Digital Logos Edition
This Faithlife Ebook is being made into a Logos edition. Learn more about Logos editions.
“1. False conversions deceive the individuals themselves about their state before the Lord.” (source)
“3. False conversions deceive the nations by subverting the church’s witness” (source)
“2. False conversions deceive a church and hinder love within the body” (source)
“4. False conversions defame the glory of God’s name.” (source)
“If we are justified through faith, isn’t it true that we are also sanctified through faith? Yes, says DeYoung, but ‘through’ means something different. This latter gift from God comes through divinely enabled toil and effort. It is not enough to say, ‘look to the Lord’ or ‘get gripped by the gospel.’ Growth in the underestimated gospel requires Spirit-powered, gospel-driven, faith-fueled work.” (source)