Digital Logos Edition
Few individuals have had such an overwhelming and comprehensive influence on evangelical Christianity as John MacArthur, Jr. He has written hundreds of books and study guides each thoroughly biblical and practical. This bundle brings together seven helpful titles from this esteemed preacher and Bible teacher and provides a wealth of study materials.
Explore many of MacArthur’s most popular works that carefully examine a variety of topics including heaven, spiritual discernment, salvation and many more. With a scriptural basis, these books will discuss difficult questions and issues and encourage you to apply the teachings in your life.
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Near the end of his ministry, Charles H. Spurgeon wrote a series of articles entitled “The Down Grade.” He was warning the church of his day that Christianity was on the decline, and worse, the downward momentum seemed to be overtaking evangelicalism. Christian leaders were becoming worldly, spiritually cold, and tolerant of doctrinal error. So much so, that he feared the church would eventually forfeit its testimony altogether. Sadly, his prediction came true, and evangelicalism in early twentieth-century England was decimated.
Today, MacArthur is sounding the same cry in Ashamed of the Gospel, bringing the same type of issues to the forefront of evangelical awareness. But while Spurgeon battles modernism—which led to a denial of doctrines fundamental to the Christian faith—MacArthur is primarily concerned with “pragmatism.” Pragmatism ignores doctrine and focuses more on achieving “success” than on communicating God’s Word unashamedly. Tragically, this theology: emphasizes church growth over church doctrine; makes entertaining congregations more important than feeding them spiritually, and views truth as being secondary to “what works.” The challenging message of Ashamed of the Gospel is one that today’s church dare not ignore. And it offers a warning that can make the difference for an entire congregation between walking in the light or living in the dark.
Our pictures of life in heaven cover the range from comical to curious, mystical to fictitious—with maybe some biblical truth thrown in. For example: We know angels will be there. But thanks to TV, we think of them as being gorgeous, white-robed beings with enormous wings. We know we will be given new bodies, but books have convinced us that this means we will end up with a set of wings ourselves. And cartoons, movies, and music have portrayed those who have gone to heaven as having full knowledge of what’s happening to their loved ones on earth. But if heaven is in your future, a Hollywood scriptwriter’s interpretation or some artist’s rendering of it just won’t do. You need to know the truth, which, ironically, is far better than anything our creative minds can imagine. The only one who knows the glorious truth about heaven is God. And the only place to find that truth is in his Word. In this book, John MacArthur takes you through those very Scriptures and opens your heart to the realities of heaven, angels, and eternal life. It’s a joyous study of every Christian’s future. A future that you can and should anticipate. Come along with this best-selling author for an in-depth look at where you’ll spend eternity. Open up The Glory of Heaven—and catch a glimpse of home.
“It is my [MacArthur] desire that this book would awaken you and encourage your heart toward the key spiritual attitudes that will motivate and transform your life from the inside out. With that in mind we will discuss 13 fundamental attitudes, or pillars if you will, of Christian character that Scripture teaches all genuine followers of Christ must possess and be continually developing. It is not an exhaustive list, but each attitude is essential for mature Christian behavior.”
We live in a society that has largely abandoned moral standards and Christian principles. Unkept campaign promises, false advertising, exaggerated tax exemptions, employee theft—compromise has become a way of life. Such moral concession has even invaded the church. Faced with an opportunity to proclaim Christ to unbelievers, we feel intimidated and keep silent. Or we water down God’s Word on ethical issues at work or in our community to avoid rejection. Too often we prefer hypocrisy to integrity.
But God longs for his people to be different—to maintain a commitment to his standards, no matter what the cost. Is consistent obedience to God—integrity—attainable in this world of sin and self? By the grace and power of God, yes! One of the nation’s most respected pastors points the way to persevering character in Christ. Drawing from spiritual examples of godly men who modeled integrity during severe testing, MacArthur makes a compelling case for the impact a man or woman of integrity can have in our world. A helpful study guide for individuals or groups is included.
It’s a fact of life: our health declines if we don’t nourish our bodies every day with food and water. That’s true physically. It’s true spiritually as well. If we neglect to regularly feed our souls on the Holy Scriptures, our faith becomes weak and we start to lose touch with our Savior. Growth is stifled—if it happens at all. Drawing Near, used daily in combination with God’s Holy Word, can not only help bring you closer to God but also keep you from spiritual stagnation. This book will guide you in a growing relationship with him.
Combining Scripture, reflections, and in-depth exposition from one of today’s best-loved Bible teachers, MacArthur’s daily devotional Strength for Today gives you a firmer grasp of great passages from God’s Word, encourages you to apply them to your life, and helps you journey through each day of the year with wisdom, grace, integrity, and joy.
Few concepts are more basic to Christianity—or more important to a Christian’s personal and spiritual well-being—than forgiveness. Yet in an age in which it has become fashionable to “forgive yourself” rather than to forgive others, can our modern ways of understanding guilt, blame, mercy, and justice be reconciled with Jesus’ teaching?
MacArthur begins The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness by examining the doctrine of the atonement, the basis for any teaching on forgiveness. He then answers some common questions, such as: Why are we supposed to seek God’s forgiveness if he has already justified us? How should we handle repeat offenses against us? When is restitution appropriate? MacArthur then presents potent, relevant biblical principles of forgiveness.
John MacArthur is a fifth-generation pastor, a popular author and conference speaker, and has served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969.
John’s pulpit ministry has been extended around the globe through his media ministry, Grace to You, and its satellite offices in Canada, Europe, India, New Zealand, and Singapore. In addition to producing daily radio programs for nearly 2,000 English and Spanish radio outlets worldwide, Grace to You distributes books, software, audiotapes, and CDs by John MacArthur. In 36 years of ministry, Grace to You has distributed more than 13 million CDs and audiotapes.
John is the president of The Master’s College and The Master’s Seminary, and he has written hundreds of books and study guides, each one thoroughly biblical and practical.
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Jason Maring
Jason Bartlett