Digital Logos Edition
The challenge of contemporary preaching is packaging a message that holds the attention and touches the hearts of those who listen—while offering biblical substance in the process. Many preachers long to bring exposition and narrative together in a style that leads to transcendent moments. Calvin Miller has preached and equipped preachers for decades. In Preaching, he offers a volume of helpful insights for pastors and homiletics students to deliver the heart of the Gospel via the Jesus-approved vessel of compelling storytelling.
The Logos edition of this work on preaching is fully searchable and easily accessible. Scripture passages link directly to your English translations and to the original language texts, and important theological concepts link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and the wealth of resources in your digital library.
“All in all, we may be sure that the sermon attendee of today listens with the eyes rather than the ears. It would be great to be sure that we are preaching in pictures, for pictures are the language of the age.” (Page 19)
“To get the job done preaching must be committed to two goals: first it should be passionate and second, fascinating. Passion makes preaching seem imperative and urgent. Narrative is a force that postmodern preachers must use and listeners must reckon with. Narrative handcuffs intrigue to the ancient text.” (Page 12)
“ Preachers must always be thinking of the application all the time they are dispensing information.” (Page 69)
“Third, preaching Christ means that we build within the sermon Christ’s own altar appeal.” (Page 63)
“Passion can never be genuine unless the preacher owns a burning need for a God-relationship. Zeal must own the herald before the herald can preach it into others. I believe that preachers who have no God-hunger may have some good things to say but they lack the passion that is essential to create the kingdom of God and transform the world.” (Page 16)
One of our best preachers and writers tells us what he does best—and why and how.
—Eugene Peterson, pastor, scholar, and author
Miller comes as a master storyteller to teach us how to tell the Gospel to a generation thirsting for narratives to explain our world.
—Bryan Chapell, chancellor, Covenant Theological Seminary
[This book] can change your preaching for a lifetime.
—Haddon Robinson, Harold John Ockenga Professor of Preaching, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
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Dustin DeJong