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The Journal of Moral Theology (JMT) focuses on contemporary issues in Catholic moral theology, offering scholarly articles deeply rooted in the Catholic Tradition. You’ll also find theological treatments of modern debates covering a range of topics, from economics to psychology. Leading Catholic moral theologians like Michael J. Gorman, James F. Keenan, and Lisa Sowle Cahill address questions of ethics, discuss Christology, study influential Catholic figures, and examine Catholic social teaching. JMT was first published in 2012 and is sponsored by the Fr. James M. Forker Professorship of Catholic Social Teaching and the College of Liberal Arts at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
In the Logos editions, these issues of JMT are enhanced by cutting-edge research tools. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
For a massive collection of journals from world-renowned scholars across a variety of disciplines, check out the Master Journal Bundle (1,280+ vols.).
Key Features
Provides scholarly examination of modern issues from a Catholic perspective
Publishes research by leading Catholic moral theologians
Elizabeth Newman: Modern Pluralism or Divine Plentitude? Toward a Christological Ontology
Neil Ormerod: Christ, Globalization, and the Church
Jeffrey P. Bishop: Body Work and the Work of the Body
Christopher McMahon: Review Essay: Beyond the Historical Jesus: Embracing Christology in Scripture, Doctrine, and Ethics
Christopher McMahon teaches in the department of theology at St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He is the author of Jesus Our Salvation and Called Together: An Introduction to Ecclesiology.
Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 1, Number 1: Formative Figures of Contemporary American Catholic Moral Theology
Jeffrey P. Bishop: Body Work and the Work of the Body
David Cloutier and William C. Mattison III: Review Essay: Method in American Catholic Moral Theology After Veritatis Splendor
Christopher P. Vogt is chair and associate professor of theology and religious studies at St. John’s University in Jamaica, New York. He has a PhD from Boston College and an MTS from Harvard University. He is on the board of the North American Regional Planning Committee for Catholic Theological Ethics in a World Church. He is also the author of Patience, Compassion, Hope, and the Christian Art of Dying Well.
Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 2, Number 2: The Church and the World
William T. Cavanaugh: Westphalia and Back: Complexifying the Church-World Duality in Catholic Thought
Laurie Johnston: The “Signs of the Times” and their Readers in Wartime and in Peace
Claire E. Wolfteich: Time Poverty, Women’s Labor, and Catholic Social Teaching: A Practical Theological Exploration
David M. Lantigua and David A. Clairmont: Between Inculturation and Natural Law: Comparative Method in Catholic Moral Theology
Ramón Luzárraga: Syncretism: Why Latin American and Caribbean Theologians Want to Replace a “Fighting Word” in Theology
Tracey Rowland: The World in the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI
Amelia J. Uelmen: Mapping a Method for Dialogue: Exploring the Tensions between Razian Autonomy and Catholic Solidarity as Applied to Euthanasia
Christopher P. Vogt: Review Essay: Locating the Church in the World: Ethnography, Christian Ethics, and the Global Church
Christopher P. Vogt is chair and associate professor of theology and religious studies at St. John’s University in Jamaica, New York. He has a PhD from Boston College and an MTS from Harvard University. He is on the board of the North American Regional Planning Committee for Catholic Theological Ethics in a World Church. He is also the author of Patience, Compassion, Hope, and the Christian Art of Dying Well.
Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 3, Number 1: Virtue
Editor: David M. Cloutier and William C. Mattison III
Martin Rhonheimer: Moral Reason, Person and Virtue: The Aristotelian-Thomistic Perspective in the Face of Current Challenges from Neurobiology
Jean Porter: The Desire for Happiness and the Virtues of the Will
John R. Bowlin: Elevating and Healing: Reflections on Summa Theologiae I—II q. 109, a. 2
Patrick M. Clark: The Case for an Exemplarist Approach to Virtue in Catholic Moral Theology
Maureen H. O’Connell: After White Supremacy? The Viability of Virtue Ethics for Racial Justice
Angela Knobel: Ends and Virtues
Charles R. Pinches: Virtue, Action, and the Human Species
Andrew Kim: Progress in the Good: A Defense of the Thomistic Unity Thesis
Lisa Fullam: Teresa of Avila’s Liberative Humility
Elizabeth Agnew Cochran: Faith, Love, and Stoic Assent: Reconsidering Virtue in the Reformed Tradition
David Cloutier and William C. Mattison III: Review Essay: The Resurgence of Virtue in Recent Moral Theology
David M. Cloutier is associate professor in the theology department of Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland. He has an MA and PhD from Duke University. He is the author of Love, Reason, and God's Story: An Introduction to Catholic Sexual Ethics and editor of Leaving and Coming Home: New Wineskins for Catholic Sexual Ethics.
William C. Mattison III is assistant professor of theology at The Catholic University of America.
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