word prayer or expresses a prayer in 61 of its 66 books, making close to 1,100 distinct references to and about prayer. Beginning with Genesis, Rosscup identifies each prayer with an introduction and a title that corresponds to its message. He offers clarification of the author, date, theme and background, provides an expositional outline, with numerous details under each heading, and a brief synopsis of the role that prayer plays in that particular passage or book. Here are pertinent introductions to Bible books, key aspects in settings and customs, flowing outlines and expositions that highlight the relevancy of almost every Scripture verse on prayer, and practical principles to fan a life of prayer. Those passages that contain more crucial teaching on prayer receive additional deliberation. Paul exhorts us to devote ourselves to prayer (Col 4:2) and to pray without ceasing (1 Thess.5:17). He relied on the prayers of those to whom he wrote, thankful for their supplications to God on his behalf. We know the importance of prayer, that it is more than just asking God for things. Prayer teaches us God’s will. In reading the Bible, we see that prayer is saturated within God’s Word. It impacts important events, interweaving with God’s sovereign plan in history. How do we tap into this deep well of knowledge about prayer in the Scriptures? How can we best communicate with the Creator of the universe?

  • A lucid, encyclopedic exposition on prayer that boldly captures the Scriptural flow about prayer and the rich truth it conveys
  • An extremely useful resource for those who seek to fuel the flame of communication with God
  • The lifework of Dr. Jim Rosscup, 15 years in the writing!
  • Completely interactive with your Logos library

Top Highlights

“Revelation. If He can do the miracle that the very first verse, Gen. 1:1, reviews, He can do other miracles in the rest of Scripture, or in any case where this pleases Him. His ability is a challenge for faith that comes to Him in prayer expecting great answers (cf. Jer. 32:17; Eph. 3:20).” (Page 6)

“Burnt offerings were entirely consumed, a picture of the offerer’s complete dedication to God’s will.” (Page 535)

“First, it is a great privilege to call on God in prayer that engages heart with heart, so let us have much of this (cf. Phil. 4:6). Second, praying to the Lord is a natural spiritual impulse amid the blessing of His gifts, in this case a son. Third, to have recourse in the name of the Lord is to be in the best company where one finds the best answers.” (Page 26)

“only 61 of the books refer to prayer as it does not occur in Esther, Song of Solomon, Obadiah, Haggai, and Second John” (Page 1)

“The work develops in its various passages the recurring parts/aspects that can comprise prayer. For example it looks at the main aspects in which prayer appears—praise/thanks, confession, petition, intercession, affirmation, oath, vow, blessing, availability (‘Here I am’), question.” (Page 1)

This is the most comprehensive material that has ever been written on prayer. Jim Rosscup, in his usual and rich manner, has pulled together everything the Scripture has said on prayer and explained it. Not only is this a massive treatment from the Word of God, but from a man who, for twenty years, has been teaching a life transforming course on prayer at The Master's Seminary. He has been living out these truths and teaching thousands of young ministers to do the same with profound blessing.

—John MacArthur, Author; Pastor/Teacher, Grace Community Church; President, The Master’s College and Seminary

Those of us in the ministry have needed a work like this. Rosscup's thorough research has placed before us a clear explanation of the variety of prayers in the Bible, their content, and how we can make our own prayers and/or sermons more effective. Happy is the preacher who has access to this important work.

—Dr. Cyril J. Barber, Author The Minister’s Library; Pastor Emeritus, Plymouth Church, Whittier, CA

I have known Jim Rosscup for over forty years as a man of prayer—first as one of his original students, then as a colleague and, now, a lifelong friend.  The work on prayer comes  both from Jim’s religious affections (to use Jonathan Edwards’ term), and from his unprecedented interaction with the entire corpus of God’s Word on prayer.  Every reader will profit from the writer’s carefully researched and nuanced observations and vibrant applications.  What a gift this encyclopedic work is to the Church universal.

—R. Kent Hughes, Senior Pastor Emeritus, College Church, Wheaton, author of many Bible commentaries

This is a truly remarkable work. It combines some of the very best elements of a commentary and a biblical theology on prayer. Individual passages are understood within the broader context of the chapters and books in which they are found. At the same time, interpretation is meticulously careful about the details of each passage. This work is a great resource for pastors in search of material for a sermon series on prayer. It also provides a wealth of material for individual and group Bible studies on prayer. I can see this work being of great benefit for personal devotions as well. Dr. Rosscup has done a great service to the Church in preparing this study!

