Digital Logos Edition
Study the Old Testament and gain deeper understanding of covenants in contemporary theology with insights from top Reformed scholar, Meredith Kline, a specialist on the Pentateuch, as well as on ancient history and culture.
Building on the legacy of Geerhardus Vos, Kline was a supporter of covenant theology in the Reformed tradition, best known for his work on ancient Near Eastern treaties, and the relationship of these treaties to biblical covenants and biblical scholarship. This collection gathers some of his best works, including foundational texts such as Kingdom Prologue: Genesis Foundations for a Covenantal Worldview and Treaty of the Great King: The Covenant Structure of Deuteronomy: Studies and Commentary. You’ll get the festschrift published in his honor—with contributions from multiple scholars and former students, as well as studies on Zechariah’s night visions, the nature of the divine image in humanity, a primer in covenant theology, and more.
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One of the most able Old Testament scholars of the twentieth century, Meredith Kline has done pathbreaking research and has opened new doors of understanding to the Scriptures. If you want to interpret the Bible accurately, you cannot afford to ignore the writings of Meredith Kline.
—Luder Whitlock, former president, Reformed Theological Seminary
This festschrift honors Meredith G. Kline and his distinguished 50-year career with contributions from scholars as well as some former students. Explore essays from Tremper Longman III, J. Robert Vannoy, F. Charles Fensham, Mark W. Karlberg, Raymond B. Dillard, and more. Essays discussed include “Calvin on the Four Last Books of Moses,” “The Structure and Plan of John’s Apocalypse,” “Baptism, Servanthood, and Sonship,” and “Covenant, Universal Call, and Definite Atonement.”
Howard Griffith is associate professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. Previously, he served for 22 years as pastor of All Saints Reformed Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia. He holds masters degrees from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and he earned his PhD at Westminster Theological Seminary.
John R. Muether is the director of the library and associate professor of church history at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He holds masters degrees from Simmons College and Westminster Theological Seminary. He serves as ruling elder in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. His publications include Fighting the Good Fight: A Brief History of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, With Reverence and Awe: Returning to the Basics of Reformed Worship, Seeking a Better Country: 300 Years of American Presbyterianism, and Cornelius Van Til: Reformed Apologist and Churchman.
Find insight into Zechariah’s night visions with this reproduction of a series of articles that appeared in the journal Kerux, designed to serve those preaching on the visions. As indicated by the title of the volume, Meredith G. Kline argues that the glory of the heavenly presence of the triune God is the dominant reality in Zechariah’s visionary world. And central in the message of the night visions is the gospel promise that this glory presence is vouchsafed to God’s people at last in eschatological fullness.
Kline offers a biblical-theological reading of the prophetic visions of Zechariah 1–6, studying the significance of these visions in the light of their identity as part of the overall eschatological drama of the kingdom of God from creation to consummation. Though differing somewhat in form from the usual verse-by-verse commentary, this biblical theological study is still a work of rigorous exegesis, with fresh solutions for the key exegetical puzzles that the enigmatic symbolism of the visions presents. Featured throughout the night visions is a remarkably rich revelation of the Messiah, and reflecting that, each chapter represents a different office or redemptive act of Christ that is highlighted in the vision in view.
Meredith Kline provides a primer in covenant theology—taking the gist of some of his previous biblio-theological studies and making them accessible to a wider readership. Kline notes, “The major move in this democratic direction was to enliven the analysis of the covenants by introducing the series of covenant administrations within the intriguing story line of Har Magedon, the mountain of God. Extending as it does from creation to consummation, the tale of Har Magedon readily accommodates the total history of the covenants . . . . If only in condensed, digest fashion the present work is thus a comprehensive biblio-theological survey of the kingdom of God from Eden to the New Jerusalem.”
In this volume Meredith Kline develops the underlying concept of the theophanic Glory-cloud as the image of God. Prominent Old Testament scholar Kline identifies the major symbolic models employed in Scripture to expound the nature of the divine image in humanity—the priestly and the prophetic.
One of the Meredith G. Kline’s landmark works, this study focuses on the book of Genesis and its account of the formative ages in the eschatological movement of the kingdom of God—from creation to consummation. This biblical-theological commentary on Genesis is designed to uncover the foundations of God’s covenantally administered kingdom with its major historical developments and its institutional structures and functions. In this way Kingdom Prologue introduces the overall shape of the biblical worldview and the character of biblical religion.
Meredith Kline continues investigating ancient Near Eastern treaties and their relevance to theology with this study on the doctrine of the Word. He presents a collection of articles about the canonicity of Scripture, primarily of the Old Testament. Kline also suggest some extensions of the main theses into the New Testament. He reexamines the formal character of Scripture as such, and asks the central question, “What is the Bible?” He presents a somewhat distinctive answer here, in line with the new direction taken in the formulation of biblical canonicity.
Explore foundational studies in Meredith Kline’s career as a covenant theologian. Treaty of the Great King compiles detailed analysis and strong evidence in support of interpreting Deuteronomy as a legal document between Israel and YHWH that was patterned after ancient Near Eastern treaties, with Moses as its primary compiler. Kline traces the relevance of the recovery of the treaty form for our understanding of the nature of the Decalogue and Deuteronomy, with particular reference to Old Testament higher criticism.
Meredith G. Kline (1922–2008) was professor emeritus of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Westminster Seminary California. He also taught at Claremont School of Theology and Reformed Theological Seminary. He received his BD and ThM from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) and his PhD in Assyriology and Egyptology from Dropsie College. Professor Kline maintained an active writing and teaching ministry, and was also an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
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Eduardo Mercado
Stephen Migotsky
Cris Dickason
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