—Dr. John Feinberg, Chair and Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; author of No One Like Him: The Doctrine of God, and co-author with Paul D. Feinberg of Ethics for a Brave New World

From its inception at The Master’s Seminary, Dr. Jim Rosscup’s class on the subject of prayer has been a favorite and transforming study for the men entering into ministry. It is thrilling to know that this exceptional scholar’s exceptional material will now be available for the general public. I have personally benefited from Dr. Rosscup's vast knowledge of the Bible and especially his understanding of its teaching on prayer.

—Elizabeth George, women's Bible teacher and author of 50 books, study guides, and Bible studies, including A Woman After God's Own Heart and A Woman After God's Own Heart, Bible Study Series

Often in commentaries, prayers in the Bible are afforded little attention. Dr. Rosscup’s masterful and thorough exposition of biblical prayers is both insightful and inspirational.

—Harold Hoehner, Professor of New Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary; Author Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary

James Rosscup prays! In his work, the mind of an excellent scholar unites with a heart forged in the quiet closet of prayer. Drawing on a lifetime of praying, Dr. Rosscup takes his readers on an incredible journey through all the biblical references to prayer.

—Patrick E. Murphy (Ph.D. Université de Montréal), Director of Graduate Studies, Le Séminaire Baptiste Évangélique du Québec, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Dr. James Rosscup, a veteran of nearly 45 years of teaching both in his local church and in his capacity as a seminary professor of Bible Exposition, has given the body of Christ, quite simply, the most unique, comprehensive, conservative, evangelical, expository, wise, and very practical book on prayer that has ever been written. In nearly three thousand pages, we are treated to rich, substantive material which seeks to canvas every single passage in the whole of Scripture that has anything to do with the subject of prayer. No one, to my knowledge, has ever attempted to write a book that shows the implications and nuances of every possible verse in the Bible which has to do with prayer, but now we have--with the mere click of a computer mouse--a monumental treasure at our fingertips! How can we thank the author enough for this labor of love, which has been well over 15 years in the making. I suppose the best way we could thank him would be to read and savor this most excellent and unique contribution to the study of the Word of God and what it teaches us about prayer.

—Dr. Lance Quinn, Pastor, The Bible Church, Little Rock, Arkansas; Professor of Theology and Pastoral Ministry, The Expositors Seminary; President, The National Association of Nouthetic Counselors

The style is simple, clear, and in a spirit to represent the biblical text faithfully. I am certain that my colleagues in Campus Crusade for Christ will discover this resource to be indispensable since prayer is involved at all points of evangelism and discipleship. Beyond this, reading the entries in the various biblical books has become a refreshing spring to my own prayer life.

—David Sunde, Co-Founder, FamilyLife, Author, Growing Together in Christ

Long known for his careful scholarship and practical exposition of the Bible, Dr. Jim Rosscup has created a valuable and useful handbook on everything the Bible has to say about prayer. This volume is a treasure-trove of insights on one of the most important themes in all of Scripture.

—Clinton E. Arnold, Professor and Chairman, Department of New Testament, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. Editor, Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary and 3 Crucial Questions About Spiritual Warfare

This monumental work on prayer is an extremely practical exposition of every case of prayer recorded in Scripture, except in the Psalms only 21 key psalms are included. Dr. Rosscup is a gifted writer and one of the foremost biblical teachers and expositors in America today. Students of the Word will profit from this clear and spiritually insightful volume. The work's genius is that it flows as a biblical theology from Scripture itself. The practical lessons drawn from each prayer encountered are totally enriching. What a wealth of blessing on each page! I heartily recommend this work to every layman for rich devotional reading, and to every pastor and teacher who desires to share the depths of God's Word with eager disciples.

—Dr. James A. Borland, Professor, New Testament and Theology, Liberty University; Past President, Evangelical Theological Society

  • Title: An Exposition on Prayer in the Bible
  • Author(s): James E. Rosscup
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems
  • Publication Date: 2007

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Dr. Jim Rosscup has received awards for journalism, feature writing, essays, and his ThD dissertation. After completing his Master of Theology program at Dallas Theological Seminary in 1961, he served on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ for one year, with responsibilities for their Collegiate Challenge magazine. He earned his ThD in Bible at Dallas Theological Seminary in 1966, and his PhD in New Testament at King’s College, University of Aberdeen, Scotland in 1976.

From 1965 to 1987 Dr. Rosscup served as chairman of the department of Bible Exposition at Talbot Theological Seminary. Dr. Rosscup has also served as an adjunct faculty member for Grace Theological Seminary in its doctoral program, and has written a number of articles and books, among which are Abiding in Christ: Studies in John 15 and Commentaries for Biblical Expositors. Rosscup is active in his local church, and has spoken often in conference and church ministries throughout the Southwest. Dr. Rosscup joined the faculty of The Master’s Seminary in 1987. He retired from fulltime teaching in June 2005, but continues to teach a course or two each semester.


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